The Primordial Tamer Chapter 293 Stellar Tower’s Third Floor

In an instant, Orion was forcibly propelled to the third floor of the building, his body jolting with the sudden movement. As he gathered his bearings, he took in his new surroundings.

The third floor was remarkably similar to the second floor he had just departed from, with the same bland, gray walls and fluorescent lighting. But there was one notable difference - the air was thick with tension and the sounds of impending danger.

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Orion’s heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed his new surroundings. He could feel the eyes of his enemies trained on him, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. He could sense their malice and aggression, as if it was a tangible force emanating from their bodies.

Meanwhile, Mason had been wandering through the building, his eyes scanning every nook and cranny for any sign of life or useful information. As he made his way down a long hallway, he came across a door that piqued his curiosity.

Mason approached the door cautiously, his hand reaching out to turn the doorknob. He half-expected it to be locked or lead to a dead-end, but to his surprise, the door opened smoothly and silently.

As he stepped inside, Mason was taken aback by what he saw - or rather, what he didn’t see. The room was completely empty, devoid of any furniture or decor. There were no windows or other doors, only blank walls and a ceiling that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

For a moment, Mason stood frozen in confusion and disbelief. How could such a room exist in the midst of a heavily guarded building? Was it some sort of trap or decoy meant to throw off intruders like himself?

His mind raced with questions and possibilities, but he knew he had to keep moving forward. With a deep breath, Mason exited the strange room and resumed his search, his senses heightened and his nerves on edge.

Mason’s exploration of the building came to a sudden halt as he heard a low growling sound. He quickly turned to locate the source of the noise, and his eyes widened in surprise and fear.

There, in front of him, were grey wolves. Their fur was matted, and their teeth were bared in a menacing snarl. Mason realized with a jolt of shock that he had unknowingly stumbled upon the Stellar Tower.

Meanwhile, Orion’s eyes widened as he spotted the two massive beasts before him. They were Iron Tusk Boars - notorious for their strength and ferocity - and they were both in the Ninth-Stage Warrior Realm.

Undeterred, Orion tightened his grip on his crystal knife and spoke with conviction. "This time, it is you two," he declared. "I don’t need to summon Atlas. I alone am enough to defeat you."

Of course, the Iron Tusk Boars didn’t understand Orion’s words, but they could sense his confidence and see the glint of the deadly blade in his hand. They growled in response, their massive bodies tensing as they prepared to charge.

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Orion didn’t flinch. He had faced many formidable opponents in his life, and he knew that fear was not an option. With a deep breath, he lunged forward, the crystal knife gleaming in the dim light of the third floor.

The boars charged at him, their sharp tusks glinting menacingly. Orion dodged and weaved. His movements were fluid and precise. He moved with a grace that belied his size, his years of training evident in every motion.

As he danced around the boars, Orion couldn’t resist the urge to mock them. "Is that all you’ve got?" he taunted. "I expected more from Ninth-Stage Warriors. You’re just like the others - all bark and no bite."

The boars growled in frustration, their charges becoming more reckless as they attempted to land a blow on the agile fighter. But Orion remained unfazed, his confidence growing with each successful dodge.

With a sudden burst of speed, Orion darted between the two boars, striking out with his crystal knife as he passed. One of the boars roared in pain as the blade bit deep into its flank, sending it stumbling to the ground.

The second boar turned to face Orion, its beady eyes blazing with fury. It charged forward, its massive head lowered for a horn thrust. But Orion was already moving, his body contorting in an acrobatic leap as he landed a devastating blow on the beast’s back.

The Iron Tusk Boar collapsed, its massive form crashing to the ground with a thunderous thud. Orion stood over his fallen foes, his chest heaving with exertion as he basked in the glory of his victory.

With a satisfied grin, Orion sheathed his crystal knife and turned to continue his ascent of the Stellar Tower. He knew that the challenges ahead would be no less daunting, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Orion’s confidence was not misplaced. He knew that his Qi was stronger than normal, which gave him an edge over opponents of the same realm. The Iron Tusk Boars were no match for him, despite their reputation for strength and ferocity.

Orion’s confidence was not misplaced, as he had a thorough understanding of his abilities and was well-equipped for combat. His crystal knife, coupled with his months of training and experience, gave him an advantage over opponents of the same realm.

He couldn’t help but wonder what awaited him on the fifth floor and why the system had insisted on him going there to find answers. He pondered the possible risks and dangers that lay ahead, knowing that he had to be prepared for anything.

As he reached the fourth floor, Orion noticed that the air was growing thinner, and the temperature dropped considerably. He could see his breath forming little clouds in front of him, and he shivered involuntarily.

Despite the biting cold, he could sense something different about the fourth floor. There was a sense of stillness and calm that he hadn’t felt before. It was as if the floor was devoid of any danger or hostility, unlike the previous floors he had passed through.

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