The Primordial Tamer Chapter 296 Fifth Floor’s Beast (2)

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Orion took a step back and began to observe the beast in front of him. He knew that understanding the Garuda’s strengths and weaknesses would be crucial to his survival. As he concentrated, the system flashed a series of information in front of his eyes.

Orion’s eyes widened in shock as he read the status. "Damn," he muttered under his breath. "To think that this Garuda was actually an A-tier beast and even a Fifth-Stage Lord Realm Beast."

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He couldn’t believe his luck. He had only expected to face a few Ice Wolves on this floor, but now he was faced with a formidable opponent that he wasn’t sure he could defeat.

The Garuda’s fiery abilities and enhanced strength made it a formidable adversary, and its status as a Fifth-Stage Lord Realm Beast only added to its already impressive power.

Orion felt a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead as he took in the full scope of the situation. He had to think fast and come up with a strategy if he wanted to survive this encounter.

"System, why don’t you say to me earlier that the beast on the fifth floor is this strong?" Orion asked the system, feeling frustrated and betrayed. The system, as always, silently answered him.

[Host will know the answer after defeating this beast. Do your best, Host.] the system responded.

Orion let out a frustrated growl. He couldn’t believe that the system was withholding information from him again. It was a constant battle of wits between him and the system, and he was growing tired of it.

"Fuck..." Orion cursed under his breath, his eyes never leaving the Garuda. He knew that cursing wouldn’t solve anything, but he couldn’t help but let his frustration out.

He took a deep breath and focused his mind on the task at hand. He had faced difficult opponents before, but this was a whole new level. He knew that he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.

Orion then opened his Beast Space, "Atlas, come out." He called out to his Crystal Rhinoceros companion. Atlas, with his sparkling crystal horns and majestic stature, began to move out from the Beast Space.

As Atlas emerged from the Beast Space, his presence alone filled the air with a powerful energy. Orion knew that he had made the right choice in bringing Atlas with him for this encounter.

Atlas was a loyal companion who possessed both incredible strength and defensive capabilities, making him the perfect match against the Garuda’s fiery attacks.

"Are you ready, Atlas?" Orion asked his companion, placing his hand on Atlas’ head. He could feel the warmth of Atlas’ body and the strength of his will.

Atlas let out a loud snort, signaling his readiness. He was always ready to face any challenge with his partner, Orion.

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Together, Orion and Atlas charged toward the Garuda. The fiery bird let out a screech and launched itself toward them, its talons and beak aimed to strike.

Orion quickly assessed the situation and realized that the Garuda was using its Blazing Talons to fight. He knew that he needed to act fast if he wanted to counter its attacks.

"Atlas, use Crystal Shield," Orion ordered his partner, his voice firm and commanding.

Without hesitation, Atlas received the order and began to summon a wall of crystal. The crystal grew rapidly, forming a protective shield in front of them. The Garuda’s talons struck against the crystal, creating a loud, resounding noise that echoed throughout the area.

Orion watched in awe as the crystal shield held its ground against the Garuda’s fierce attack. But the moment of relief was short-lived, as the attacks of the Garuda were much stronger than he anticipated. With each strike, cracks appeared on the crystal shield, and soon it was reduced to a pile of shattered crystals.

Orion and Atlas were exposed, vulnerable to the Garuda’s attacks. Orion knew that they couldn’t continue to defend themselves indefinitely. They needed to find a way to turn the tables and gain the upper hand in the battle.

"Atlas, charge towards the Garuda and use your horn to pierce its wings," Orion commanded, his voice stern and confident.

Atlas, with a fierce determination in his eyes, ran towards the Garuda. The fiery bird tried to dodge the attack, but Atlas was quick and precise with his movements. His crystal horn pierced the Garuda’s wings, causing it to screech in pain and lose control of its flight.

The Garuda plummeted toward the ground, but it managed to regain its balance at the last moment, flapping its wings to slow down its fall. Orion and Atlas watched as the Garuda regained its composure, ready to resume the fight.

But suddenly, something unexpected happened. The Garuda’s wings, which were injured by Atlas’ horn, started to heal rapidly. Orion was shocked to see the regenerative ability of the A-tier beast in action.

"Dammit, to think that its regenerative ability was also this strong," Orion cursed, realizing that this battle was going to be much tougher than he initially thought.

The Garuda let out a triumphant screech, its eyes now fixed on Orion and Atlas, who was still recovering from the shock of seeing the Garuda’s quick recovery.

Orion quickly assessed the situation, trying to find a way to counter the Garuda’s regenerative powers. He knew that they couldn’t rely on brute strength alone to defeat the beast.

As the Garuda glared at them with its sharp eyes, Orion noticed that its wings began to emit a faint glow. A moment later, the glow intensified, and the Garuda’s wings burst into flames. Orion knew what was coming next – the Garuda was about to unleash its Flame Burst skill.

"Dammit. Atlas, quick, use Crystal Armor and Crystal Shield," Orion ordered his partner, his voice urgent and commanding.

Atlas nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He immediately summoned a suit of Crystal Armor to protect himself and Orion from the incoming attack. At the same time, he conjured a wall of crystal in front of them, forming a protective shield that would hopefully be strong enough to withstand the Garuda’s powerful flames.

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