The Primordial Tamer Chapter 336 Winning The Tournament

The scene that unfolded before their eyes left the audience in a state of utter shock. The impact of Lily’s mighty blow and the subsequent collapse of the arena’s wall had sent waves of disbelief rippling through the spectators.

Gasps and murmurs filled the air as onlookers tried to process the astonishing display of power. The once-ferocious Jason, who had proclaimed himself as the Fire God, now lay defeated and buried within the wreckage.

The magnitude of Lily’s triumph was not lost on the crowd, and a profound sense of awe washed over them.

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Whispers of disbelief circulated among the spectators, their voices laden with a mixture of astonishment and admiration.

They exchanged wide-eyed glances, their minds struggling to reconcile the image of the fallen champion with the indomitable force they had witnessed moments before.

As the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the battle, the audience’s shock turned into an outpouring of applause and cheers.

The resounding claps and enthusiastic cheers reverberated through the arena, a testament to the extraordinary feat they had just witnessed.

Among the spectators, conversations buzzed with excitement and disbelief. The magnitude of Lily’s victory and the manner in which she had toppled the seemingly invincible Jason were topics of animated discussion.

"I never expected this outcome," one spectator exclaimed, their voice tinged with disbelief. "Jason’s power was overwhelming, but Lily managed to overcome him with a single strike."

"Her punch was like a force of nature," another spectator marvelled. "It was as if she channelled the very essence of strength into defeating her opponent."

The scene of Jason’s defeat had left an indelible impression on the audience. It shattered their preconceived notions of invincibility and redefined their understanding of power.

As the applause subsided and the excitement began to settle, the spectators turned their attention to Lily. They watched her with newfound respect, recognizing her as a formidable warrior who had triumphed against all odds.

Amidst the lingering echoes of applause, the referee, his eyes wide with astonishment, stepped forward to regain control of the arena. He raised his hands, signalling for silence, as the spectators eagerly awaited his announcement.

"Let’s welcome the winner of the tournament, Lily," he declared, his voice carrying a mixture of surprise and awe. The words reverberated through the arena, reaching every corner, and a surge of anticipation swept through the crowd.

The spectators erupted into thunderous cheers, their admiration and respect for Lily resounding in their voices. The arena came alive with the collective celebration of her victory, a testament to the triumph of determination and skill.

Lily, standing amidst the remnants of the arena, allowed a smile to grace her lips. She felt the weight of the crowd’s acknowledgement, the recognition of her unwavering spirit and the magnitude of her achievement.

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As the cheers subsided, Lily walked toward the center of the arena to stand before the referee. Her movements were measured, but her steps exuded confidence.

In that moment, a figure emerged from the sidelines, making their way towards Lily with purposeful strides. It was the judge, a distinguished individual known for their discerning eye and deep appreciation for the martial arts.

The judge approached Lily, their expression a mix of admiration and curiosity. They extended a hand, holding a small, intricately carved wooden box. "Congratulations, Lily," the judge said, their voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "Your display of skill and resilience was truly remarkable."

Lily accepted the box, her hands trembling slightly with anticipation. She opened it slowly, revealing a sight that took her breath away—a young fire dragon, its scales shimmering with hues of crimson and gold. The dragon gazed at Lily with intelligent eyes, a testament to its otherworldly nature.

Gasps of awe rippled through the spectators as they beheld the magnificent creature in Lily’s hands. Whispers of amazement filled the air, accompanied by hushed speculations about the dragon’s significance.

The judge continued, their voice carrying a sense of reverence. "This young fire dragon is a symbol of your victory, an embodiment of your indomitable spirit and the fire within you. It is a companion that will accompany you on your future journeys, a testament to the bond forged between you and the elements."

Lily’s heart swelled with gratitude and wonder. She had not expected such a remarkable reward for her triumph, and the presence of the fire dragon felt like a surreal honor bestowed upon her.

She gently stroked the dragon’s scales, feeling a profound connection with the magnificent creature.

The spectators, captivated by the spectacle unfolding before them, erupted into another round of applause. Their cheers and admiration echoed through the arena, an affirmation of Lily’s journey and the newfound partnership she now possessed.

As the excitement subsided, Lily turned her attention back to the judge. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I am truly honored to receive such a remarkable gift. I will cherish this fire dragon."

The judge smiled warmly at Lily, appreciating her genuine gratitude. "You have earned it, Lily," the judge replied. "This fire dragon is not only a reward but a symbol of your growth, courage, and triumph. It represents the fiery spirit within you and the potential that lies ahead."

Lily nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. She understood the significance of the fire dragon’s presence in her life, recognizing it as a beacon of inspiration and a reminder of the challenges she had overcome.

With the applause of the spectators still ringing in their ears, Lily and the fire dragon ventured beyond the confines of the arena, embarking on a new chapter of their journey.

Together, Lily and the fire dragon would face formidable adversaries, navigate treacherous landscapes, and learn from each other’s strengths.

The fire dragon, with its innate wisdom and fiery essence, would serve as both guide and guardian, imparting valuable lessons along the way.

But they didn’t know that a calamity was brewing right now while she was grinning after her win. She was not aware of the calamity, but she believed that she would be fine.

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