The Primordial Tamer Chapter 43 Leaving Apex

Two years had passed since the competition between Skywing Academy and Apex Academy. Apex Academy won the competition by winning all three rounds of the tournament. Orion, who won and became the MVP of the competition, was given the resources to train.

Orion had trained by himself for these two years. The chancellor also told him a place that was good for his indoor cultivation, and no one would disturb him. Also, that place contained much pure energy around it.

This had been two years since his indoor cultivation, and now he was ending his indoor cultivation. He had felt the power coursing in his veins. He felt the power in his body was very strong. He could see that he was now three times, even four times, stronger than his former self two years ago.

As he emerged from his indoor cultivation, Orion stretched his limbs and took a deep breath. He felt invigorated and energized, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he made his way back to Apex Academy, he couldn’t help but reflect on how far he had come. Two years ago, he had been just another student struggling to find his place in the world of Beasts. But now, he was a formidable force to be reckoned with, his mastery over the Primordial Lunar Wolf and Primordial Solar Eagle unmatched by any other.

As he entered the Academy gates, he was greeted by cheers and applause from his fellow students. They had heard of his indoor cultivation and were eager to see the results for themselves.

Orion grinned, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction at their reactions. He knew that he had worked hard to get to where he was, and he was glad that his efforts had paid off.

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As he made his way to his dormitory, he noticed a message waiting for him. It was from the chancellor, inviting him to a private meeting in his office.

Curious, Orion made his way to the chancellor’s office, wondering what this meeting could be about. Orion also wanted to tell the chancellor about something.

When he arrived, he looked at the Apex chancellor that was present. The chancellor looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

"Orion," the Apex chancellor said, gesturing for him to take a seat. "I hear that your indoor cultivation has been successful."

Orion nodded, feeling a sense of pride at their recognition. "Yes, chancellor. I feel stronger than ever before."

The Apex chancellor smiled. "That’s good to hear, Orion. But there’s something else I wanted to discuss with you. You see, in the two years since you began your indoor cultivation, the world has changed quite a bit."

Orion raised an eyebrow, wondering what the chancellor was getting at.

"The use of Beasts in various industries has become more prevalent," the Apex chancellor continued. "Many corporations have begun investing in Beasts research and development, and there’s been a surge in demand for skilled Beast Tamers like yourself."

Orion listened intently, his interest piqued. He had always known that Beasts were valuable assets, but he had never imagined that they would become such a crucial part of the global economy.

"In light of this development," the Apex chancellor said, "I have decided to give you a special gift. It’s a Beast Phone."

Orion’s eyes widened in surprise. He had never heard of it, but if the chancellor gifted it to him, it must be good.

"This is quite an honor, chancellor," Orion said, taking the Beast Phone from him. "Thank you."

The Apex chancellor smiled. "You deserve it, Orion. Your achievements in the competition and in your training have not gone unnoticed by the other academies."

Orion felt a surge of pride at the Apex chancellor’s words. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

"Speaking of the road ahead," Orion began, "I wanted to ask if it would be possible for me to go on a journey outside of the academy. I feel that I’ve learned all I can here, and I want to explore the world and discover new things about Beasts."

The Apex chancellor nodded thoughtfully. "I understand your desire, Orion. And I believe that it would be beneficial for you to gain more experience outside of the academy. However, I must warn you that the world has changed quite a bit in the past two years since you entered the academy. The threats are greater, and danger lurks in every corner. Are you sure you’re ready to face these challenges?"

Orion nodded confidently. "I am, chancellor. I’ve trained hard, and I’m confident in my abilities. I won’t be reckless, and I’ll take all necessary precautions to stay safe."

The Apex chancellor smiled. "Very well, Orion. I trust your judgement."

Orion thought for a moment, considering the chancellor’s advice. "Thank you, chancellor. I will take that into consideration."

The Apex chancellor nodded. "Now, there is one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. As you know, the world of Beasts is constantly evolving, and new information is discovered every day. That’s why I give you the Beast Phone earlier. It’s the highest end and contains all the top information available. Only a select few have access to it, and I believe it will be an invaluable tool for you in your journey."

Orion took the Beast Phone that he got earlier and examined it closely. It was sleek and stylish, with a large screen and multiple functions. He could already see how useful it would be for him in his journey. The chancellor must have known that he wanted to go outside.

"Thank you, chancellor," Orion said, feeling grateful for the gift. "I will make good use of it."

The Apex chancellor smiled. "I have no doubt that you will, Orion. Now, go forth and make us proud. The world of Beasts is waiting for you."

Orion left the chancellor’s office feeling energized and excited for what lay ahead. He couldn’t wait to embark on his journey and discover new things about Beasts. With his new Beast Phone and his training, he felt that nothing could stop him.

As he made his way back to his dormitory, he decided to start making a plan for his journey. He would need to choose a destination and decide what supplies he would need to bring.

He opened his Beast Phone and began browsing through the available information, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. This was just the beginning of his journey, and he knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Orion made his way to his classroom to meet up with Maya, one of his closest friends at Apex Academy. As he walked, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at his accomplishments over the past two years. He had come a long way since he first stepped foot into the academy.

When he arrived at the classroom, he saw Maya sitting at her desk, her nose buried in a book. He walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Orion!" she exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across her face. "You’re back! How was your indoor cultivation?"

"It was amazing, Maya," Orion said, taking a seat next to her. "I feel stronger than ever before."

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Maya’s eyes widened in awe. "Wow, I can’t wait to see what you can do now."

Orion grinned. "I’m excited to show you. But before that, I need to talk to Professor Sorenson."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

Orion hesitated, unsure if he should tell her about his plan to explore the outside world. But then he decided that she was his friend and deserved to know.

"I want to go outside," he said simply.

Maya’s eyes widened in surprise. "Outside? As in, outside of the academy?"

Orion nodded. "Yes. I feel like there’s so much out there to explore, so many new Beasts to discover. I want to see it all."

Maya looked skeptical. "But it’s dangerous out there, Orion. You could get hurt."

"I know," Orion said. "But I’m not afraid. And besides, I have the Nova and Stella to protect me."

Maya sighed. "Well, I can’t stop you. But please be careful, okay?"

Orion smiled. "Don’t worry, Maya. I will be."

With that, he got up and made his way to Professor Sorenson’s office. When he arrived, he knocked on the door and waited for the professor to answer.

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

Orion opened the door and stepped inside. Professor Sorenson was sitting at his desk, poring over a stack of papers. He looked up as Orion entered.

"Ah, Orion. How was your indoor cultivation?" he asked.

"It was successful, Professor," Orion said, taking a seat in front of the desk. "But I wanted to talk to you about something else."

"What is it?" the professor asked, setting down his papers.

"I want to go outside," Orion said simply.

Professor Sorenson’s eyes widened in surprise. "Outside? But it’s too dangerous out there for a student like you."

"I know," Orion said. "But I want to explore the world and discover new Spirit Beasts. I want to see what’s out there."

The professor hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I see. Well, I can’t stop you, but I can give you some advice. First, make sure you have a team with you. Going alone is never a good idea. Second, make sure you have enough supplies and provisions for the journey. And third, be careful. The outside world is not a forgiving place."

Orion nodded, taking the professor’s words to heart. "Thank you, Professor. I’ll make sure to remember that."

With that, he got up and made his way out of the office, feeling more determined than ever to explore the world beyond the academy walls.

As Orion made his way back to his dormitory to start packing for his journey, he saw a group of his closest friends waiting for him at the academy gate. They had heard about his plans to leave and had come to say goodbye.

"Orion!" cried out his friend, Tyler, as he ran up to him. "We heard you’re leaving!"

Orion smiled, feeling touched by their gesture. "Yes, I am. I’m going to explore the world outside the academy."

Tyler’s face fell. "But it’s so dangerous out there, Orion. You could get hurt."

Orion put a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. "I know, Tyler. But I’m prepared for the risks. And I’ll have Nova and Stella with me, so I won’t be alone."

His other friends gathered around him, each expressing their concern and wishing him well on his journey. Maya hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear, "Be safe, Orion. And don’t forget to come back to us."

Orion hugged her back, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving his friends behind. But he knew that he had to follow his heart and explore the world beyond the academy walls.

"I won’t forget, Maya," he said. "I promise to come back and tell you all about my adventures."

With that, he bid his friends farewell and stepped through the academy gate, feeling a sense of excitement and trepidation building within him.

As he walked out into the world, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sights and sounds around him. The world outside the academy was vastly different from what he had expected. It was a bustling and vibrant place, filled with people and Beasts of all shapes and sizes.

But it was also a dangerous place, filled with threats and challenges at every turn. Orion knew that he would have to be careful and stay vigilant if he wanted to survive in this new world.

As he made his way towards his first destination, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

With his new Beast Phone and his training, he felt that nothing could stop him. The world of Beasts was waiting for him, and he was ready to discover all that it had to offer.

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