The Primordial Tamer Chapter 7 Training In The Forest

Orion had been eagerly waiting for this day to come. Nova, his loyal companion, had just evolved into a Dire Wolf, and he was excited to train him. He had heard stories of the immense power that Dire Wolves possessed, and he couldn’t wait to see it firsthand.

Orion packed a small backpack with some essentials, including a water bottle and some treats for Nova. He headed out to the forest early in the morning, taking a deep breath of the fresh air as he entered the dense foliage. Nova bounded ahead, his tail wagging in excitement.

As they walked, Orion scanned their surroundings, taking note of the various trees and landmarks. He wanted to make sure that he could navigate through the forest easily, especially since Nova was with him.

"Nova, come!" he called out, his voice echoing through the trees. The Dire Wolf raced back to him, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Orion took out a treat from his backpack and gave it to him, patting his head affectionately.

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"Good job, Nova. We’re going to start with some basic commands today. Sit."

Nova obediently sat down, his eyes fixed on Orion’s face. He went through a series of commands, including stay, come, and heel, which he performed flawlessly.

"Excellent, Nova. You’re a quick learner," Orion praised him, ruffling his fur. "Now, let’s see what you’re capable of."

Orion took out a piece of rope and tied it to a nearby tree, making sure it was secure. He then turned to Nova, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Nova, I want you to run towards that tree as fast as you can and then come back to me."

Nova’s ears perked up at the command, and he immediately took off, his powerful legs propelling him forward. Orion watched in awe as he reached the tree in mere seconds, then turned around and ran back toward him.

"Good job, Nova! You’re incredible," he exclaimed, patting his head. "Let’s try something else now."

Orion took out a stick from his backpack, waving it in front of Nova’s face. "Nova, I want you to fetch this stick for me."

Nova barked happily and took the stick from Orion’s hand, then ran off into the forest. Orion waited patiently for him to return, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Suddenly, he heard a low growl coming from the bushes. His senses immediately went on high alert, and he reached for a non-existent weapon. But then he realized that it was Nova, growling playfully as he approached him with the stick in his mouth.

Orion breathed a sigh of relief, laughing at Nova’s antics. "You scared me for a moment thime," he said, scratching him behind the ears.

As they continued their training, Orion began to notice the incredible strength and speed that Nova possessed. His senses were sharp, and he could pick up scents and sounds from far away. He wondered if he could track animals and decided to put him to the test.

"Nova, I want you to track this scent," he said, taking out a piece of cloth that he had rubbed on a nearby tree. "Can you find it?"

Nova sniffed the cloth, his tail wagging excitedly. He immediately took off into the forest, following the scent trail. Orion followed behind, watching in amazement as he led him deeper into the woods.

After a few minutes, Nova stopped in front of a bush, his nose twitching as he sniffed around. Orion approached slowly, his heart pounding with excitement.

"What did you find, Nova?" he whispered, peering over his shoulder. He saw a small rabbit hiding in the bushes. Nova had tracked it down with ease.

Orion praised him, giving him a treat as a reward. "You’re incredible, Nova. I can’t wait to see what else you can do."

As they continued their training, Orion realized that Nova was not just a powerful animal but a loyal companion as well. he was always by his side, eager to please him and learn new things. He felt a deep sense of pride and love for him and knew that they were destined for great things together.

Orion decided to continue training with Nova, exploring the forest together and learning more about their surroundings. He wanted to push Nova to his limits and see what they were truly capable of.

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Suddenly, Nova’s keen senses detected the scent of the pack of grey wolves long before they came into view. He could smell their musky scent mixed with the tang of fear and aggression. As they neared, he could hear their growls and snarls, and he knew that a fight was inevitable.

Orion had taught Nova well, and he knew that he could take on a group of wolves with his immense size and strength. He crouched down, his hackles raised and his teeth bared, ready to fight for his life.

The pack of grey wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with hatred and hunger. They circled Nova, their fur bristling and their teeth bared. The wolf stepped forward, his jaws snapping as he lunged at Nova.

Nova was quick, dodging the attack and snapping his jaws in return. He felt his teeth connect with the wolf’s shoulder, and he heard the satisfying crunch of bones breaking. The wolf howled in pain, but his packmates were not deterred. They lunged at Nova from all sides, trying to overwhelm him with their numbers.

Nova’s training kicked in, and he used his massive paws to swipe at the wolves, knocking them away. His teeth were like daggers, and he bit down hard, taking out one wolf after another. Blood sprayed through the air, and the wolves howled in agony, but Nova did not let up. He was fighting for his life, and he would not back down.

The pack’s numbers dwindled, but they fought on, their desperation increasing. Nova could sense that they were becoming more and more frenzied, and he knew that he had to end the fight quickly.

As the fight between Nova and the pack of wolves raged on, Orion watched from the sidelines, his heart racing with fear and adrenaline. He knew that Nova was strong, but he had never seen him fight like this before. The sound of snarling and growling filled the air, along with the smell of blood and sweat.

Nova was holding his own, but the pack was relentless. They circled him, trying to find an opening in his defenses. Orion knew that he had to act fast, or Nova would be overwhelmed.

He looked around for something to use as a weapon and spotted a fallen tree branch. He ran over to it, breaking off a thick piece and using it as a makeshift club. He knew that he was risking his life by intervening, but he couldn’t just stand there and watch Nova fight alone.

He charged at the nearest wolf, swinging the branch with all his might. The wolf yelped in pain as the branch connected with its skull, and it stumbled backward. Orion continued to swing the branch, fending off the other wolves as they tried to attack him.

Nova saw what Orion was doing and was grateful for his help. He used the distraction to his advantage, attacking the wolves with renewed vigor. His massive jaws clamped down on a wolf’s throat, and he shook it violently, killing it instantly.

The other wolves began to back off, realizing that they were no match for Nova and Orion together. They retreated into the forest, their tails between their legs.

Orion breathed a sigh of relief, his heart still pounding with adrenaline. He ran over to Nova, who was panting heavily but seemed otherwise unharmed. He hugged him tightly, tears of relief streaming down his face.

"Nova, you did it! You’re incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice shaking with emotion. "And you too, my friend," he added, turning to Orion. "You risked your life to help me, and I will never forget it."

Nova licked Orion’s face, his tail wagging happily. The two of them had bonded even more deeply after the fight, and Orion knew they would always have each other’s backs.

After surviving that fight, Orion noticed something. He earlier had helped Nova in defeating the beasts, and after it, Orion felt that his body also became stronger. Nova was also becoming stronger.

He suddenly realized that this was also one of the powers of my Primordial Mastery talent. Primordial Mastery allowed me to break through the limit and strengthen my beast into Primordial Beast.

From what I knew, Primordial Beast got stronger by fighting, and it seemed that because of that close fight with the wolf pack, Nova and I grew stronger. Orion also needed to meditate to digest all this power.

They soon found a cave that was empty, and it was enough for them to meditate. Orion and Nova were meditating together by channeling the Aura among them.

This was the cultivation method of the beast tamer. They cultivated by using the power that they obtained from their beasts, so the stronger the beast, the stronger the beast tamer became. The talent of the beast tamer also played an important role.

Orion’s talent was Primordial Mastery which strengthened the beast’s foundation and Aura to the primordial state. This way, The beast became stronger, and the Aura Nova absorbed was better for Orion.

It was also the same for Ember. He also cultivated with this method, and because of his Flame Enchantment talent, Fire Aura that his fire element beasts absorb was better for him.

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