The Regressor and the Blind Saint Chapter 156: Maleus (2)

→ Maleus (2) ←

[The Crown…]

Tap. Tap.

Maleus rhythmically tapped his armrest as he murmured.

What followed was a heavy silence that weighed down on everyone present.

The answer came after what seemed like an eternity, enough to turn the group’s faces pale from tension.

[Indeed, it is an object in my possession. Why do you ask?]

It was an affirmation.

Renee’s head shot up. A flush began to creep onto her face at the realization they had just taken a step closer to their goal.

“Can we perhaps obtain that crown? Please. We are in dire need of that item.”

The urgency in her voice was filled with desperation.

Renee awaited a response, realizing that the situation might be resolved more easily than she had thought.

After all, despite his imposing presence, Maleus’ tone and overall demeanor were quite favorable.

Without realizing it, she began to harbor the thought of a ‘possibility’, given his apparent favorability towards them.

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However, it was a premature judgment.

[Is there a reason why I should relinquish that object?]

Maleus’ answer returned in the form of a steadfast refusal.

[Daughter of Parent, I find no compelling reason to grant it to you.]

His speech retained its gentle cadence.

Renee’s body shuddered slightly. The rest of the group, who had been attentively following the conversation, reacted in kind. Amidst their shared surprise, they faced an obstinate refusal that contrasted with his previously favorable attitude.

Renee showed a disheartened feeling in response to Maleus’s counter-question.

‘…He’s right.’

Indeed, he was.

From Maleus’ perspective, his question was indeed something that needed to be asked.

Just because they needed the ‘Crown’ did not mean it was a matter of grave importance to Maleus.

His question cut to the heart of the matter.

Renee bit her lip momentarily, took a deep breath, and spoke again. They hadn’t come here with a resolve so light as to back down from mere refusal. They had to at least attempt to persuade him.

“The continent is in danger.”


“I met Orgus and learned of a calamity that will occur in the future. Many will die, and many more will suffer. I want to prevent that. So…”

Her words were unembellished, filled only with sincere urgency.

“…Please grant me the ‘Crown’ so I can stop that future from happening.”

At those words, which were spoken with her head bowed, Maleus laughed.

[Daughter of Parent, you say truly amusing things.]

…It was ridicule.

Renee lifted her head, her brows slightly furrowed.

The natural reaction of coming face to face with a mindset that described the deaths of countless lives as ‘amusing’ was beyond her understanding.

Why did he respond like that?

The answer to that question became apparent in the words that followed.

[When has life ever not faded away?]

She was reminded once again of who she was dealing with.

[All life, ever since the creation of this world, with the exception of my brethren and I, has gone through death and rebirth. Death is one of the most natural phenomena, is it not? Why do you speak as if it is a tragedy that should not occur?]

The nine ancient species of this continent.

The King of the Dead, unchanging since the beginning of time itself.

[Daughter of Parent, death is not a valid reason to persuade me.]

He was Maleus, the demigod who governed the death of all living things, known as the King of Rotten Flesh.

[Are you aware? From the time the Parent first created this land, do you know how many deaths have occurred and how many species, lives, and civilizations have been lost?]

“That is…”

[And yet, this land has not crumbled. Even if all sentient beings inhabiting this land, including humans, were to disappear, this land would not lament their absence. As has been since time immemorial, the void will be replenished by the emergence of new species, and more lives will blossom than deaths.]

Renee understood. This was not mere foresight, but a certainty that only Maleus, a demigod who had been overseeing the world since its creation, could possess.

[I find myself without a reason to relinquish the ‘Crown’ to you. Can you persuade me with a different reason?]

Renee understood that to Maleus, a being akin to death itself, preventing death was no valid justification.

Her hand tightened, and veins protruded from the back of her hand gripping the cane.

‘…I have to think.’

A thought surfaced as she sought a way to sway him.

Renee was not so naive as to miss the underlying intention in Maleus’s words. She grasped what he meant by ‘persuade me.’

‘He’s not outright refusing.’

Rather, he might willingly give it away if there were only a convincing reason. That was likely the hidden meaning in Maleus’s words.

Words that could persuade that King of the Dead, words that could spark his curiosity.

As Renee was fully engrossed in it, Vera spoke up.

“…Your siblings are becoming a problem.”

It was a powerful voice.

Maleus turned his head towards Vera. His eye sockets were empty and pitch-black, but the overt movement made it clear he was directing his gaze at Vera.

Facing Maleus’ gaze, Vera organized his thoughts while resisting the overwhelming pressure.

‘Maleus did not act in the future.’

Recalling the scene where Miller and the past Renee were having a conversation in the hallucination shown by the grimoire, the following words came to mind.

The Archduke of Wintertide had evacuated his people to the Cradle to escape the war caused by Locrion and Nartania.

Thinking about it slightly, it’s clear that Maleus maintained a favorable attitude towards humans even without leaving the Cradle until that moment.

If I must divide between friend or foe, Maleus is an ally.

Furthermore, if I were to be a little more optimistic, he may harbor some disdain for the potential chaos in the future.

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Though he claims indifference to the loss of lives, his true feelings might differ.

That’s the point I have to gamble on.

“Your siblings are on the verge of an uprise. No, they’re already doing so. Alaysia has deceived the Empire. The rift between Nartania and Locrion has deepened beyond measure. And…”

Also, if this speculation was true, it was clear what would most displease Maleus.

“…there are signs that Ardain is awakening.”

Ardain, the Eternal Sacrifice.

The one who presided over the end of each era in history.

And the one closest to the Demon King in the present situation.

If he had to guess, Maleus would not be pleased.

‘Please, respond…’

Vera’s wishful words ended, and a brief silence followed. Then, Maleus spoke.

[Hmm… That is an interesting story.]

His giant body leaned forward, and the jewels made a tinkling sound.

[I would like to hear more. Continue.]

This was the first big reaction.

Thrilled inside, Vera’s lips curled.


Vera tried to persuade him by unfolding the events he had experienced one by one. Maleus intermittently added “Hmm…”, “Hoho…” and listened. Miller, who had not heard the details of their journey so far, listened attentively with his eyes wide open.

After the entire story ended, Vera finally paused to take a deep breath and fixed his gaze on Maleus, awaiting a response.

Maleus, pondering, soon began to murmur to himself as he stroked his chin with his white fingers.

[Certainly, it could be perceived as an omen of change. Hm, I suppose not. Orgus has intervened. If that is the case…]

He kept uttering incomprehensible fragments for a while.

Eventually, Maleus let out a low chuckle and said to Vera.

[…Yes, to avert the crisis you describe, the ‘Crown’ is necessary. That indeed sounds reasonable.]

Vera nodded and continued his words, the hopeful assumptions crystallizing in his mind.


[However, I want to ask.]

Just as Vera was about to continue, Maleus interrupted him and asked a question.

[Son of Promise. Even with the ‘Crown’, do you truly believe you would be able to stop it?]

Maleus’s head tilted. Yet, his pitch-black eye sockets were directly facing Vera.

[Indeed, I admit it. You truly possess a rare power. But that is the extent of it. Do you understand? Throughout the long history of this continent, countless others who were stronger than you have existed, and none of them succeeded in stopping Ardain.]

His jawbone slowly creaked open, the tendons connecting cheekbone and jaw trembling, repeatedly contracting and relaxing in an unsettling rhythm.

Vera recognized this phenomenon as Maleus’s attempt at a facial expression.

But there was no need to worry about what kind of expression it was.

[Even you, who are weaker than those predecessors, are unlikely to stop Ardain, even with the ‘Crown’.]

The ridicule in it was unmistakable.

Anger flashed across Vera’s face, his teeth and fists clenched as tightly as possible.

He had to refute, but he couldn’t. Because…

‘Damn it.’

Maleus was right. He couldn’t even defeat Hodrick, who was guarding the gate of this castle. Was it not natural for Maleus to say that?

As resentment welled within him, Vera finally spoke, unable to restrain himself any longer.

“…What if I prove myself?”

Renee’s head turned sharply towards Vera. The members of the group also stared at Vera with stunned expressions.

Moving his bones abruptly, Maleus then nodded his head and said.

[Hmm… indeed. Hodrick must have been fooling around again. Are you saying that you will fight him to prove yourself?]

“Yes,” Vera firmly said.

Furthermore, it was not merely an emotional reaction.

“I admit that I cannot win at the moment. It is something that you and I both know. However, I have a request.”


“I want not just one opportunity to challenge him, but multiple chances.”

Vera knew. With his current self, he could barely hold his own against a commander while exhausting his full strength, let alone face the trials that awaited him.

Therefore, he needed to grow stronger, and the means to do so was right here.

His request was based on his own calculations.

If he was to receive the ‘Crown’ anyway, and if he had to prove his strength to obtain it, then gaining practice in the process seemed like the most logical choice.

[Why would I bother to do that?]

“It could provide a fleeting amusement for you.”

Vera responded as such, thinking he was causing quite a fuss for a being that had lived for such a long time. In response, Maleus erupted in hearty laughter.

[A truly audacious child. Very well. I will wait as long as it takes. Try it if you can.]

Clap, clap.

The sound of bones striking each other resonated as Maleus clapped his hands.

[Hmm, good. I am looking forward to it. Now go and rest. Fortunately, there is enough food for you in this castle.]

His voice was filled with cheerfulness as he ordered their dismissal.

Vera, about to breathe a sigh of relief and turn around, remembered his lingering question about Jenny and stopped. In response, Maleus said.

[Do not ask me about that child. I intend to leave matters regarding that child to her own will.]

Maleus preemptively answered as if he already knew the question.

[If you truly need to satisfy your curiosity, there are plenty in the castle who can answer. Ask them.]

An adamant refusal, making it clear that he would say no more on the subject.

The group momentarily halted at that, then bowed in acknowledgment and exited the King’s Palace.


The gates to the King’s Palace slammed shut behind them with a heavy noise.

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