The rise of the pervert primordial Chapter 581 Alice’s tail (part 3)

Chapter 581 Alice’s tail (part 3)

"Booom!", a loud explosion echoed through the vast scalding sky of Breren, the planet where Aster had taken Alice, since there she could go as wild as she liked, without any real consequence.

Or that was supposed to be the case, until the fight started, what do you think will happen when two forces of extreme opposites but equal strength clash, the answer is quite easy they will cancel yes, but that doesn’t mean that the surroundings won’t be affected through the process.

As a proof of it, Aster’s Paragon body which focuses on defense, against Alice’s paragon body which focuses on offense, have not received any damage after they have been clashing for around twenty minutes.

But the nearby area has become a disaster zone, with fire filling the sky, huge irregular craters on the ground, strong fiery gusts of wind whistling everywhere and even magma seeping out of the cracks on the ground.

’Luckily this planet was inhabited when it was found, so the only people that come here are from the sect, even the city stablished by the Red Sword faction is just a small settlement’, thought Aster as he dodged Alice’s punch, just to see that she actually produced a wind current from her fist, which impacted on the ground a second later.

"You were never too attached to the sword, though mom made you train and comprehend the first level of intent, right sis?", asked Aster as he stopped Alice’s right leg from kicking his waist by raising his own leg to take the hit.

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"Clang!", the sound of metals colliding as well as sparks and blazes exploded due to the impact, the wild smile on Alice’s face widened, she was really enjoying this, though she hadn’t gone out of control, it was a strange state between what would be her usual self and being overtaken by her dragon instincts.

Alice graciously flew back to take a bit of distance from Aster, her tail was waving as a proof of how much fun she was having, she stretched her sexy body to then say.

"Well, it’s not like I don’t appreciate the sword as a weapon, mom did her best to prepare me for what she thought was going to happen when we grew due to the Drage family… but then you changed everything~", she playfully said.

Alice’s training started ever since she had complete use of reason and could walk, talk and wield a sword without any problem, which was when she was around two years old, it might sound like she was too young, but again they aren’t exactly humans, but dragonkin.

And during their childhood, their bodies would develop at a faster ratio than that of humans, well, not all of them, only those with a relatively high blood concentration, so that trait is seen as a proof of one’s lineage, and in fact it is related to dragon’s nature, most dragon races are warlike so they can’t be defenseless for too long if they want to survive, quite an interesting evolutionary trait.

With Aster, Lilia waited until he was five before starting his training, in part because she believed that his body needed more time to fully stabilize, though Aster never showed any weakness, he not only lacked both the black hair and red eyes, but his growth was like that of a normal human at first.

That being said, Aster changed after he went through his awakening ceremony, he did not obtain the traits of the Drage, but after that period of meditation in which he formed his soul idol, he grew taller and started looking older than his age.

And after that he became an exception even among the Drage, since not too long after his tenth birthday, his body changed to that of someone in his seventeen, and nothing changed for him until not too long ago when he obtained his dragon eyes, which made him grow a couple of centimeters taller, not to mention that his gold blood increased and the brightness of the red one did so too.

Alice on the other hand did follow the regular pattern at the beginning, which meant she appeared to be around three years older than her current age, according to Lilia that trait will stop once she reached her eighteenth birthday, but she experienced the same as Aster, and her appearance hadn’t changed at all after she turned thirteen, in other words, the same year when Aster grew.

Which is why Alice says that she grew to fit his likings, as a joke since their growth seems to be linked, just like their lineages are, as a proof of it, though she won’t become "bigger" like Lilia when she manifested her tail, she did grow taller after obtaining it.

Aster chuckled at Alice’s words, he was conscious ever since he came to this world, so he does remember seeing the three-year-old Alice being trained by Lilia, and he does remember that sister of his complaining with him whenever their mother wasn’t looking.

Back then Lilia’s spirit sense was too weak to even cover the Wolfstein castle, so she actually didn’t know of their little interactions, it was only during the period of meditation Aster took, where she recovered to a relatively good level, which is why she allowed him to venture outside, though she did lie about her range, as she was able to cover the whole planet at that point.

That’s why Alice said that everything changed thanks to Aster, it did, not only figuratively since Lilia became much warmer, but also literally, how could those two not notice the changes they underwent and the fact that they started after Aster’s awakening ceremony.

"Yeah, thanks to you, the "wall" that was pressing down on mom and me became nothing but a pebble on the way, you gave us the freedom to do whatever we wanted~", cutely said Alice.

"It took me quite a bit to realize it but… I won’t chase after mom again, I’ll catch up to her following my own path", mumbled Alice, which made Aster smile.

Having a role model isn’t a bad thing, as long as it is used only to lay down the basics, what comes next shouldn’t be copied from others, otherwise one becomes a degraded imitation.

Of course, that was never Lilia’s intention, mother and daughter had many similarities and yet they were also quite different from each other, Lilia is elegant and bewitching normally, then she becomes terrifying when she needs to which usually is related to Aster, she incarnates the violence of the dragons quite well.

Alice on the other hand is aggressive and rebellious on a daily basis, then when it comes to Aster, she becomes tamer and lovely, so for her lasciviousness it is, of course it’s not only because of her dragon lineage, she likes to be dominated by Aster and only by him.

That doesn’t mean they can’t be the other, in fact they both are pretty much lascivious and violent, so it’s not easy to notice the difference, but Aster knows them better than anyone, so he can tell.

"I guess I finally realized why the manifestation of my star turned out to be an armor, don’t people say that the best defense is a good offense~", she said, her armor shone in a dazzling golden light which Aster easily recognized.

"That is…", Aster’s sentence had to be stopped, as he saw Alice’s armor changing once again, small red scale-like pieces appeared all over it giving it a sharp and threatening appearance.

It was slightly similar to what happened when Aster changed the focus of the golden armor when it was in its giant state, by adding annihilation to it, but in Aster’s case he lost the capacity to defend in exchange, unless he used annihilation to erase the incoming attacks of course.

But for Alice, she never had the capacity to protect others, the armor protected her but she couldn’t efficiently use the golden light to extend the protection to others like Aster did, at most she could cover one or two people while Aster could basically use the same extension as he could expand the armor, since for him the armor was originally big, before he learned compression which was Alice’s natural state.

"You know, when I said that I grew thanks to your love I wasn’t joking, this idea came to me after I became aware of your soul energy which was sealed in my tail, I wondered why swords aren’t my thing, and the answer I came up to, is that… they aren’t destructive enough to my liking~".

Aster’s eyes widened a bit as he saw the golden light radiated by Alice’s armor, return to her body, the red sharp scales where then covered by curve short blades which were created with her first used his own punch to intercept hers, but the result was different this time.

level sword intent, in other words she distributed her ghost sword in many blades that were part of her armor.

Alice’s image flashed the next second, which made Aster abruptly turn around just to see Alice’s fist approaching him, he once again used his own punch to intercept hers, but the result was different this time.

"Booom!", the result was that a shockwave was produced by the impact, the usual, but the problem is that this time Aster was forced backwards, until he basically crashed against the ground.

Aster whose body had sank into the hard rock ground, looked upwards and contemplated what Alice just did, he wasn’t wounded at all, but she still managed to overpower him and make him fly downwards.

Alice let her body fall from the sky, landing on top of Aster, she was now sitting on his stomach with an amused expression on her pretty face.

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"Why did you add your sword intent to not use it?", he asked at Alice who giggled in response.

"I prefer how the armor looks when I do it, besides I need to save something to impress you in the next mission, otherwise Sarina will monopolize you~".

Aster inwardly sighed, at the end of the day no matter how much she changes, that wild sister of his will always be the Alice he knows and loves.

"To think the golden light of your armor changed from protection to attack, I blocked the impact but the strength still sent me flying, I can clash head on against a Genesis Manifestation with the armor without being moved at all, you know", said Aster.

That’s right, Alice’s armor has changed the property of the light it can radiate, from being a protective mean to become an attacking mean, it was that same light what made Aster be blown away by the impact.

Naturally, that light has a limit of usage and it consumes stamina as it is an extension ability of the Paragon body, which is a body constitution, but the result is amazing, and that’s not the end of it.

’I obtained things in a different order, the invincibility, light protection, compression, the armor boosting effects and lastly expansion, if I look at it, they are all related to defense one way or another, while Alice followed an order that fitted offensive the best, then what will happen when she obtains the offensive version of… invincibility’, thought Aster.

The Paragon body allowed him to block attacks regardless of realm for ten seconds, back then Alessia managed to pressure him through the invincibility, but that was before the golden body became the Paragon body, now Aster could estimate that Alessia’s attack that time, was on par with a Heavenly realm, because he has experienced an attack of similar strength from Lilia, the difference is that the invincibility this time fully protected him.

In fact, he hadn’t found the limit of damage that can be nullified, on the other hand Lilia hasn’t gone all out against him, not only because she hasn’t fully recovered but because she is afraid of actually hurting Aster, though he is thinking on a solution for that.

Anyway, what will happen for Alice, will she be able to wound enemies ignoring everything else… it’s something worth looking up for, because even annihilation is reduced by erasing matter or spirit energy until it disappears.

"Well, I needed to obtain a good offense of I wanted to be the one that better complements you~", she playfully said as she leaned down to kiss Aster just to pout when her lips were separated from Aster’s by a thin layer of golden light, not allowing her to get a taste of her beloved brother.

"Hey that’s not fair!", she exclaimed.

Her tail angrily waved before it was smashed against the ground, making a huge crater appear while countless pieces of debris were sent flying all over the place, followed by the crater filling with lava.

Aster chuckled at Alice’s childish complain, there was no ground below them anymore, he was floating on top of the molten lava, but showed no problem with that, as he raised his arm to caress Alice’s pretty face by rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"Mm~", Alice enjoyed Aster’s caresses but unfortunately it didn’t last long before Aster said.

"Okay, enough reward for now, you can keep whatever intent you might be working on a secret, but I want to see how much strength can my Alice you produce with her armored tail", jokingly said Aster as he flew out of the lava with Alice who wrapped her tail around him, following.

"Grrrrr~", Alice softly growled at Aster, trying to imitate her dragon instincts self, in a try to trick Aster so he would "suppress" her, but Aster only smirked in response.

"Dragon eyes, remember, maybe it would have worked before though, you certainly gained more control over your dragon lineage", he said.

"Humph, fine… but you better give me lots and lots of love after that", mumbled Alice after she realized her plan was seen through.

Aster softly laughed as he took some distance from Alice, this was going to be the last clash, not only because Alice "needs" have to be taken care off, but because they had actually caused quite a bit of destruction.

And while Aster didn’t really care about the Red Sword faction causing a fuss over it, this planet was used by Iris for training, so he didn’t want to cause permanent damage to it either.

"My tail hits different now so don’t take it lightly, mom will kill me if I were to harm my little brother~", playfully said Alice as her body exploded in golden light which was then injected into the armor that covered her tail.

Aster grinned, he followed Alice’s example and released the protective golden light of his armor, preparing to take the attack head on, technically the Star Maidens couldn’t harm Aster, nor he could harm them, but it was a flexible rule.

If both parties allowed it, they could harm the other, but never kill each other, it was made like that for these kinds of scenarios, after all a fight without any emotion won’t be beneficial for a cultivator and it’s not like they would fatally wound each other, at most some scratches and cuts will be the result.

However, the pain caused will be there, though nothing has happened in the spars, this was different, they were really going to launch a serious attack against the other, limiting to use only their physical bodies.

The next second Alice flashed, just her movement caused an explosion as a proof of the momentum she carried for her next attack, she reappeared above Aster, her body rolled on the air as she descended as if she was going to use an axe kick, but her legs weren’t involved, instead her tail slashed down clashing against Aster’s chest, which was the most protected area.

"Booooom!", the ground below of them exploded just by the shockwave, but that wasn’t all, the golden light released by Alice’s tail, made a clean cut that dived into the ground for who knows how many meters, before magma flooded the newly created crater.

That being said, the magma couldn’t erupt out of the crater, because of the pressure caused by the clash of those two, sparkles flew all over the place and even electricity crackled at the place where Alice’s tail and Aster’s armor were colliding.

Aster could feel his body being slightly pushed downwards as the clash continued, the magma which was trying to come up to the surface was actually forced to return due to the impact, it was as if a pair of giants were clashing.

This continued until the light emitted by both of their armors diminished, which was around two minutes after the clash started, they both de-activated their armors in unison and Aster who had a perverted smile grabbed Alice by her tail to drag her into his embrace.

"Uhhh~", Alice seemed to have lost all her strength as she entered her beloved brother’s embrace while giving him puppy eyes.

"Well, it seems that even if you managed to pushed me backwards, the real winner is me", jokingly said Aster as he pressed his lips against Alice’s.

’I can never really go "against" you after all~’, thought Alice as she wrapped both her legs and tail around Aster, who allowed their bodies to fall into the lava.

Their figures were engulfed by the bright molten rock leaving no traces of them behind, which was for the good as their last clash caught the attention of the few people who were not exactly near, but they felt the rumble caused by their fight.

But by the time they arrived they could only see the destruction and the river of lava, they tried to use their spirit sense but due to the lava they couldn’t bypass even the first two hundred meters, so they ultimately left, they didn’t feel any increase in the nearby spirit energy so it’s not like a treasure had appeared or anything, it was probably something caused by a tremor.

Unaware to them, there was a pair of dragon siblings lewdly entangling at the depths of the river of lava, causing the constant waves that seemed to be produced by the boiling molten rock.

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