The rise of the pervert primordial Chapter 600 Aria’s soothing cold & Mira’s warm heart (part 1)

Chapter 600 Aria’s soothing cold & Mira’s warm heart (part 1)

The travel back to the valley didn’t take long, though for Camila who knew Lilia had probably already told the others about the kiss between Aster and her, it seemed to last an eternity.

"Don’t worry too much about it, besides Alice, I doubt the others will tease you too much", jokingly said Aster, it’s worth noticing that despite Camila supposedly not wanting others to know about the change in their relationship, she was holding hands with Aster even now.

"You knew that Lilia was watching from the very beginning…", mumbled Camila to which Aster chuckled.

"Actually, both mom and Rya saw us", he added.

"Uhhhh~", Camila’s face cutely reddened, Aster knew that she really didn’t hate their relationship being discovered, she just didn’t know how to process the change that her daily life will be having.

Despite she not being exactly sheltered since she had to deal with the mess back at the Wolfstein family, including Victor trying to hit on her, Aster is her first boyfriend, so all this is a bit too much for her inexperienced maiden’s heart.

With Camila mumbling a few things along the way while Aster caressed her hair to help her relax, they soon reached the other side of the dimensional tunnel, appearing right in the middle of the living room.

"Big brother is back!".

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The first ones to notice Aster’s return, were the little girl and the little snake, who rushed to then jump and hug and coil around Aster, respectively.

"You two are as livelier than normal, did something good happen?", asked Aster as he gently patted their heads.

"Yes, we got to play with sister Mira all the day, she even prepared us cold sweets with her ice~", cutely said Kana as she giggled.

"Oh?", Aster gazed at the ligress girl who was coming from the same direction from which the two little girls rushed earlier.

"I-I didn’t play with them, it was training, I was interested in that little Lindwyrm’s evolution, that’s it…", said the ligress girl after letting out a low growl to then leave towards the dining room, despite her words it is clear that she has fallen prey to Kana’s cuteness, as always, the little girl was the ultimate weapon when it came to "breaking the ice" with the new additions to the group.

’What kind of training involves ice cream’, amusingly thought Aster, however he didn’t tease the ligress girl anymore, in any case it is good that she has opened up even if it is under the excuse of satisfying her curiosity of Espi’s lineage, the truth is that she is interested in the little snake since she also has spirit beast’s ascendence, so she considers Espi something like a little sister.

"I see, how about you two tell me how you "trained" with sister Mira, while we have something nice to eat?", said Aster just to see Kana and Espi’s eyes sparkling.

"Mm~", those two nodded and then left towards the dining room as fast as they arrived, they were happy bundles of energy, who enlighten Aster’s home as always, in fact Camila seemed quite eased after looking at the little girl who had no worries in the world, at least until she heard Kana speaking out loud before she left the living room.

"Ah right, me and the other sisters want to listen about sister Camila’s date~", though innocent, her words reminded Camila that, the other lovers of Aster were waiting for her in the dining room.

Ignoring the "damage" she just caused, Kana happily hummed as she went to the kitchen to lend her mother and the other girls who were preparing the dinner.

Aster laughed, maybe Kana’s nature is soft and gentle but she is still the daughter of an innate warrior like Sarina, she’ll probably have a sharp tongue in the future just like her mother.

Without letting Camila think about it, Aster held her hand and then walked towards the dining room where all the girls were already sitting as if they had discussed it beforehand, Eric and Sofia were also accompanying them.

"Yo, brother Aster!", Eric’s thunderous voice welcomed them, while Sofia friendly limited to nod at them, like usual.

Normally it would have been either Lilia or Alice the ones to welcome Aster, but those two were strangely not present, in fact Aria wasn’t here either, which only made Camila have a bad premonition.

Aster chuckled, he greeted the others and then took a seat just to see Camila doubting where to sit, normally she sits with Eris and Mylene who usually take the spot in front of Aster and his lovers so that they can easily chat even if they aren’t next to the other, Agnes and Vivian used to do that too, but they now sit at the same side as Aster, though they don’t take the seats next to him, since one is normally reserved for Lilia unless she loses in the little "competitions" she has with Sarina, while the other is rotated among the girls, well Alice also sometimes fights with Kana to sit on Aster’s lap.

"What’s the problem Cami, your face is quite red, are you perhaps feeling feverish?", asked Mylene, with a knowing gaze.

’Gaaah, she knows it!’, inwardly exclaimed Camila, she could also feel a few more intense gazes on her, a sharp one coming from Agnes, while there were some curious ones coming from Vivian, Tiana, Nerissa, Alexandra and even Mira.

At the very least Camila thanked the heavens that the chatterbox Runic Oak, Nim wasn’t here, since it tended to ask weird things under the name of learning about "human customs".

"Ahem, no, I’m just a bit tired, I obtained a new ability earlier so I used quite a bit of stamina", said Camila as she sat at the same side as Aster, next to Agnes.

Eris limited to drink from her tea, though she still stole a couple of gazes at her friend as well as to Aster who was enjoying the show.

"Darliiing~", after a couple of seconds, Lilia’s melodious voice came from the kitchen as she as well as the other girls brought the dinner, after placing the trays of food on the table, they all took their respective seats and everyone immediately dug in.

After all, everyone just returned from their daily routine, some were training, others studying or practicing, but everyone had something in common, they were hungry and Sarina’s spirit cooking was the best way to fill their stomachs.

"So, is Camila staying with us tonight?", Alice who was sitting at Aster’s left seat, since today it was her turn, had a teasing light shinning in her blood red ruby eyes as she casually commented.

Needless to say, but the poor Camila nearly choked herself with what she was munching on.

"Don’t tease her too much sis", said Aster as he handed Camila a glass of water using telekinesis.

"Hahaha, as expected of brother Aster!", shouted Eris as he raised his cup to offer a toast for Aster, while the others laughed.

Camila who just recomposed herself, let out a sigh of relief seeing that the bullying she expected from the others didn’t happen, Aria, Sarina and even Lilia warmly smiled at her, the only exception was Alice, but that was her way to welcome her as a new sister.

"I will pass for now, b-but I will go to the next mission as well so… I will stay with you then", said Camila, her voice became really low at the end to the point that it seemed as if she was talking to herself, that being said all the girls heard her.

Besides making fun of Camila, all the girls told Aster how they day went, as always it was a bliss for him to dine with his family, once everyone had their fill, Aster turned to see the girls who were left to have their dates to then ask.

"Who is today’s winner?", he didn’t even need to hear the answer, since Aria’s eyes were shinning like stars, which he found rather cute.

But he also had a certain shine in his, a cunning one though as he sent a message to Aria through the mind connection so that only the girls could hear him an answer came right away and then Aster casually said.

"Since that is the case, tomorrow it will be Aria… and Mira’s turn".

"Ha!", the ligress girl nearly fell from her chair upon listening to such a shameless declaration, but before she could complain, Aster interrupted her by saying.

"This is a rule of our household, besides you want to go out to see if you can ubicate this Heavenly Quadrant right, so it is important for you to know how to cooperate with us and especially Aria since your attributes go along so well, Tiana and the others also participate for that same reason so no excuses".

Mira lowly growled, she has been listening about those "dates" from the others, but she thought that they were only for those who were interested romantically on Aster, since she hasn’t talked with all the others, she didn’t know that Tiana and Felicia who aren’t in that kind of relationship with Aster also have had dates with him.

That being said, his reasons were completely acceptable, she is a completely unknown territory where talented monsters like the ones present in this room exist.

’That woman called Camila, her lineage wasn’t this strong earlier, she is clearly a spirit beast’s descendant, another dangerous bloodline which I don’t recognize…’, she thought, even if she hasn’t decided whether to join Aster’s group permanently by signing a contract with Aria or not, it is already decided that she will be tagging along with them for quite a long time, at least until she recovers her cultivation which was dissolved during all those years of torture, enough so that she can leave this mortal plane.

Unconsciously she already believed that Aster will follow his word of not forcing her to do anything, by using her true name, well she was only half tied by it since she isn’t a full spirit beast, so if she didn’t care about paying a hefty price she could escape in the worst-case scenario, but this and that weren’t the same.

"Don’t worry sister Mira, I’m sure big brother wants sister Mira to have fun, since she has been good with us, also, dates with big brother are the best, he always finds some interesting places to visit, fun things to do and also helps us with our training, not to mention he treats us to delicious food~", cutely said Kana.

"Hisss~", the little snake hissed in agreement with her friend.

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’Ughh, don’t look at me like those pure eyes, that is cheating!’, inwardly thought Mira upon seeing Kana and Espi’s sparkling eyes.

"Ahh, fine, I’ll go, but if I don’t like it, I’ll leave okay!", exclaimed the ligress girl to then flash out of the dinning room, directly to her room.

"Well said you two", said Aster as he patted Kana and Espi’s little heads, honestly, he was prepared for Mira to not agree and wasn’t going to force her, his original plan was for her to accept the next time, but the two little girls managed to convince the grumpy ligress girl, which was praise worthy.

Also, as slight as it might be, he could tell she was interested, maybe not on going with him on a date, but on go outside of the valley, Mira wasn’t really restrained since Aster only asked her to not leave, besides that she could do as she pleased and yet after being trapped for so many years, she hadn’t left the proximity of the castle in the past days.

She will obviously not say it out loud, no, she won’t even let others notice it, but she was afraid of being captured again, which is why she won’t leave the valley alone and the only ones with whom she really hangs outside of the castle are Kana and Espi, and she of course wouldn’t take those two little girls alone with her.

Aster might not know the whole truth, but his instincts have never failed him when it came to women, courtesy of his dragon lineage, after all, he wouldn’t have insisted if she really was against the idea.

"Looking down on a date with my beloved brother, that cat girl is too temperamental, humph", said Alice as she tightly hugged Aster.

"Like you are one to talk, dragon princess…", mumbled Aria as she took a sip of her tea cup.

It was getting late so after saying good night, everyone parted ways, it didn’t escape Aster’s eyes that Mylene, Eris, Agnes and Vivian followed them, well, their rooms were near his, but they didn’t immediately enter and instead waited since Camila was walking quite close to Aster’s group.

"Are you sure you don’t want to come in, just watching won’t hurt, it might be a good practice for the future~", teasingly said Lilia.

"I-I’m fine thanks… good night, Aster!", exclaimed Camila, she pecked Aster’s right cheek and then disappeared into her room, she actually forgot to close the door of her room, but Eris and the others took the chance to invite themselves into it, apparently their little slumber party would take place in Camila’s room this time, Agnes and Vivian also joined as well, not without smiling at Aster as they said.

"Good night~".

"Have a nice rest and don’t tease her… much", said Aster.

As soon as he closed the door of the room, Aster felt a certain sensation of "danger", he turned around just to see Kana cutely smiling as she said.

"I’m feeling a bit dirty after playing with Espi all the day, so I’ll go take a bath", the room was quite large, since it had to have space for more than ten people, as soon as Kana was gone, Aster only managed to see a pair of flashes one was as black as the night, while the other was yellow-golden.

"What happened, you two?", asked Aster as he saw the pair of mothers laying on top of him, the ones who tackled him onto the bed were none other than Lilia and Sarina.

"Now, darling, you looked so happy flirting with our new sister, that our switches were flipped, so you’ll have to take responsibility~", said Lilia as she seductively licked her lips.

"Mom, Kana is still…", Aster was always ready for some nice action, but they had to at least tell Kana to go out of the room, judging by the dangerous red glow on Lilia and Alice’s eyes. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

"That little girl will take more than one hour bathing when she is alone since she likes to play in the bathtub, I told her we had something important to "discuss" and since she is such a good girl, she agreed to postpone her bath until after we finished dinning~", said Sarina.

Alice and Aria exchanged gazes, they giggled before they also jumped onto the bed to then hug Aster’s arms as they got closer to him.

"Since we became yours, we accepted to share you with other girls", said Aria.

"But we didn’t say anything about not taking "repercussions" whenever you bring home a new sister, do you have anything to say~", added Alice as she teasingly licked Aster’s cheek.

Aster bitterly smiled, earlier he found weird that his lazy sister who is a disaster in the kitchen, was lending a hand in preparing the dinner, apparently, they all gathered in the kitchen to discuss how to "get back" at him.

Still, they were forgetting something very important… Aster is a pervert.

"Mm?", Lilia and Sarina suddenly felt a steel-like hard thing pressed against their lower bodies, their faced reddened a bit as the warm of Aster’s body was transferred to them and they weren’t the only ones.

"Hyaa~", Alice and Aria let out a synchronized cute sound when Aster’s firm hands squeezed their butts.

"I plead guilty", said Aster as he buried his head in between Lilia and Sarina’s large breasts.

For the next hour and a half, laughs and giggles could be heard within the room, it was rather quick and each girl only had one shot but they made the most out of it, and since it was a "quickie" by Aster’s standards at least, a simple wave of Rigel’s flames cleaned everything perfectly, so by the time Kana was back, everyone was ready to enter the land of dreams.

The little girl and the little snake gained the gratitude of the others, so today they were left to have the "main spot" meaning they laid down on top of Aster, while Lilia and Sarina acted as Aster’s pillow and Alice and Aria hugged Aster’s side.

And so, the night went on uneventful at least on the outside world, another passionate girl waited for Aster inside the mind space, in the form of a certain cute empress who wanted some attention after seeing another competitor "officially" joining the family.

Aster’s eyelids trembled for a second before he opened his eyes, he woke up inside the mind space, he looked down just to see Rya’s pretty sleeping face, she was smiling even in her sleep, after all she had Aster all for herself this time.

’I guess it’s good to see them agreeing on something’, inwardly thought Aster, somehow Rya made Lilia promise to not interrupt them yesterday night, so the sword girl could have her time with Aster too, it was just a couple of hours anyway since Rya couldn’t keep up with Aster’s libido alone, at least not in spirit form the pleasure of their souls resonating made her beg for mercy after a few rounds, even after all the "training" she has had during the past months.

"Soon, I’ll take you out of this place and we’ll go on as much dates as you want…" mumbled Aster as he gently caressed Rya’s face making her giggle, before he pecked her lips to then leave the mind space.

Rya’s eyes opened the moment Aster left, there was a sweet sensation flooding her heart.

"I’ll be looking forward to it~", she said before she returned to sleep.

Aster opened his eyes at the outside world, one of his arms was already free, since Aria woke up early to have a bath and was now sitting on the bed next him, while she combed her pretty platinum blue hair which she knew Aster loved.

She accepted to bring Mira to their date, because the previous mission was for her, that doesn’t mean she didn’t want to have Aster for herself, all the girls enjoyed their private time with him, but she wasn’t bothered by bringing the ligress girl.

Not only because ultimately Aster went through all that trouble to help her obtain a heavenly treasure such as a spirit ice, but because she actually felt positive towards the ligress girl.

And Mira was the same, she couldn’t detect an ounce of greed or ill intention from Aria, despite knowing that she wanted to make a contract with her, she was seen and treated as an equal, quite different than the past one who wanted to make a contract with her.

Also, if she makes a contract with Mira, they’ll be connected like Kana and Esmeralda, so it is a good idea to practice before.

’Well, if I can make it work with Alice on the mix, I can make it work with anyone~’, thought the ice princess.

Aster gave the others their good morning kisses, even Sarina was sleeping until a bit later today, apparently, she was having a really nice rest after receiving Aster’s love a few hours ago.

"Good luck taming that "wild" tigress, darling~", said Lilia as she returned to sleep.

Aster chuckled, he got up the bed and after a quick shower he was ready to go, well he still needed to pick up the other participant of today’s date, so while Aria held onto Aster’s right arm, they left the room.

Surprisingly the castle was deserted, probably Eris, Mylene and the others stayed up until late night teasing Camila, so today it was a slow morning, which was nice from time to time, also that helped a certain ligress girl to not feel too overwhelmed.

"Good morning, Mira", said Aster to the ligress girl who was waiting for them on the living room.

"G-Good morning", said Mira.

"Here", Aria offered Mira her free hand, so that Aster could use his authority, the ligress girl accepted and then they disappeared from the room.

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