The Son Of Ragnar Chapter 295 A Son Of Ragnar Falls!?

Tyr could not believe his eyes, Bjorn was right in front of him and it suddenly made sense why Sighvatur was injured, Bjorn was strong enough to inflict damage on him but the poisons got him.

Tyr was happy, he smiled at Bjorn and what Bjorn saw was the boy that washed up on that shore.

Tyr looked so innocent and it was hard to believe that this boy was the manipulator and killer that he was.

"Hahahaha! You have grown big brother!" Tyr exclaimed before returning his gaze to Sighvatur but he soon looked past him to make eye contact with Gudrun.

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Tyr gave her a knowing nod as Gudrun buried two arrows into the men that were standing over Bjorn.

Sighvatur had partially regained his sight, it was blurry but he could see.

Tyr was not going to let Sighvatur have his way and had every intention of killing him.

The fact that no one tried to help Sighvatur or interfere with the battle showed that this was what would decide both men’s fate.

The war was coming to an end with this battle, and the winner would determine the future of these clans.

They were tired of fighting and hearing that Tyr killed Gissur was something that made them lose faith in the young warrior.

Tyr raised Gissur’s broadsword and said.

"I am using the blade of the man that I killed because I know what power is, and I seek to unite everyone under one Chieftain and that Chieftain will not be me…" Tyr said and everyone was shocked as he smiled at Gudrun.

"That person will be Kolbeinn… He is a better man than I could ever be and I know I am not worthy of such loyalty when I was focused on my own selfish reasons. I do not know, maybe it is because of my brother being here that I want to show him how cool I have become but…." Tyr said, pausing as he watched Sighvatur recollect himself.

".... I realized I do not want to be this person," Tyr said with a weak smile as he glanced over at Bjorn; he hated what he was becoming and the look Bjorn gave him on that day, the day he opposed their father, played in his head.

"Vikings, Sighvatur only has power because you follow him! If you drop your sword, the Sturlungar clan ceases to exist for it cannot stand with one man…." Tyr urged them, he wanted to minimize the bloodshed because there was no way Sighvatur was getting out of this alive.

They needed to see Sighvatur fall or their thoughts will always be divided but Tyr wanted to beat him fair and square.

He allowed Sighvatur to recompose himself while he asked a random Viking to give him the axes he had.

He complied with little to no resistance because he knew how important this battle was going to be.

"Sighvatur, I hold no grudge against you but what is happening here, this is the world you all created…" Tyr said; he was right.

He was a visitor in their world and these were the things that they glorified so Tyr grew up glorifying it as well.

Sighvatur kissed his teeth in irritation and lunged at Tyr but Tyr did not move an inch with his arms at his side like he was on a crucifix.

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Sighvatur found this strange and thought Tyr had some hidden trick up his sleeves.

"Tyr!" Gudrun shouted but all Tyr did was smile at her right before being run through by Sighvatur’s blade.

"Only when one dies…." Tyr muttered as blood escaped the edges of his lips but he raised his head to see Sighvatur’s neck with his two axes buried at either side.

".... will he be reborn…"

Both men fell back first into the ground, Sighvatur was dead and Tyr was about to die.

Tyr knew he could not kill Sighvatur but the majority of warriors drop their guards, even if it was for a split second the moment they delivered a fatal blow.

This was the only way Tyr knew he could beat Sighvatur, Sighvatur was far too strong to defeat in a straight-on confrontation so he used his life as bait.

All Tyr did was make sure he did not get his heart as that would be game over.

Gudrun ran to Tyr with tears in her eyes, she saw his current state and was quite hysterical because she did not know what she would do without him.

Nora could not believe her eyes, she fell to her knees and began sobbing.

The atmosphere was solemn despite the war finally being over as the Vikings under Sighvatur began beating their shields to show both of these fallen warriors respect.

Tyr knew Bjorn wanted him dead, and he granted him that wish; he turned his head to look at Bjorn.

"What the fuck? He is even crazier than me…" Viggo muttered in horror because this tactic was suicidal.

But Tyr had witnessed Erik do it multiple times even if it was for the wrong reasons and there was a pattern in his opponent’s behaviour that always made them drop their guard.

"W-What are you all staring at!? Go and save them!" Ivan screamed at the dumbfounded observers as they rushed to Bjorn’s side but they quickly diagnosed that his condition was not fatal because the poison Sighvatur used was just to paralyze him.

But Tyr was a different case altogether as his blood soaked into the ground.

"I-I will be going ahead, brother…" Tyr said as the voices became fainter and fainter.

"I still have so much to tell you but I guess that can wait until when you join me in Valhalla…" Tyr was coughing blood as it slowly filled his lungs, he could barely breathe as he felt Gudrun’s tears trickle down his face.

"I-I am glad your face is the last thing I see before I die," Tyr smiled as he caressed her face.

"Y-You are as beautiful as I remember…" These were Tyr’s final words as his limp hand dropped to the ground, Tyr was no longer conscious. No, that is not correct.

"HE IS NOT BREATHING!" Tyr was dead.

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