The Son Of Ragnar Chapter 401 Alf Comes Through!

Chapter 401 Alf Comes Through!

Bishop Calvin was satisfied but he had no intention of moving his fleet from the position they occupied because he did know there was a possibility that all this was an elaborate decoy.

Calvin, however, doubted it and this was because Tyr did a convincing job of portraying this

The bishop planned to call this a victory because he had just deterred an invasion that could have claimed the lives of multiple soldiers of God.

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Night fell and the sea was quiet, the boats that trailed the warriors returned prior and reported that they had left the area.

This brought a satisfied smile from Bishop Calvin as he could not believe how easy it was to trick them into leaving.

Calvin did not give them real treasures and only shiny things that held no real value so in his mind, he had just fooled these warriors.

This gave him a superiority complex and the notion that they were mindless barbarians seemed to be true.

He was surprised that they could even move on water and he took note of the weapons that were mounted on Ragnar’s boat.

There was no doubt that they had quite the innovator on their end and Calvin found himself curious as to what else these barbarians had in mind.

A few warriors were around Calvin but now, he wanted to be alone.

"Leave me be, I need to rest," Calvin said and the warriors around him did just that.

Calvin was left alone in his room and he fell on the floor, clearly exhausted.

He was sleep deprived as he could not afford to rest until now, fatigue was one thing everyone was subject to.

Calvin closed his eyes to sleep but his slumber was soon interrupted a few moments later.

It felt like it was a few minutes but it was for hours, Calvin awoke due to the scuffle at the entrance of his door.

This was unusual and the bishop jumped to his feet the moment he heard the commotion.

He got his sword and wore his cross because he was hearing loud thumping outside, it was like bodies were dropping yet no one called out.

Calvin walked outside of his room only to see bodies littered around, their throat slashed.

It looked like whoever did this, attacked them in their sleep but there was no way any external threat could do this.

It had to be someone within and Calvin raised his head only to see Alf standing with a bloodied sword and a satisfied grin.

"You fucking Pagan…" The war bishop cursed, entering a combative mode as he charged at Alf.

Alf knew there was no way to defeat him, Calvin was a different monster but if it was him that killed Alf, Alf was certain that Odin would accept him.

The metallic blade of Calvin was aimed right at the neck of Alf, his dexterity was something that Alf did not expect as he could not even react to the swing but did he need to?

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[After the meeting between Calvin and Tyr]

"Alf, do you wish to be part of my story?’ Tyr asked as he was walking back to the boat and Alf nodded eagerly, who would not want to be in the story of the great Tyr Ragnarsson?

"I need you to do something for me, something only you can do," Tyr said and Alf listened to the young warrior go into details about what he needed from him.

Calvin mistook Alf’s motive, thinking it was to his fellow slavers but little did he know, it was to Tyr himself.

He knew that his comrades held captive would rejoice that they were sacrificed to aid Tyr in his goals but Calvin thought by taking them hostage was a shortcut to buy Alf’s temporary cooperation. He was wrong.

Alf was instructed to kill everyone on this particular boat quietly so he wouldn’t alert those on the other boats. Alf remembered what it was like being a Viking, killing and slaughtering those that posed a threat to Tyr but there was a problem, who would defeat Calvin?

"Before you go Tyr, there is something I need to tell you," Alf said and both men had one final conversation before going their separate ways


A familiar sound of swords clashing echoed, Calvin’s sword met resistance and he was even pushed back.

"What are you doing here?" Calvin asked because before him, was the son of Ragnar, Tyr.

"You have done wonderfully well," Tyr said with a grin and Alf was beyond honoured that he could fight back against these Christians.

Tyr had given him a reason to live that went beyond enslaving people and that was a purpose he had lost long ago.

He could feel his blood boil but Calvin had so many questions and that was obvious by his look.

"I know you are wondering how I got here…" Tyr said, judging from things he was the only one around, there were no other warriors present.

"We had an agreement! Is this how little the Vikings’ words mean to them!?" Calvin questioned but Tyr only chuckled at this absurdity.

"You not only gave us fake treasures but you poisoned a small portion of the food you gave to us… Is that how you honoured yours?" Tyr fired back, and Calvin’s eyes immediately looked at Alf.

"That bastard…!" Calvin cussed the slaver in his mind but there was nothing he could do about any of this.

This had always been the plan, Tyr knew he had to get rid of Calvin no matter what for if you cut off the head of a serpent, the rest of his body goes to waste,

Alf had snuck him onboard after he quietly killed the warriors keeping watch and those sleeping, that was all him. The cover of the night made this possible because the clouds were dense and blocked out the moonlight. Tyr boarded the boat and the rest was history, he had briefed the heads of the various armies about this plan that very night and Hagen was surprised because this eliminated his earlier worry about them proving a threat to them as he knew how demoralizing it was for a unit to lose their leader.

Calvin now found himself in a pickle and the fact that he could not have guessed this troubled him.

This was madness, this was reckless, and if anything, this was something no sane human should not even think possible.

Yet it was happening because of the man known as Tyr, the undead.

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