The Son Of Ragnar Chapter 416 Tyr And Rolf Join Hands!

Chapter 416 Tyr And Rolf Join Hands!

Blood dripped on the floor, the ground absorbing the crimson-coloured fluid.

"TYR! A voice echoes but the chaotic sound of battle drowned out this urgent call.

"I’m okay," Tyr responded, blood dripping from his torso he managed to leap back at the very last second to evade certain death.

The wound was minor but Tyr knew that this man before him shouldn’t be underestimated.

They blew their chance at killing him with a surprise attack and instead, Tyr got injured.

This didn’t do their fellow Vikings any good moral-wise.

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Tyr couldn’t understand nor believe that he had made such a mistake at such a crucial moment.

"What’s wrong with you?" Rolf called out but Tyr was in a daze, he couldn’t comprehend what was happening to him.

Rolf rushed to Tyr’s side, an action that surprised the dark-skinned Vikings seeing as Rolf was King Askild’s puppet and Tyr dying would do them more good than harm.

Rolf quickly used the remnants of his chain to deflect the incoming arrow aimed at Tyr.

"You need to snap out of it or we will all die," Rolf reminded him that it wasn’t just his life he was responsible for but all of theirs.

"Am I scared of… dying?" Tyr thought to himself, the realisation finally hit him.

The man that conquered death fears it?

That couldn’t be right, this moment of opening would be exploited by the enemy.

The bishop that had nearly taken his life swung his blade vertically, attempting to split Tyr in half.

Rolf could not defend against such an attack but he knew that if Tyr fell today.

There would be no hope of them surviving, he didn’t like Tyr but he understood the importance he serving on this battlefield.

Rolf managed to shove him out of the way but he didn’t do so unscathed.

Tyr was safe but what was this fluid that had touched his face, he looked over his shoulder and saw Rolf with a slash across his chest.

"Y-You fool," Rolf insulted him before falling to the ground face-first.

"Why the hell would you do that!?" Tyr screamed and the Vikings around noticed that Rolf had fallen.

"N-No way…" One muttered right before being cut down by the relentless sword of their Christian enemies.

"You’re the son of the man that is scheduled to be executed tomorrow and I must say, you’re nothing like him.. boy," The man said.

Tyr’s body language changed the moment he heard that not only was his father alive they planned to execute him the following day.

"It’s okay to be scared, I wish I could have said a prayer for your friend but then you wouldn’t be able to see him in the next life," The man said, bringing down his blade once again to achieve what he originally tried to do the first time and that was split Tyr into two.

However, before the blade could even reach his target’s head, he felt a concussive force right below his jaw.

Even with armour, he felt it and the man established that Tyr was no longer in his previous position.

He looked down but was quickly swept off his feet, falling right on his back.

The problem with heavy armour was that despite the increased defence, it heavily restricted movement and mobility, this man had no way of defending himself against a warrior that is well-known for his speed.

Tyr threw everything away, his thoughts, his feelings, everything.

The only thing on his mind was to kill them all.

"What!?" The man muttered as Tyr mounted him.

"You’re supposed to be-!" The man was interrupted by a blood-curdling voice.

"See… no… evil," Tyr spoke his tongue and the man was flabbergasted.

The look in Tyr’s eyes was empty, it was like he was a husk that housed only carnage.

"In God’s name, what the hell are you!?" The Bishop said. Tyr had no idea what he was saying, he only knew a few words due to his brief interaction with the man of God that they had spared in their earlier raid.

However, there was no way that these people would let their Bishop fall, an arrow was fired towards Tyr’s blind spot but no one knew that Tyr could fight blind if he wished for it.

Tyr not only snatched the arrow out of the air without looking back, but he jammed it right into the eye of the man he was on top.

Tyr had pinned him down, using the weight of the armour to his advantage.

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The bishop managed to push him off before Tyr could take away his second eye.

He was in pain and this was slowly turning the tide of the battle back in the favor of the Vikings.

The Warriors couldn’t help but be drawn to this battle between their respective leaders.

"You fucking Pagan! I will send you to the depths of hell myself!" The Bishop lost his cool.

Who could blame him, he had an arrow sticking right out of his eye.

"See… no… evil," Tyr said once again in their language but before he could even take a step forward to launch an attack.

The Bishop was surrounded by his men.

"How dare yo-!" One of the warriors spoke but before he could even complete his sentence, Tyr had moved past not only him but all of them in what seemed like a second. l with only one axe in hand.

Tyr’s killing intent was chaotic, it targeted everyone, be it allies or foes.

In actuality, it was the fear that made them perceive his movement wrongly.

"How did you…!" The Christian said but before any of them could do anything.

Their throats split open showing that Tyr’s attack had occurred at approximately the same time he opened his mouth to speak.

This would have been an easy attack to evade by any experienced warrior but these men were too scared to raise their hands against Tyr, talk more of defending themselves.

Tyr charged right at the Bishop, this was a lot different from the man who missed a killing blow.

A flip had switched and Tyr was rampaging, killing everyone that opposed him.

The Bishop tried to bifurcate Tyr with a horizontal slash but Tyr simply jumped into the air, using the flat surface of the inswinging sword to propel himself higher into the air.

The Bishop was left vulnerable, there was no way he could reach and he moved to protect his neck by placing his hand around it.

This hand was, of course, covered in metal so Tyr’s axes couldn’t penetrate but this wasn’t what Tyr was after.

Tyr stuck his finger right into the man’s other eye, he had damaged it enough to cause him complete blindness before skidding to a stop behind him.

The bishop was in pain and began to swing his sword randomly but it met no body mass.

"You’re too weak to be the man I see in my dreams," Tyr muttered as he casually walked up to the blinded Bishop before kicking him to the floor and ripping off his helmet.

The battle had stopped at this point and everyone focused on what was happening.

Tyr rolled him over so he could stare at the man who had dared attack him.

Tyr’s value for family has always been immense, he would do anything for them and this included casting his fears aside.

"Speak… no… evil," Tyr muttered, taking away his tongue.

"Hear… no… evil," Tyr said, taking away his hearing.

Tyr was drenched in blood and the Vikings revelled at this sight.

Tyr ended it by decapitating the Bishop and raising his head for all to see.

If their warrior Bishop could be killed in battle, what chance did they stand for themselves?

The Christians were shaken by this, they couldn’t believe that a child was capable of such a thing.

It was hard to remember that Tyr was only a teenager.

"I’m Tyr Ragnarsson and as long as I stand with you all, we will not fail!" Tyr screamed and the fight back began.

The Vikings began mowing down the Christians, they were so bloodthirsty that it didn’t matter if they had a sword sticking out of their torso, they would still try and take down the enemy.

"Don’t they feel pain!?" A Christian exclaimed but the Vikings were only this bloodthirsty because now they truly believed that they were fighting in the presence of a god. They were fighting in the presence of Tyr, the reincarnation of the god of war bearing that same name.

Tyr rushed over to Rolf, he couldn’t understand why Rolf would do something so stupid but this could only mean one thing however, it was something that Askild wanted.

Askild wanted Tyr alive and he had sent Rolf to do so even if it meant sacrificing himself or was this an independent act from Rolf?

It was hard to say but Tyr was going to make sure of one thing, Rolf’s survival.

"You aren’t dying here today, I’m afraid…" Tyr said as he began to apply pressure on the wound.

The Christians were retreating, they were defeated spiritually and mentally as they wondered why God allowed one of his most distinguished warriors to fall at the hand of the Pagans.

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