The Soul Keeper Chapter 5: ’PORTAL’

Chapter 5: ’PORTAL’

"As you surely know, I’m the CEO and founder of ’OTHERWORLD’, the leading firm in dive technology. We’ve been developing a new type of interface and a game. We call the interface ’PORTAL’. It’s meant to feel more real than reality itself." He took his knife in hand and lightly pressed his finger against the sharp edge.

"Sir!" I cried out as a drop of blood appeared.

"Right now, even in the most realistic dive games, using the most advanced technology, you couldn’t see the detail on this single drop. Look –" he allowed it to fall onto his napkin. "You wouldn’t be able to see how it spreads through the cloth. You wouldn’t be able to feel the warmth of it fade as it dries." He smiled; it was a cold smile. One that didn’t appear in his eyes. "With ’PORTAL’, you can. However, manufacturing PORTAL devices isn’t easy. So far, we’ve only been able to create two thousand devices – enough for testing the game and giving the privileged few some sort of early access."

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Erik grinned as he chimed in. "Vincent and the others already reserved their devices. I’m pretty sure they’re somewhere in the house even."

His father nodded. "Yes. Their opinions are, of course, very important feedback for us. However, people like you are rare and, frankly, valuable. As a martial artist you have trained your body as well as your mind to always be sharp, am I right?"

I hesitated. Being called rare and valuable made me feel like I was being bought. "Well?" He asked again. Helpless, I nodded. "You could say that, but like I said, I’m still in training. I’m by no means a master in anything."

"But your mind is sharp, I can see it. You are the best candidate for being able to tell the difference between reality and the virtual. You’d know if your body felt off or if your sight wasn’t quite right."

I nodded again. I would know all of that. I wasn’t quite sure what he was getting at though. "I’m sure you’ve tested all that thoroughly before. Where do I come in?"

"You’re also a martial artist. You could tell whether the system we use – the moves and attacks – are realistic. I’d love to hear your opinion on the combat, the weapons, the enemies and such details." He smiled, though it looked almost wrong on his face. "And I’m sure Erik would love it if you could join him in his adventures."

"Thanks dad." Erik said as Vincent rolled his eyes. "Of course, Kai’s going to join us. We wouldn’t have it any other way."

I couldn’t really say anything; the opposition was overwhelming, and I was exhausted already. Two days wouldn’t hurt, right? It wouldn’t really affect my performance during exams, and I couldn’t go to the training hall until I healed anyways.

"I’d love to join." I said after a moment’s hesitation. "I do feel bad for taking up one of the two thousand slots though." I said carefully.

"No, no, don’t feel bad, please. Think of it as an opportunity for both parties. I’ll get valuable feedback and you’ll get to experience something you couldn’t otherwise." He wasn’t wrong and he was really convincing. I nodded and smiled, ignoring the gut feeling I had.

"Well, let’s eat and then we can get to calibrating your PORTAL’s and making sure you log in to the game correctly."

"Oh, we’d prefer to do that at home." Vincent suddenly chimed in. "That should be ok, right?"

"Of course," The middle-aged man nodded with a fake smile. "That’s perfectly fine as long as you have a comfortable place to lay down."

I hesitated, I wanted to go home but since I hadn’t actually paid for this PORTAL device, it would be weird to just take it and leave.

"Kai, you can stay here. Devices like that usually require a very good online connection – I don’t think the area you live in can provide you with sufficient speed." Erik’s mischievous smile was well-deserved. I sighed and just nodded. He had played his cards perfectly.

We ate dinner quickly, mostly because everyone was excited to play this new game. Erik’s father was mostly silent, only commenting on something occasionally. I could feel his piercing gaze upon me every time I joined the conversation. It was weird and even a little alarming. I disliked it, a lot.

A short while later Samantha, Alina and the Kestler brothers bid their goodbyes and left with their packages in hand. As private chauffeurs came to pick them up, I stayed behind with Erik and watched. After the large doors closed, Erik and his father finally led me into a room on the top floor.

Erik handed me a wooden box. It had intricate carvings on it. "Open it." He was excited, as usual. I glanced at his father, who nodded. After a moment’s hesitation, I opened the box. Inside, a delicate looking...thing was laying on a soft cushion. I carefully took the cushion out of the box and placed in on a nearby table.

"What is this?" I asked as I stared at it. It was made from what I assumed was a type of metal. It had a golden hue to it with some dark patches.

"It’s the PORTAL." Erik’s father explained. He gently touched it. "Six circular devices, so I guess I should say, they’re the PORTAL." He chuckled. "Sit down, we’ll help you put it on."

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I glanced at Erik, who showed me a trusting smile. He or his father wouldn’t really do something to hurt me, would they?

"Oh, before that." He gestured towards my phone. "Will you call or text the old lady you’re staying with?"

I nodded and wrote her a quick text as I didn’t want to keep Erik’s father waiting. As soon as I finished, I motioned to put the phone in my pocket, but Erik stopped me. "It’s best to not have any other electronics on you."

It made some sense, so I reluctantly placed my phone on the desk. "So, what now?" I asked.

"You’re wearing comfortable enough clothes, so I just need you to remove your jacket. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the room doesn’t get too cold."

Sitting with just my shirt, I felt a little vulnerable even though I could probably beat them both. I shrugged and waited for his next instructions.

"Now," He pressed something on the circular devices, and they clicked open, like bracelets. "Before you put them on, take a good look at them. I don’t want you to feel awkward after putting them on."

He handed one of the smaller bracelets to me. I carefully took it. It was cold to the touch and very clearly made of metal. It was about as thick as my index finger and about as wide as my palm. I couldn’t see any electronic components – even where the device opened. There was no locking mechanism, no hinges, and no buttons.

"It’s... not what I expected." I said. I was a bit confused, how did this thing even work?

"Well, it is a weird device, that’s for sure." Erik’s father said with a chuckle. "Now, these two pieces go on your wrists." I heard an audible click as he locked the bracelets around my wrists. I shivered – it was really cold to the touch. "These, on your ankles." He mumbled.

"Do you mind if I do it?" I asked. It was probably the best way to figure out how these things even locked. Wordless, he gave the devices to me. Carefully, I put each on one ankle. An audible click proved I did it correctly, but I wasn’t any closer to figuring the thing out.

"How do I remove it?"

"Slide your finger here," He pointed at one of the darker patches. "You’ll feel a small bump, just press there." I did as he told and just like that, the thing opened, allowing me to remove it.

"Alright, the last two pieces..." Erik mumbled as he took the two larger devices out. "This goes on your head. It’s the actual device where all the important stuff happens. The other," He gave it to me. "Goes on your neck."

I hesitated. "Weird," I mumbled.

"It’s needed to make sure your consciousness is separated from your body. It’s also the part that measures all your vitals." His father calmly explained. "It wouldn’t do if you made the same movements here as you did in the game world."

Fair enough, I could believe that. It made sense and honestly, I wasn’t knowledgeable enough to refuse any explanation.

"Let me help you with that." Erik’s father gently pushed my hair back and, again with that audible click, locked the device around my neck. I immediately searched for the bump and, only after I found it, relaxed a little. Well, as much as I could with a tight metal thing around my neck.

"Slightly uncomfortable." I commented.

Erik laughed it off. "It doesn’t matter anyways. You’ll only be aware of it for a very short while. Once it’s active, you won’t even feel these.

"The last piece goes over your head, kind of like a crown." His father gave me the last one.

Hesitantly, I placed the circlet over my head. It was heavier than the others. "Great!" He said after making sure I was wearing it properly. "Lay down and just touch this spot." He pointed at one of the gold hued areas on my right wrist. "Close your eyes and PORTAL will activate in five seconds."

"I’ll go put on mine!" Erik shouted as he ran out of the room. I glanced at his father as I lay down and after seeing him nod, hesitantly touched the bright spot. There was something – like a small carving. I felt my head spin and closed my eyes.

"Good luck in there, Kai Friseal." Erik’s father’s distant voice slowly faded

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