The Sword and Heir of Shadows Chapter 13: Alibaba and His Loyal Friends.

Chapter 13: Alibaba and His Loyal Friends.

At StormRider’s House,

After freshening up and cooking a simple yet hearty dinner for his sons, Hector sat at the worn wooden table with Kael and William on either side of him. The aroma of the food filled the cosy kitchen, creating a comforting atmosphere.

"Yummy," Said Kael as he inhaled the aroma coming from the food placed on the table, Hector Chuckled looking at how his two kids were acting right now.

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"Yes, the food looks yummy too," William said as he licked his upper lips making a slurping sound and showing how tasty his father cooks food.

"Let us Dig in" Said Hector as he placed cooked steak, from which he carefully removed bone or cartilage as his toddlers still could not chew food well.

"Daddy I can remove them, Ya know" Complained Kael with a grumpy face which in real was nothing but a cute face, he folded his hands and continued to grumble "Only help William as I am Big boy now" Kael patted his chest twice with his Left hand,

"Okay okay!" Hector sighed and assured his son," Fine, I’ll only help William" Hector still continued doing his job and then he served boiled veggies to which William made a scruchy nose face and yelled "Ewww", Hector Humphed and said, "If you want to grow up, William, eat the Veggies then."

"Okay, Daddy" William nodded, as he was extremely obedient today. Hector served himself the same but he had wine in his glass where the kids had water.

As they ate, Kael and William exchanged playful glances and giggles, making the small room feel warm and alive. Hector watched them, a fond smile on his face.

"Boys," Hector began, breaking the playful silence, "have I ever told you about my dream place?"

Both boys looked at their father with curiosity. "No, Daddy. What is it?" William asked, his eyes wide with interest.

Hector’s eyes softened as he recalled the memories of a distant past. "Well," he began, "a long time ago, in a bustling town far from here, I met someone very special. It was in that town where I first saw your mother, and She looked like an Angel."

Kael and William exchanged knowing glances, not understanding the matter of their father’s words. Their mother had passed away, but her memory lived on in their hearts.

Hector continued, "That town, with its cobbled streets and twinkling lights, will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s my dream place because it’s where I found your mother and where our journey as a family began."

The room fell silent for a moment as they cherished the memory of their beloved Layla. Then, Hector turned to his sons with a gentle smile. "Now, tell me, boys, what’s your dream place?"

William’s grey eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he answered, "My dream place is where there are endless stars in the sky and candies everywhere!" he smiled, a big smile showing his teeth, some of which were stolen by the tooth fairy.

Hector chuckled at William’s sweet imagination. Then, he turned to Kael, who had been deep in thought.

Kael furrowed his brow and paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "My dream place..." he began slowly, "is wherever William is. As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters."

A tear welled up in William’s eye as he looked at his older brother with newfound appreciation. He sniffled and wiped away the tear, his heart touched by Kael’s sentiment.

Hector reached out and ruffled both of their hair affectionately. "You two," he said with pride, "are my dream come true." Kael smiled cheekily, his green eyes were brimming with happiness.

As they finished their meal, their small, close-knit family shared a moment of love and connection, finding solace and strength in one another’s presence. After dinner, Hector cleaned their table and had the kids wash their hands. "Time for bed, Sons", Hector shouted as Kael and William were busy running into the living space.

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With their bellies full and their hearts warmed by their father’s presence, Kael and William were ready for bed. Hector led them to their shared room, its walls adorned with drawings and toys scattered on the floor. He tucked them into their cosy beds, ensuring they were snug beneath the blankets.

"Daddy, can you tell us a story?" Kael asked, his green eyes filled with expectation and he made a puppy face.

Hector scoffed, "You are really getting smarter every day,..... you make this face and get your work done, Don’t you kids?". Hector sat at the corner of the bed.

William nodded eagerly, his eyes wide as he waited for the magical tales that his father often spun.

Hector smiled down at his sons, knowing that storytelling was a cherished tradition in their family. "My boys," he said. "Let me tell you a story about a brave man named Alibaba and his loyal friends."

As he began the tale, Hector’s voice took on a soothing rhythm, and his words transported the children to a world of wonder and adventure. He told them about Alibaba’s secret cave filled with treasures, the cunning thieves, and how Alibaba’s cleverness helped him outwit his enemies.

Kael and William listened with absorbed attention, occasionally interrupting, As Hector told the charming tale, his sons Kael and William listened with wide-eyed wonder. They couldn’t help but interrupt their father with questions, their young minds eager to learn more about this adventurous story.

"Daddy, who is Alibaba?" Kael asked, his curiosity piqued.

Hector smiled down at his son, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Alibaba, my boy, was a brave and clever man who stumbled upon a hidden treasure cave."

William, his eyes shining with excitement, chimed in, "How did he discover the secret cave, Daddy?"

Hector leaned in closer to his sons, making the story come alive. "Well, you see, Alibaba overheard the secret password to open the cave while he was hiding nearby. It was ’Open Sesame.’"

"What kind of treasures were hidden in the cave, Dad?" Kael inquired, his imagination running wild.

Hector described the glittering jewels, piles of gold coins, and shimmering silks found within the cave. "There were treasures beyond imagination, my boys, enough to make anyone’s dreams come true."

William, always curious, wanted to know more. "Tell us about Alibaba’s friends, Daddy. What were their names?"

Hector chuckled. "Alibaba had some loyal friends named Cassim, Morgiana, and the clever slave boy, Marjane. They helped him in his adventures."

As the story continued, Kael and William continued to ask questions, eager to learn about Alibaba’s adventures, the cunning thieves. Hector answered each question patiently, making their bedtime story a cherished memory filled with imagination and wonder.

Hector answered each question patiently, adding depth to the story and igniting their imaginations.

As the story unfolded, Hector painted vivid images in their minds, describing the bustling bazaars, the hidden cave, and the daring escapades of Alibaba and his friends.

Finally, when Alibaba’s triumph over the thieves was complete, Hector concluded the story. "And so, my brave sons, Alibaba and his friends showed us the power of courage, friendship, and clever thinking. Just like them, you two can achieve great things when you work together and use your wits."

Kael and William exchanged contented smiles, their eyes heavy with sleep. "Thank you, Daddy," Kael whispered.

Hector leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads. "You’re welcome, my little adventurers," he whispered back. "Now close your eyes and rest. Tomorrow is a new day."

With the room bathed in the soft glow of the lantern, Hector quietly left his sons’ room, their sleepy smiles etched in his heart. He turned off the lantern, leaving the room in comforting darkness, and wished them a peaceful night as he headed to his night mission.

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