The Sword and Heir of Shadows Chapter 31: Looming Danger.

Chapter 31: Looming Danger.

As Neena lay on the ground, feigning unconsciousness, Marlow issued orders to one of his subordinates. "Get a doctor here immediately. I want to know what’s wrong with her."

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The soldier quickly left to fetch a doctor while Neena anxiously contemplated her next steps. Her plan was in motion, but the success of her deception depended on the doctor’s cooperation.

Minutes later, the doctor arrived, looking concerned. He knelt beside Neena, checking her pulse and breathing. "What happened here?"

Marlow watched with impatience as the doctor examined Neena, wondering if this was yet another one of her ploys to manipulate the situation.

Meanwhile, Neena struggled to find the right words. She needed to convince the doctor to help her and speak in her favor. Gathering her courage, she began, "Doctor, there’s something I must confide in you, and you must promise to keep it a secret."

The doctor looked puzzled but nodded. "Go on."

Neena continued, her voice trembling, "I’m with child, and it’s King’s. He doesn’t know yet, but I must tell him soon. Minister Marlow has been so kind to me, and I need your help to ensure the safety of my unborn child. Please, doctor, you must tell him the truth, that I’m expecting the heir to the throne."

The doctor’s eyes widened with surprise and a hint of concern. Neena’s revelation had taken him aback, and he wasn’t sure how to respond.

Marlow, who had been listening intently, was equally taken aback but decided to keep his reactions in check. He was well aware that a situation like this could have significant consequences, and it was not a matter to be taken lightly.

"Is this true, Neena?" Marlow asked, his voice calmer than he felt inside.

Neena nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. "Yes, Minister Marlow, I swear on my life. I beg you to let King know about our child."

Marlow had a lot to consider. The news of a potential heir was a game-changer. He couldn’t ignore the implications of such a revelation. But for now, he needed more information before he could make a decision.

At the same time, Hector was taking decisive action of his own. He knew that the situation was growing more dangerous with each passing moment. His children’s safety was paramount, and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect them.

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Hector entered his shed, which had been his sanctuary and a place to conduct his business. As he closed the door behind him, he sat down at his desk, taking out a piece of parchment and a quill. With a heavy heart, he began to pen a letter to his friend in another kingdom.

In the letter, he detailed the predicament he found himself in, explaining the dangers he faced and the need to keep his children safe. He entrusted his friend with their care, knowing that it might be the best chance for Kael and William to have a life free from the turmoil and threats of their current circumstances.

Hector folded the letter and placed it carefully in his pocket, intending to send it with his trusted eagle as soon as the opportunity arose. He knew that time was of the essence, and every moment counted in their escape from the looming danger.

Hector walked up to his kid’s room to look after them as he knew his anger a while ago might have made them upset. But as soon as he reached there, Hector’s heart raced when he couldn’t find his children in their room. Panic set in, and he began calling for Kael and William, fearing that something terrible had happened to them. As he searched the house, he heard soft weeping coming from the corner of the living room.

Following the sound, Hector discovered his two little figures, Kael and William, standing in front of their mother’s portrait, praying with tearful eyes. Their voices quivered as they asked their beloved mother to help them ask for forgiveness from their father. They confessed their mistakes and spoke of how they had upset Hector.

Hector’s eyes welled up with tears as he watched his children, their innocent souls deeply troubled by their actions. He walked up to them, his heart heavy with emotions, and knelt beside them. He wrapped his arms around them and hugged them tightly, comforting them with soothing words. "My dear warriors, you are forgiven. I could never stay upset with you. Please forgive your daddy."

Kael and William looked up at their father with teary eyes, "It’s okay Daddy, we love you", their guilt gradually fading away as they felt his warmth and love. Hector knew the situation was far from ideal, but he couldn’t let his children carry the burden of his problems. He needed to protect them and find a way out of the troubles that had encircled their lives.

On the other side of the palace, Marlow was taking a more skeptical view of Neena’s pregnancy claim. He was not convinced that King was the father, and he needed to confirm this information with a trusted source. He summoned another doctor once more to ensure the accuracy of Neena’s statement.

The doctor examined Neena thoroughly and confirmed the pregnancy, leaving Marlow even more perplexed. He couldn’t believe that King had fathered a child with a commoner one who once used to sell herself for a living, such a thing disgusted him but the evidence was becoming harder to dispute.

Nonetheless, Marlow was determined to keep Neena within the palace for the time being. Her potential role as the mother of the future heir to the throne was too significant to ignore, and he needed to keep a close watch on her.

Neena was now in a state of shock. She knew that the child growing inside her was not King’s but Hector’s. She couldn’t reveal this truth, as it would undoubtedly lead to dire consequences. So, she played her part, maintaining the facade of a relationship with King while concealing the identity of her child’s real father.

As her drama unfolded in the palace, Hector was preparing himself for the challenging road ahead. He had forgiven his children, but he was also aware that they needed to leave their current life behind to ensure their safety.

The situation was growing more complex by the day, and both Hector and Marlow had their roles to play in the unfolding drama.

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