The Ultimate Support Character Chapter 123 World Of Meta

The two were doubtful at first but upon seeing the properties of Flux Energy and what it can do, they finally believed it. Physique and Spirit Boosts became the nail in the coffin which led them to believe in my Ergokinesis.

Too bad though, if they didn’t feel anything about it, I’m already planning to shoot them with Dispelling Arrows. I guess that’s not needed anymore.

"Now that we’re done with our own introductions and our abilities. Let’s move on to talk about the world background. Daisuke needed that the most so he could choose which country he will go under."

Kazeyoshi started again but he stopped and looked at Amry first. These two could be said to have reached an understanding now, right?

But really. Why do I need to go under one country? They’re already taught that we all shouldn’t compete with each other, we should work on unifying that world. Err… let’s hear the world background first. There’s probably an explanation about it.

Amry shrugged and sat back on her chair before starting.

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"The world we are being summoned into is called the World of Meta. The inherent energy or the Source Energy there is called the Meta Energy. Kinda easy to understand, right?"

"In there, you could say everything revolved around Meta Energy and a mineral called Regenium. Let’s talk about Meta Energy first. The civilization there has maximized the use of Meta Energy that you could see it being applied to everything. From household utilities to the highest grade of weapons, everything has a trace of Meta Energy."

"The world’s technology there could be said to be more advanced than here on Earth because of the Meta Energy. It’s inexhaustible and easier to control compared to the natural energy we could create here through natural resources. I heard that we also have a Source Energy that powered our Unique Abilities but since the Earth is still unawakened, it can only be found in Pocket Dimensions."

"In there, the pathway is simple. There are two categories that someone can be put into. A Pilot and an Operator or if you don’t want to be either of them, you can still continue on the pathway without categorizing yourself into any of the two. Just that the two were the main categories because of the Metagens and the Powergens which will be explained later."

"You will be categorized as a Pilot if your Brain Capacity reaches 4. And an Operator if it reaches 2. Ah! Brain Capacity is something like a combination of a computer’s processing speed and storage. In this case, they’re measuring our brains. There’s a device there that could measure one’s Brain Capacity."

"The difference between them is, Pilots can pilot a Metagen and ride it in person while the Operator can only operate it remotely. The efficiency between the two could be said to be a difference between heaven and earth. That’s why the Pilots have a higher standing than an Operator or any other title they could think of except Researchers who are responsible for the advancement of technology. You could say that they’re the foundation of the civilization, they’re all crazy though so it’s better to become a Pilot. Anyone can be a Researcher if they want an easy life away from the battlefield as long as they have Brain Capacity 3 and higher."

Their introduction of the world background continued and when Amry got tired of talking, either Kazeyoshi or Matthew will continue in place of her.

In summary, it’s a Futuristic World where flying cars and Mecha in the form of Metagens were realized, all because of the Meta Energy and the mineral they called Regenium. A special mineral which has the property to regenerate if Meta Energy soaked into it. There are only three mines of it that were discovered but because of its property, it’s like another inexhaustible resource like Meta Energy. Though inexhaustible, the amount they can mine per year was not enough to supply the demand. That’s why there are only three global superpowers who each control a Regenium mine. The reason they were fighting was because of it.

Everything was really built upon the two. Vehicles, machines and other lifestyle utilities you could think of were made from Regenium-coated metals and powered by Meta Energy-powered engines. Buildings were also coated by Regenium from its foundation upwards.

Let’s just say they already explored a high level of utilization of the Source Energy of their world and they’re continuing their research on what they can do with it apart from the things they already made. It could be just a property of their Source Energy but still, the innovation they made lifted their civilization a notch higher than the Otherworlds I already visited.

About the pathway that they talked about, it was really named simply by Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Legend Rank.

Ah. There’s also a higher rank than a Legend which is the Mythic Rank that probably corresponds to someone who reached Transcendence.

Yes. They have some reclusive Transcendents in that World but they are rarely seen. As to what Rank, I don’t know.

It’s possible to become a Transcendent without passing all the realms in a certain pathway just like what will happen to us. Although normally, the denizens of any Mortal World could only reach the required Power Level to touch the ceiling of Transcendence by passing through all the realms of their pathways.

Like the Spirit King, he’s already a Ruler Spirit but his Power Level was probably still below 100. He will have to spend more time accumulating strength before the door to Transcendence appears before him.

We, Earthlings, are just broken, that’s why. Most probably because we’re originally a denizen of a much higher world compared to the denizen of a Mortal World.

Well, I’m pulling up my Companions with me so Zerina, Avelin, Erin and Jayna will also be just as broken.

Maybe in the eyes of the denizens, we’re freaks who can fight those higher in realms than us. However, if they switch their Power Level Ranking to the Universal one where everything will be based by the Power Level and not the realm we are currently in, those native higher realms and us will be categorized as Rank 5 Mortals. That’s why even if the three Heroes here were still Gold-rank Tier 1, they could probably fight those in Legend-rank according to their pathway ranking.

As to the enemy of their Otherworld, there’s not only the Dark World Invading Forces. Before they came three years ago, the World of Meta was already battling an Alien Civilization who wanted to occupy their world.

They came from another planet, of course. And even with those threats, the three superpowers were still fighting among themselves.

The number of Corrupted in that world were also significantly lower than the others but unlike the World of Spirits which was devoid of any Corrupted, there’s still some in that world who will succumb to the temptation. And one of them was both a Legend-rank Pilot and a Researcher.

Due to him, the Invading Forces managed to make a counter-product for the Metagens which they called the Darkgens.

Err... He’s already dead but his work was continued by the other Corrupted Researchers who succumbed to the promise of a higher World.

As for the particulars of the pathway. Bronze-rank is like the Mortal Realm of the Barbarian World. At Silver-rank, they will awaken an ability and it depends from person to person, it’s like a watered-down version of the Abilities that can be gained by being exposed to Psyche Energy. Just like the three Heroes, they awakened an ability which was a lower version of their abilities awakened by the Psyche Energy, however, according to them, it not only compliments their Unique Abilities, it was also being upgraded as they walk down the pathway of that World. At Legend-rank they will probably have a territory-type skill like the Spirit Domain.

"I see. That’s a lot to take but I got the gist of it."

I nodded as I tried to mull over the knowledge they just told me.

"So. You’re all Pilots and each of you have your own Metagen?"

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I just thought of the possibility of Mechas back in the Spirit World and now they’re really existing in their Otherworld.

"And Powergen."

Matthew added.

"What’s the difference?"

"You’re a Japanese so you’re aware of the Tokusatsu genre, right? Powergens are just Power Suits while the Metagens are the Mecha."

Amry answered. They’re really teaming up at answering my questions. That’s good.

Ah. So Powergens are like Ranger and Rider suits.

"Ah. I see. What about the Operators? If they can’t Pilot a Metagen and only remotely control it, aren’t they safer and more efficient?"

"Pilots can augment their awakened abilities into Metagens letting it wield their own abilities while the Operators cannot. Operators can only control mass-produced Metagens while Pilots have personalized Metagens, tailor-made to accommodate the Pilot’s ability."

Kazeyoshi did the explanation this time. These guys, they’re enthusiastic, alright.

"Uh. I get it now. Err… so a Pilot can have a tailor-made Powergen and Metagen while an Operator can only have a tailor-made Powergen and mass-produced Metagen?"


Matthew answered again with his thick voice. Though his answers were mostly short, I could see that he’s enjoying this kind of conversation.

"Do you want to see it?"

Amry stood up and drew closer while grinning playfully. Like Matthew, she also enjoys flaunting her knowledge as well as her… enchanting figure.

"Huh? You brought those with you?"

"Of course. They’re here."

Kazeyoshi opened his palm and there are two spherical green objects there. It’s the same size as a P*keball. One was labeled CH-MG and the other was CH-PG

"Don’t tell me..."

Do I need to act surprised? Those balls already explained it. But yeah, they’re enjoying this so let’s play along.

"Material-compression Technology. That world has it."

Matthew answered again and this time he’s smiling as he also showed two black spheres.

Amry also took out hers. two red spheres.

These guys they’re already itching to show off their mecha and power suits eh?

"Can’t you guys steal their research and bring it here on Earth?"

If it’s possible I also want it here. Ah. I’ll get mine there instead and maybe order Metagens and Powergens for Yuko and the other girls...

Err… just how strong were those suits and mecha anyway?

"What for? They’re centered around Meta Energy and Regenium."

Well, Who knows? Anything’s possible as long as there’s a reference like that. The Corrupted made the Darkgens, you know? Let’s see if I can acquire it during my time there. Not through force, of course. I’m a civilized man.

"Ah. You’re right. Then let me see it."

"Go down to the Pocket Dimension and do it there."

The Principal answered even before the three could ask him.

Hearing that. The three Heroes hurriedly went down. I glanced at the Principal before following them and saw him shaking his head while muttering ’Ah. Youth…’

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