The Ultimate Support Character Chapter 132 The League’s Power Structure

Naming the city after her name and naming the building after her name, is Nysia the same as me in the field of naming sense? I bet it’s not her who chose to name their organization as the Primeval Aegis League.

In any case, that look on her face earlier was kind of satisfying. Going up here, I didn’t expect that what I will get is that adorable Transcendent.

Err... Will she be mad because of what I did? I should at least prepare myself for the consequence of taking advantage of a Transcendent, right?

After leaving Nysia’s room, I followed Lexie to the elevator.

While waiting for it to finish its descent to whichever floor the Special Virtual Simulation Room is located, I took out the phone Kazeyoshi gave me and saw a message from Amry. They already left the tower and were staying at a hotel nearby with the address attached to the message.

I replied to it and said I’ll go see them after all the official procedures that I needed to do.

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With the three of them together, those higher-ups of their factions were most possibly racking their brains on how to deal with them now. They kept the information from them, literally getting the three of them to meet on the battlefield to kill each other.

Well, did the three think of that possibility now that they knew each other’s identity? I don’t know

Plus there’s also the information about me as the fourth one. It was probably relayed to them as well.

On our way to this tower, most possibly, we were already being monitored and my application to join the Primeval Aegis League was something they couldn’t afford to miss.

Let’s see what will be the three factions’ reactions after three days.

"You spent a lot of time in there, Daisuke. It seemed like the Head had a favourable impression of you."

Lexie commented after sensing the silence between us. She dropped the ’Sir’ part since we’re now both a Core Pilot though she still carried a certain amount of respect and awe for my above SSS Rank.

If only she knew, it’s not just a favourable impression. She gave herself to me.

If I told Lexie what really went on between Nysia and me, this girl might probably attack me thinking that I was disrespecting her boss.

"I don’t know if that was a favourable impression or not but at least I’m thankful I survived it without being scared to death."

I jokingly answered which earned restrained giggling from Lexie.

Lexie faked a cough to mask that occurrence before asking me a question using an official tone.

"As a Core Pilot, you already know what our duties are, right?"

During our ascent earlier, she told me the power structure of the League and the intricacies concerning it.

In the Free City of Nysia, every land was currently owned by the League, despite being called a Free City, they never sold any land no matter the price. In turn, every land that they’re not using were all leased with a minimum of 100 years at a low price per year.

I don’t know what Nysia’s plan is by doing that in this war-torn futuristic world.

Apart from the companies and merchant groups who leased a land to develop themselves here, everything was under the League.

The small establishments as well as the residential properties housed a member of the League. Though there were already those vagrants trying their luck, once you stay in this city, you’ll probably be in the same organization sooner or later if you don’t want to go back to being a vagrant.

Regular Member is the lowest of the power structure and most possibly the regular workforce of the League. They’re responsible for the economy of the city to keep it flowing and growing. Usually, they’re those below Silver-rank, they live in this city well-protected by the organization. The receptionist we met at the lobby of the tower was a Regular Member.

Above them should be the Security Task Team, the police group responsible to raise the security level of the city. Merchants could go around flaunting their wares without the risk of being robbed or harassed by anyone. They’re Silver to Gold-rank. Depending on their Brain Capacity Rank, they can either be an Operator operating a mass-produced Metagen and Powergen or just a security whose job is to watch and report. Like those guys I saw on that platform where the fixed portal we appeared from was located.

And then, the Elite Member that was either Pilots or Researchers. Pilots have their monthly task from the League that they have to complete. Usually, it only lasts for a few days. After that, everything will be decided by themselves. The job of the Researchers was still the same. Responsible for the advancement of technology or some of them will work at the manufacturing weapons, Powergen and Metagen. Pilots were all Gold-rank and above with the minimum of Rank B in Brain Capacity while Researchers still had the same standard.

After Elite Member will be the Executives who were responsible for managing the different branches and departments of the organization. Regular Members and Elite Members can be hired to work below them. All Executives answered to Nysia, however, they seldom see her and someone like Lexie, a Core Pilot, are the ones dealing with them.

Which brought us to the last and highest-ranked position below Nysia, the Core Pilots where I was appointed by her.

It contained all the Legend-rank and promising Diamond-rank who each owned their own Specialized Metagen and Powergen. It could be said that they’re the core foundation of the organization. Without their deterrence, those below will be too vulnerable. Core Pilots were often sent out to various official business and battles as the face of the League. However Core Pilots didn’t have that much authority towards the lower League Members below them except on Executives who would often abuse their power, because of that, they inspire awe amongst Regular to Elite Members.

"We don’t really have that many duties, do we? Will I be sent somewhere?"

Lexie facepalmed upon hearing my answer and she sighed when she couldn’t find any rebuttal to it.

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"Ugh. I can’t believe you’re right about that. Maybe? But don’t expect to have your Metagen and Powergen to be ready in a day. It will take at least two weeks to one month for Powergen and two months to four months for a Metagen derived from that said Powergen. Of course, you wouldn’t go out unarmed. There are some unused Specialized Metagen and Powergen in the League’s armory which we can allocate to you for the meantime. It might not suit your ability but it can at least augment it just the same."

I see. So it would take a while before I could ride a Metagen which was specifically designed for me. How should I ask for Yuko and the other girls’ Metagen? They will also need to test their capabilities to make Specialized ones. I guess, I’ll shelve that idea for now.

Ah. There’s a possibility that Nysia will try to rush those who will make it, I have to remind her later not to do that.

After a few minutes more, we arrived at the floor where the Special Virtual Simulation Room is located.

Upon seeing Lexie, most of the Researchers and members who were working there all saluted to her. When we entered, she had everyone vacate the premises.

I’m a Top Priority Recruit as well as above SSS in Brain Capacity. This simulation will probably be a well-guarded secret for the League.

When the last of the Researchers left the room, I took in the sight. Apart from the various screens attached to the white walls which shows various data and information as well as a number of capsules laid out in the middle, there seems to be nothing noteworthy here.

Ah There was one at the end of the room, it looks like an advanced capsule different from those neatly arranged in the middle. Upon seeing it, I already determined that it will be the special virtual simulation device that I will use.

The capsules and that device were fairly similar to what those on Earth fantasized that would allow a Full Dive on virtual simulation. One had to lay down on the capsule and attach an apparatus to their head that will cover the eyes and the brain.

"All of these are standard Virtual Capsules that can assess someone’s capabilities. It will scan your brain as well as your whole body to send you in a Virtual Simulation called Full Dive. Though it will feel real for you, be it pain or pleasure, everything will just be a simulation made by your brain so don’t hold back on anything."

Lexie started explaining how the simulation works while she pointed to the Virtual Capsules she mentioned. However, from all those novels imagining this thing, it’s fairly easy to understand how this works now.

"Ah. And we will not use these standard capsules, that one’s the device you will use which can accurately mimic your real self and send you to another world inside your brain. Though there will be a program that will test you, just do it like the way the Head told you."

Lexie pointed at the special device that I noticed and led me next to it.

Nysia told me earlier that I shouldn’t hold back but I’m afraid not everything will be read by a machine made from Level 1 Source Energy. We’ll see. The three Heroes also tried this kind of assessment, maybe it can mimic it to a certain extent.

"Alright. What should I do?"

Hearing my question, Lexie looked at me from head to toe.

"Strip down to your underwear and lay down inside."

When I heard that, I thought she was joking at first but without any follow-up, I guess I really need to eh?

"Are you sure it’s fine to strip in front of you?"

Only when she heard my question did she realize that what she’s asking of me was something embarrassing for her.

Lexie, whose milky white skin turned red almost instantly, turned around quickly as her voice slightly raised its volume due to her embarrassment.

"T-that. You should’ve said it sooner!"

Err… Why do they seem to be so pure here? Is it Nysia’s influence?

"I did tell you right after you said though."

I answered her as I undressed like she told me before laying down inside the said capsule.

"It’s done."

I called out to her and that made her turn back to me. Though her face was still red, she collected herself almost immediately. As expected of a Legend-rank.

However, she couldn’t look straight at me. If Nysia has that light-pink hair and reddish-pink eyes, Lexie has blonde hair which only reaches down to her shoulder and light-green eyes.

After helping me put on the Full Dive apparatus which covered my eyes, I heard the closing of the capsule and the beeping sounds as it started its operation.

Soon enough, the black screen covering my vision lit up before my consciousness sunk down with all my senses with it.

When my sense of vision came back to me, I appeared in a never-ending white space.

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