The Ultimate Support Character Chapter 311 Unexpected Situation

The first thing which registered in my consciousness’s eyes is the night sky filled with stars as the background of this World’s Will’s space. Apart from that, the ground is just a wide expanse of black space.

Finally, this World’s Will succeeded in forcefully summoning me. Why does it have to be forceful though? If it’s like the World’s Will at the World of Elements and gave me the temporary skill to have a choice when to see it at my own accord, he wouldn’t need to order Remilia to catch me.

Ah. Well, we’re hostiles so I guess this is expected.

However, looking at that background… I found many familiar constellations which I once studied in grade school. They’re closer and easier to see.

How is this possible? No. It’s not really about it being possible. What does this mean? Is the Dark World near Earth? Why is this used as the background here? I know it’s not from my memory as I had only seen those constellations through a picture or a book. Hell, I’m not even that interested in them. I’d rather watch the fluffy clouds move along the wind.

Taking my eyes off that background, I looked around to check the other details in here. My questions wouldn’t be answered anyway.

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From afar, a boy that’s probably around 10 years in age if I compare to an actual boy on earth was looking up and watching that night sky. I couldn’t clearly see his facial features from this distance. The boy’s black garments were reminiscent of a hoodie and short pants.

The World’s Will of the Dark World.

Aside from that boy and me, there’s no one else here. So that’s fairly easy to deduce…

But for it to have this kind of form. Is it reflecting why it’s not that bright?

Ah. No. If he wanted to he could surely choose any form he wanted to. It’s most likely its personal preference. Just like that enchanting silver-haired woman.

After an unknown span of time, the boy finally took his eyes off that night sky filled with stars and slowly turned towards me. He has a dark black pair of eyes without any whites on them. Like a boy from a horror movie who got possessed by a demon.

However, he’s not giving off the scary vibes of someone who should be the embodiment of jump scares for the viewers. Upon taking my consciousness’s form in his eyes, the boy’s expressionless face exhibited a change and had his lips slowly drawn into a curve.

Using an elated tone, a boy’s voice came out of his mouth.

"Welcome back, Master."

Like a kid welcoming back his parents, he ran towards me with his arms spread wide.

Because of the words he had just uttered, I couldn’t react to it or rather I couldn’t process the word he used to call me in an instant. And that ended up with me being hugged by him.

This reminds me of when Sofiel first saw me in the World of Elements. That girl instantly recognized me and without any explanation at first, she just jumped into my arms. With all the longing she was feeling passed to me.

And this time, the same thing happened, just that, a boy and a World’s Will at that did it. Who am I to him?

He wouldn’t just mistake me for someone else, right?

"No. I’m not mistaken, Master. It’s you, you’re my Master."

Reading my mind, the boy raised his head and fixed his gaze on me. And after a while, he tilted his head in a short bout of confusion.

With a creased forehead, his arm slowly loosened as he promptly took a step back and away from me.

"I see. I thought it’s already the time but it appears that you arrived here earlier than planned. Master’s memory is still not complete."

"What do you mean? Can you elaborate? Who are you to me? How did you know me?"

Thanks to my Adaptability, my confusion about this situation only lasted for a bit before my head cleared up and started processing every word he uttered and every move he made.

This boy is clearly the World’s Will of this world but apparently, I have some kind of connection with him. No. Not me. Most likely, the me from my previous life. Now that he realized that I don’t have my complete memory yet, the happiness he just showed was curbed and he became cautious.

Instead of answering me, the boy continued to draw away from me. When my series of questions reached him, his form started to dematerialize from his feet up to his head.

"I can’t answer that. Stay here and wait for me."

Only leaving behind those words, his form finished dematerializing. The background filled with stars also shattered and the space became completely black with no other decoration. Just like the Virtual Simulation’s blank space. Just that, here, it’s all black and not white.

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Wait for him, huh? Is he consulting someone else?

If it’s true that this World’s Will is someone from my previous life and me being called as his Master… Why are they attacking the Mortal Worlds with the intention of encroaching upon Earth?

The Great Ones, the Dark Cult and all other things considered, the possibility of them just acting it out to train us is low.

If I’m someone important for this World then its denizens would have recognized me, but other than that World’s Will, there’s no indication of others knowing me from my previous life.

He ordered Remilia to catch me and that girl just followed his order and brought me to prison. From her parting words, it appears that she had no idea about the World’s Will’s objective.

Without being able to go back into my body and getting stuck in this space. I was left with no choice but to theorize and that naturally led me to keep overthinking things.

Time continued to pass and after a few hours in isolation, the glittering night sky once again appeared and the boy which is the World’s Will rematerialized in front of me.

However, this time, he’s not alone.

Behind him, a woman whose face was covered in a red veil appeared. She’s wearing a ruby-red dress which emphasized her lithe and alluring figure. But that’s not the most remarkable feature of her. It’s the boundless presence she unconsciously exuded upon seeing me.

"It’s really you… Daisuke."

A sweet-resounding voice came out of her. Although most say that voice can be deceiving, the way she uttered my name carried a hint of warmth.

Who is this woman? Did he leave this space to get her? Or did he go to consult her and unconvinced at what he’s saying, she decided to come and see me as well? She’s not another World’s Will, is she?

After a while, the woman gently shook her head. As the veil covering her face swayed, I got a glimpse of a small part of her face. The cheek which I managed to see has some sort of a mark. Whether that’s artificial or not, I don’t know. But upon seeing it, I felt a sense of familiarity.

Of course… Just by the way she called my name, she’s also someone who knows me or the previous me. Is she also like Sofiel? A Companion from my previous life?

What is this development, really? I poorly decided to jump into the Portal and arrived in this world. Then I got captured. Thinking I’m now at the mercy of the enemies, I am trying to bide my time and escape when an opportunity presents itself as long as they don’t kill me. But now, I am presented with this situation.

"Master’s memory is still incomplete. His appearance here is way ahead of what is planned."

The boy said. His voice sounded childish but his tone sounded serious.

They’re all being vague here. However, since I don’t know what to make of this situation, I can only listen to their conversation.

"It is truly way ahead. We can’t expose him to more information before he gets his memories back."

The red-veiled woman replied.

These two… You’ve already exposed me to crucial information such as this. Why not go all the way and tell me everything about this? Who are you two and what are you to me? Stop being vague, for once, will you?

"I’m sorry Master. But that’s not possible. We can’t tell you anything before the appointed time."

The boy, reading my mind once more, shook his head and the red-veiled woman continued.

"We have to send him back before someone notices his presence here. This is your fault Worldy, you shouldn’t have summoned him and let him go back to the world he came from."

"I got too excited when I noticed Master’s arrival. I thought…"

"Grow up, will you? Now, we cannot slip him out. They’re monitoring all our moves. Your coming to me was surely noticed by them."

After saying that, the woman turned to me once more and the reprimanding tone she had towards the boy changed back to the same warmth when she called my name.

"Daisuke, we cannot answer your questions for now. But I will tell you. We are on your side. Worldy will send your consciousness back to your body, we’ll think of a way to send you back to that world without you being noticed. Can you trust me?"

"It’s not about trust, really. I have no idea what’s happening here but from your conversation, there’s a large secret behind all of this. If you’re really an enemy, you can easily kill me. Now, if you’re purposely doing this to use me, I don’t really see the point. I guess I can put a little trust in your word for now. I’ll hold you both to an account that when the time comes, you have to tell me everything."

From their conversation, I got the gist of what’s happening here but without the means to confirm everything, I can only follow them, for now.

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