The Ultimate Support Character Chapter 85 The Ancient Ruins

"Even I am puzzled by this. I was born with this special eye which could see someone’s destiny. However, it’s not a clear interpretation of one’s destiny. It’s just a vague display of how big or small someone’s destiny is. As an example, I saw this idiotic king’s huge destiny. Ever since that day, I put myself next to him to observe him. Now, look at what he becomes."

The Spirit Queen started her explanation and she even included the Spirit King as an example. The Spirit King perked up when he heard her mention his name.

"I tried asking the World’s Will about this eyes but even it didn’t have the answer to my question. I could see someone’s destiny but that’s it, I couldn’t control it. I’m more of an observer."

"What about the convergence you mentioned?"

This is what she just mentioned about us. The convergence of destinies? If I am tied with Yumiko, Yuko and the others, what does that entail?

"It’s the linking of two separate destinies. I haven’t noticed by then but ever since that day, I was already tied to this guy’s destiny."

She once again used the Spirit King to set an example.


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Yumiko was silently listening. Maybe knowing that our connection was explained as something like this destiny, she’s probably thinking that what she felt was false.

"Yumiko. You don’t have to be troubled, whatever it is that you felt, it’s genuine. The convergence of your destinies is just my own interpretation because of my eyes. However I can assure you, being tied together doesn’t mean if one of you died, the other will also follow. It’s not like that. It only meant that your destinies will be lifted up by the biggest one."

The Spirit Queen’s gaze switched to my direction when she mentioned ’the biggest one’.

If all of what she’s saying is real then what’s the principle behind this destiny she’s talking about? How can I lift them up? How does that even work?

Ugh. I’m utterly lacking in information about this subject. Even if I tried to overthink about it, I will not arrive at a satisfying answer unless I have the same eyes as her. But even she didn’t know the origin of her eyes.

"Do you still have any questions?"

The Spirit Queen asked again when both Yumiko and I fell into deep thought. I don’t know what Yumiko’s thinking but she’s currently staring at me while we’re still in a position where our bodies are this close to each other.

Our eyes were communicating with each other and after a while, Yumiko nodded at me. It’s not only me who was mulling over what the Spirit Queen just said about this so-called destiny, but Yumiko was also just as troubled even with her continued explanation.

"You and the Spirit King, you said you’re tied to each other."

Eventually, I couldn’t help but ask.

"Yes, and I’m the only one tied to his destiny. Unlike you who could accommodate… a lot."

A lot…

Upon hearing that, Yumiko also reacted and threw in her question.

"Can you determine how many?"

"No. I just said that because he’s the first one I saw with that number of tied-up destinies."

The Spirit Queen shook her head.

"Isn’t there no limit for Spirit Beasts on who they can take as partners?"

If I’m the first one, then what about those with concubines or even the Spirit Beasts who kept on changing partners.

"Being partners doesn’t always mean that their destinies are tied. There will come a day that they will separate from each other. However, if your destinies are tied, then even if you fight or get mad to the point that you will refuse to see each other, your relationship will never end. You will be reunited in one way or another, no matter how long."

Hearing that, Yumiko calmed herself down. Is she starting to believe the Spirit Queen’s words?

Only time can tell if it’s the truth.

After some time, Yumiko separated from me, she already had enough that she didn’t even realize how close we are when talking with the Spirit Queen earlier.

Jayna and the twins came back shortly after that and settled themselves down to wait for the Spirit Queen.

Jayna, after satisfying her curiosity, sat next to me on my free side. Now being sandwiched by the two, the twins looked at us with a complicated expression. The two probably have guessed what happened but they kept it to themselves.

"Now that you’re all here, I’ll explain why we invited you. The Ancient Ruins of the Dragonkin, well, scratch that name. This guy just dubbed it as such. We do not own it and I know the Spiritas also have some knowledge about it."

The Spirit Queen stood up and opened the door to this room.

"Alright, you five. You also need to hear this, so come in."

From the opened door, 5 figures entered the room. Just by looking at them, I already determined that they’re all Transformed Spirit Beasts. Unlike the Spirit King and Queen who seemingly have a perfect humanoid form, their transformation still has many flaws. Just like the first one who entered, he still has his tail and furs all over his body

"Before explaining it further, these five will join you in exploring the ruins. They will help you so, I’m going to introduce them to you first."

After saying that, the Spirit Queen started introducing the 5 Transformed Spirit Beasts. Well, there’s no hostility coming from them and even if there is, will they be able to cope with Yumiko? They’re the most promising younger generation of the Spirit Beasts so by letting them come with us, they might stumble on their own fortune as well.

Yumiko raised her hand to ask the Spirit Queen a question.

"Yse, Have you entered the ruin by yourself?"

"I tried and failed. You know me, Yumiko. If I can do something by myself, I’m the type who will not ask for someone’s help."

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Yse, the Spirit Queen shook her head and smiled wryly before answering Yumiko’s question.

Her guess is right on the spot. Neither she nor the Spirit King can enter it, that’s why she invited Yumiko.

"I see. Is there a restriction on who can enter it?"

Yumiko followed up a question.

"Yes. We narrowed down the conditions needed for entry. Transformed Spirit and below. Below 30 in age. Truthfully, we already sent in a group of young Spirit Beasts before but only a few of them came back. Of those lower than the Transformed Spirit, no one came back and those Transformed Spirit Beasts who managed to do so described what they experienced there."

The Spirit Queen looked down as her sadness from what she just told us couldn’t be hidden.

"Her little sister was among those who entered that failed to come back so…"

Ezyn stepped up and provided an explanation. He then went to Yse’s back and tried to comfort her.

Only a few Transformed Spirits came back? Is the danger too high? With this kind of unknown. Should we really risk it?

And the Spirit Queen’s sister. Is that also the reason why she’s so good to Yumiko? Yumiko reminds her of her own sister.

I looked at Yumiko and Jayna. Then the twins. If we can’t cope with the danger inside, what will happen to us? We really need to hear what those who survived experienced inside.

"Yse, I’m sorry for your loss. However, if the danger is too high, I couldn’t risk the lives of my companions. Tell me that you prepared something."

Yumiko stood up and voiced out the same concerns that I have.

"Of course, I prepared something. And this is why I had Ezyn invite you, Yumiko. If it’s you, the dangers inside are negligible. However, according to the survivors’ testimonies, it’s possible that they only reached halfway before they turned back."

So there’s still at least half of the ruins that are still unknown.

That’s a risk. And since the testimonies came from those who ran away to survive, that’s barely reliable.

But if I add in the orbs. Especially the concealment, we might have a chance to escape from there, intact.

"Halfway. Excuse me, but do you have a map? For everyone’s safety, let’s mark that as our destination, anything more will be deliberated after reaching it."

I also raised my hand to offer my suggestion.

Yumiko turned her head towards me and nodded. Seemingly pleased with my suggestion.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Daisuke. Here. It’s only a rough sketch based on the way they went through. Will this be enough?"

The Spirit Queen pulled out a parchment made from an unknown beast skin.

Ah. I wouldn’t delve about which beast was it made from. I took it from her hand and spread it open for everyone to see.

Looking at the rough sketch of the map, they only went in a straight line, there were landmarks they indicated depending on what they’ve seen so it’s at least better than none at all.

"Then after this landmark, we’ll stop exploring and probe our surroundings. Each to their own, Yumiko is only one so don’t rely on her too much, however, I will be keeping an eye on everyone to support you when you need it."

I pointed at the landmark before the end of the map.

Everyone’s attention was on me as I marked the place I pointed to. Those Transformed Spirit Beasts were probably wondering who I am but that’s the least of my concern for now. We can do the introductions later.

Yumiko is the strongest among us but I don’t want everyone to rely on her for safety. I have my means to support them. With the Orbs, Physique Boost and Spirit Boost, I will aid them.

Of course, I might prioritize our people but I wouldn’t neglect the 5 Spirit Beasts that will come with us. In the upcoming descent of stronger enemies in this world, any powerhouses were valuable be it Spiritas or Spirit Beasts.

"I agree."

Yumiko agreed first and then Jayna followed and the twins. The Transformed Spirit Beasts were a little bit skeptical but one look from the Spirit Queen and they all voiced their agreement.

"As for what I prepared for the exploration. Here."

After everyone agreed, the Spirit Queen took our attention again and dropped ten identical bracelets.

"This is an Escape Bracelet. Break it and it will teleport you back to the entrance of the ruins. I’ve already had someone test it and it’s working. This is to ensure everyone’s safety, don’t hesitate to break it if you feel like your life is in danger."

Distributing the bracelets to every one of us, the Spirit Queen heaved a sigh of relief.

"I only have one request from you. If there’s still survivors living there from the previous expedition, please save them. No matter who it is."

The trace of regret could be seen from her face, sending an expedition without knowing what’s inside, I guess she was too hasty before.

"You don’t have to say please, Yse. I’m already planning to search for any survivor. But to avoid disappointment, let’s not expect too much right now."

Yumiko went to the Spirit Queen and hugged her.

I don’t know how long she was planning this or how long she was waiting for this. Yumiko most probably thought of that as well, the Spirit King was chasing after her for how long already and she kept running away. Now the chances of anyone surviving in there is close to zero. In any case, if we really found some, consider themselves as saved.

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