The Undying Mecha Emperor Chapter 309 Black Dragon Firefall

"You want to make me one JUST like it?" I asked in horror with my eyes bulging out slightly.

That dumbass actually believed that his golden mecha looked good, and was something that I would be attracted to.


"YES! I am a man of my word! Come be my trusted warrior, and once you’ve risen up in the ranks, you will receive this fabulous looking mecha! Amazing, right? And if you truly distinguished yourself in service to me, you might even receive a mothership!" Fake ass Black Dragon said grandly. "An entire mothership full of mechas, under your command!"

"A-a mothership?" I asked loudly.

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"HAHAHAHA! Yes! A mothership just for you! How about it? Awed by my wealth, power and generosity yet?" Fugly Black Dragon boomed out in his fake ass deep voice.

"Just like the one which got destroyed by that strange monster?" I asked to clarify and to pour salt at his recent wounds.

"Just- YES! Just like the one that managed to grievously wound that strange beast before it went down fighting!" Fugly Black Dragon boomed.

"Went down fighting with all hands on deck?" I continued.

"All.. Yes. Unfortunately. BUT! That was probably more the fault of the commander than the ship! If YOU were to be the commander, with your powerful lightning energy techniques, you would have no problems discovering and destroying the beast!" Fugly Black Dragon shouted with a tinge of greed and excitement in his voice.

"There it is." I thought to myself triumphantly. "The reason why we are even having this farce of a conversation. He wants my bloodline power. My lightning energy! Well. If he is so hungry for it, I might as well make use of it."

"I see. My BLOODLINE power is indeed mighty." I said loudly.

"It is! It is very mighty!" Fugly Black Dragon said greedily.

"My teacher specifically sought out a slumbering ancient beast he discovered during his youth and fought a great battle with it before finally, with great difficulty and many near fatal wounds if I may add, succeeding in drawing out a liter of its blood. He transplanted every single drop of that blood into me, and I gained the beast’s bloodline power. Lighting." I lied and fabricated a grand story for him and all of Europe to hear.

At the same time, I unleashed more of my lightning energy and allowed them to arc wildly and strike random targets in all directions in a flashy and awe inspiring display of power.

I dare say I looked impossibly cool that moment. Probably even as cool as Zeus, the God of Lightning.

"Amazing! Amazing!!" The Fugly Black Dragon shouted and even clapping sounds could be heard from his fugly golden mecha’s speakers. "With such power, you will have no problems becoming my trusted lieutenant, no, my right hand man! Second in command over all that I have!"

"I believe in a relationship of mutual benefit. If someone is to give me precious gifts, I think it is only fair for me to give that someone precious gifts in return. What do you think, Fug- ehm, Farsighted Lord of the… Empire?" I patted myself mentally for my quick recovery.

It would be bad for my plan to drag out the conversation for as long as possible if I accidentally called him Fugly Black Dragon out loud.

"Hahahahahaha! Indeed! Indeed! I completely agree with you! A relation of mutual benefit! That is perfect! Perfect indeed!" He hooted with glee. "You truly are a young man of high moral value and character! You will definitely go far in life!"

"That’s what my teacher always told me." I sighed. "I truly am a wonderful person. It’s in my blood, you know? I just can’t stand receiving gifts without giving the giver an even bigger gift in return."

If my group of buddies back home could hear me at that moment, every single eyeball in that group would be rolling.

"Ahahaha! Perfect! So we have an accord then? You will join me and I will give you a powerful golden mecha, and you will share with me your blood so I too can gain the power of lightning?" The Fugly Black Dragon was ecstatic.

I quickly cast out my resonance at that moment to see if reinforcements were enroute, but to my dismay, there was absolutely nothing coming our way within many kilometers around us.

"Stall for five more minutes." Came Princess Louisa’s soft whisper in my ear. "In five minutes, everything will be over."

"Hmmmm." I nodded thoughtfully to indicate that I understood her.

Keeping the attention of such a desperately greedy bastard was beyond simple. Just keep dangling whatever he wanted the most in front of him in clearer and greater demonstrations.

"I will need to see if you’re worthy of my service first. My teacher always told me to pick the strongest person I know and learn from him. Maybe even HER. If you want me to pledge my service to you… Then make sure you survive my attacks!" I shouted and then shot towards him in a sudden attack!

"HAHAHA! You’ve got balls! I need warriors like you! COME! Show me what you’ve got!" The Fugly Black Dragon shouted gleefully.

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"Don’t cheat!" I warned him as I blitzed my way towards him while firing off a massive bolt of lightning energy at his mecha’s super fugly head. "This is a one on one, your men can continue to kill off those weird ass alien invaders!"

"Of course. I am a Chivalrous Warrior myself. A one on one is a one on one!" He shouted loudly, completely ignoring the fact that he was in a god damn golden mecha and I was just in my plain old little ten year old body.

Chivalrous my ass.

He did not even bother to dodge my attack, and allowed it to crash into his head in a powerful lightning blast!


Nothing happened!

"His golden mecha is lightning resistant?" I exclaimed in shock in my heart. "No wonder he is so interested in my bloodline power. He must have something to do with lightning as well!"

"The rest of you, keep killing the aliens! I want this area cleared out when I am done with my glorious fight with the new hero of the Empire!" He roared.

Unexpectedly though, he did give the command to kill the aliens as I had said earlier.

With just a simple comment, I had defused the emergency situation and allowed Prince Wilford to smoothly rescue his family! Talk about art of war.

"Good. Eat this attack!" I shouted as I launched another attack at the ugly golden mecha. But instead of a pure lightning attack, I infused a slight amount of life energy into it.

"Hahaha! Come at me with all you got little punk! Satisfy your heart, clear your doubts and know that I AM WORTHY OF-"


My lightning blast crashed into his ugly head once more, and smashed it backwards.

"HA! It turns out that you don’t have resistance against the combination of lightning AND life energy!" I shouted gleefully.

"WHAT? You also have life energy flowing within your blood?" The Fugly Black Dragon shouted in incredible shock and overflowing greed.

"HAHAHA! EAT THIS! AND THIS! AND THIS!" I shouted and continued to unleash blasts of lightning energy at him.


With the addition of life energy, my attack power reached ridiculous levels and was able to powerfully impact the golden mecha.

It was repeatedly beaten back by my attacks.

But each attack that landed on the Fugly Black Dragon’s golden mecha seemed to make him happier and happier.

"HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You truly are a Godsend! A Godsend!! With your blood, I will definitely be the strongest warrior in the Empire! There will be no more obstacles to my absolute authority!" He hooted gleefully.

"Hmph. You’ve done nothing but eat my attacks for the past minute. You expect to be my master by being such a weakling?" I shouted at him derisively.

"Hohohoho. Don’t you worry about that. I was just testing YOU. But it turns out that you passed my test WONDERFULLY! Now, let me show you the real power of the Black Dragon of the European Empire!" He said grandly.

After saying that, he burst forward towards me and easily dodged my waves of lightning blasts.

"I will be gentle, don’t worry. But you do look like the type that would not bend your knee if not faced with overwhelming power! So I won’t be too gentle! WAHAHAHAHA! Take this! Black Dragon Firefall!" He shouted.

His humongous and ugly head with its long neck suddenly glowed black! And in a blink of an eye, hundreds then thousands of black fireballs shot out from them and surged towards me!

"Black Dragon Firefall? Ha! Cheap tricks! It’s hardly anything my White Lightning Blasts cannot deal with!" I shouted and accurately shot out arcs of lightning to hit those thousands of black fireballs.

However to my surprise, the black fireballs were strangely unaffected!

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