The Undying Mecha Emperor Chapter 65 Third Segment

"YOUR MOTHER!" I resumed my shouting at the large boy who flinched violently at my words.

I had only shouted two words and he was already breathing heavily in anxiety.

"SHE SLEPT WITH AN OLD MAN NAMED HARRIS! SHE SLEPT WITH HIM EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY!" I screamed with all of my heart, my soul and my strength.

Elder Harris stopped and I could distinctly see his body trembling as he fought for control.

"She can’t sleep with OLD MAN HARRIS on Tuesday and Thursday because YOUR FATHER IS SLEEPING WITH HIM THEN!"

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At that, many kids burst out laughing uncontrollably. Even some Elders choked as they tried to hold back their laughter.

I swear if the large boy didn’t make his move right then, Elder Harris would have snapped and attacked me with all his strength. I could see his right foot press down heavily against the ground as he prepared to pivot and turn around to charge at me.

Lucky for him, the large boy moved first.

"SHUT YOUR TRAPPP!" The boy roared in anger and leapt at me.


He was smart and didn’t throw the full weight of his body behind his kick. In fact, his kick was more like a vicious push.

It was no use. I was as stable as a rock, and instead of pushing me down, he fell backwards heavily.

He didn’t stand back up.

"That’s right! Stay down you miserable loser who only knows how to bully girls. Stay down! Stay there where you belong! Under my feet!" I said viciously.

Oh yes, I am not a nice person. I step on my enemies when they’re down. I play dirty. I hit them where it hurts the most. And when they are screaming in pain, I hit them there again to make them scream louder.

Nobody harms my family and my friends, and gets away with it. Nobody.

"You’re a complete embarrassment to the Long family name! Look! You’re a coward who doesn’t dare to stand up and fight for your mother’s name! For your father’s name! Didn’t you hear what I said? YOUR MOTHER SLEPT WITH AN UGLY OLD MAN NAMED HARRIS! YOUR FATHER TOO! Nothing to say? Of course you have nothing to say! Because it’s true!"

The large boy grappled with his fear of bodily harm and his desire to defend his parents’ honor for a few seconds before closing his eyes in shame.

His fear had won, and his soul will be forever scarred by his decision.

That will teach him that bullying is bad.

Very, very bad.

I smirked at him and began to insult the next Long family brat.

And from then on, my insults lost their variety and focused exclusively on their parents and a particularly ugly and lecherous old man who liked the dirtiest, most unthinkable things.

The old man was, of course, named Harris.

One by one, I instigated the Long family brats to attack me. And one by one, their bones broke upon impact with my steel-hard body like biscuits. After the fifth kid, however, they finally wisened up.

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They grabbed their disabled family members and ran.


After that, I turned around and made my way back to Tes.

When I did that, a thunderous cheer erupted from all of the kids there.


Many of them were children of merchant groups, families and clans who had endured the bullying of the Long family before and all of them had a bellyful of rage that they couldn’t vent.

And then I came along, delivered supremely delicious insult after insult after insult and embarrassed the living daylights out of the Long family contingent.

What I did was beyond satisfying for them.

Their cheers lasted for a minute before Grand Elder Shella finally silenced them with an amused "Enough." from the gazebo. But even she couldn’t wipe away the smiles and silence the frequent bursts of laughter as the kids retold the incident again and again, pointing out all the juicy bits and pieces and laughing so hard that many collapsed and almost choked to death.

When I got back to Tes’ side, she simply hugged me tightly for many long seconds. Her cold face bloomed into a beautiful smile, a smile that I had no idea was as rare as black diamond, and as beautiful as the most beautiful flower.

"Thank you." She said very simply.

I nodded at her and grinned. "Don’t worry about it."

We sat back down to a very comfortable silence and waited for the third segment to begin.

It was a very short wait.

By that time, the kids arriving at the second peak had slowed to a trickle. And after a few short minutes, the trickle stopped entirely.

Grand Elder Shella gave it another five minutes before finally standing up from her seat and making her way forward to stand in front of all the gathered kids.

"Kids. Welcome to the third segment of the entrance test." Grand Elder Shella boomed in her soft voice.

The peak instantly went silent.

"I am Grand Elder Shella. I am one of the Academy’s ten Grand Elders and my National Pilot Rank is 10,252."

A murmur of surprise and awe swept through the crowd.

"Congratulations on making it this far. You have proven yourself to be fit and also resilient in face of chaos, two very important characteristics that you will need to succeed not only in our glorious academy, but also in real life.

However, those two characteristics alone are not enough. You need to have talent as well.

In this segment, we will examine one thing, and one thing only. Your Resonance Purity Levels.

The top one thousand participants with the highest RPLs will automatically be accepted into the Academy without further testing." Grand Elder Shella continued.

Instantly, a sense of intense excitement bordering on hysteria began to fill the air at her words.

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