The Villain Can’t Lose Chapter 45 Silently Soaring Through The Night

I looked around the hallway, the familiar sights and sounds of the mansion greeting me. The tapestries on the walls, the flickering torches, and the stone-marble floors are all things that I’ve grown accustomed to over the few weeks. Turning back to Nari, I smiled and extended an invitation. "Hey, do you want to come back to my room and wait while I get ready for our training session?"

Nari nodsed, her expression one of eagerness. "Yes, master."

As we entered my room, I quickly changed into my training gear, donning my enchanted robe and grabbing my sword. Nari watched with interest, her eyes were following my every move.

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"I’m almost ready," I said, turning to face her. "Just give me a few more minutes to prepare."

Nari nodded, settling onto the bed and watching me curiously. I could feel her energy, her excitement for our training session, and it filled my own determination.

With a final flourish, I finished my preparations and turned to Nari. "Let’s go," I said, leading the way out of the room and towards the place outside.

I could feel the power of mana coursing through me, or maybe it was just an excitement to begin with…

Nari and I left my room, walking through the mansion’s corridors in silence. We both knew that we must be careful not to be seen by anyone, as our training was supposed to be kept in secret.

We slipped past guards and servants, moving with stealth and purpose towards the back garden. The garden was empty, the moonlight casting a silvery glow across the grass covered in white snow as we made our way towards the entrance to the dungeons.

The dungeon entrance was hidden behind a thick curtain of ivy, and we carefully parted the old leaves buried in cold and wet snow to reveal the stone steps leading down into the depths of the mansion. I felt the anticipation building within me, the excitement of the upcoming training session fueling my determination. I was finally training to become stronger and without Zuri’s help.

We descended the steps, the air growing colder and mustier as we moved deeper into the dungeon. The torches on the walls flickered, casting eerie shadows across the stone walls.

As we reached the training area, I felt a surge of energy coursing through me. I could sense the mana in the air, the raw power waiting to be harnessed.

"Why this place?" She pointed out a question that I forgot about.

"Because no one will find us here," I replied, "the screams of torturing and fighting was never exposed within these walls. It’s a good place to train and keep it in secret." I looked at her black like the night eyes, and she nodded.

"Understood, now step back."

Nari and I took our positions.

The air around us crackled with energy, and I felt how the power started coursing through my veins.

"Rowen, what I’m about to show you is a simple trick."

As Nari began to talk about the importance of breathing and controlling mana. I listen intently, hanging on her every word.

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"Breathing is key to controlling your mana," she said, her voice soft but firm. "You must learn to control your breath, to slow it down and channel your energy in a focused manner."

I nodded, taking in her words. Breathing has always been a challenge for me, my excitement and energy often making it difficult to slow down and focus.

Nari demonstrated a few breathing exercises, and I follow along, trying to mimic her movements.

I focused on my breathing, slowing it down and channeling my energy in a focused manner. As I inhaled, I moved my hands up in front of me, drawing in the power of mana. And as I exhaled, I moved my hands down, channeling that energy into a focused burst of power. It was a a difficult process, at first, but with practice, I began to feel a sense of calm wash over me.

"Good," Nari said, nodding approvingly. "Now, focus on your mana. Feel the energy within you, and learn to channel it in a controlled manner."

I closed my eyes, focusing on the power of mana within me. I felt how it started coursing through my veins, a raw energy waiting to be harnessed.

With each breath, I sense how the energy grew stronger, more focused. I could feel Nari’s presence beside me, her own energy adding to mine.

Together, we worked to control our mana, to harness its power in a focused and controlled manner.

Nari instructed me to stretch out my hands and feel the electricity flow through them. I did as she said, but the feeling was uncomfortable, almost painful.

I tried to ignore the sensation, but it grew stronger with each passing moment.

"Don’t back down now, allow it to go through you," Nari told me to focus on the energy, to embrace the discomfort and use it to my advantage. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

I tried to push through the it, to channel the energy in a focused manner. But the sensation was almost overwhelming, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was doing something wrong.


Nari watched me closely, her expression one of concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice slow and soft.

I tried to nod, but the vibration was too heavy for my hands. It almost felt like my hands were being pressed by two massive stones. It’s too much," I said, my voice strained. "Do I have to feel this way or something is wrong here?"

Nari nodded, understanding the limits of my abilities. "That’s okay," she said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We all have our limits. The important thing is to push yourself, but not beyond what you can handle."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. The discomfort began to fade, and I could feel the energy flowing through me once more. It was not as strong as before, but it was enough to give me hope.

But then… I suddenly stumbled forward, a sharp pain pierced through my chest, causing me to clutch at my heart and gasp for air.


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