The Villain Can’t Lose Chapter 78 Encountering Mana: Meeting The Teachers

The teacher raised her fingers and the room changed color to a dark hue, catching everyone’s attention. "This is not a dibby-dabby class," she said, her voice firm. "We will teach you to control magic elements, such as mirrors, animals, trees, and flowers. To get all the magic you need from them, you must find your element."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that I didn’t need to discover my element. I had already figured out that my element was mirrors, and I had been practicing controlling it for months.

However, my attention was caught when I noticed the teacher’s expression change. The kind smile she had worn earlier disappeared, and her voice took on a more serious tone. "If you want me to teach you how to get rid of demons, or the humans they possess, this is the right class for you." She glanced in my direction, and I couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

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The rest of the class fell silent, and I could sense a feeling of unease and anticipation in the air. I knew that this would be no ordinary magic class, and I braced myself for what was to come.

The teacher continued, "Demons are not to be taken lightly, and neither is the magic required to control them. But if you are willing to learn, then I am willing to teach you." She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in.

The students sat in silence, each one processing what they had just heard. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of apprehension. I had dealt with demons before, and the thought of controlling them was intriguing.

The teacher walked to the center of the circle and began to draw symbols on the ground, each one intricate and precise. As she worked, she explained the process of controlling demons and how to banish them back to their realm.

I listened intently, taking in every detail. Even though I had no intention of using this knowledge, I knew that it was important to understand the full scope of magic.

As the class continued, I noticed a change in the teacher’s demeanor. Her voice grew softer, and her eyes held a sadness that I hadn’t seen before. It was clear that she had personal experience with demons, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of sympathy for her.

By the end of the class, I was mentally exhausted. The knowledge I had gained was both fascinating and terrifying, and I knew that it would take time to fully process it all.

The class ended, and while finishing packing my bag, my teacher approached me and asked me to stay back for a moment. I nodded and took a seat near her desk, wondering what she wanted to talk about.

"Any news about your father?" she asked, her eyes full of concern.

I was taken aback. How did she know about my father? I hadn’t told anyone at school about it. But I didn’t want to seem rude, so I replied, "No, not yet."

The teacher cleared her throat and said, "The demon’s bite on your hand, it will start burning soon."

My eyes widened. How did she know about that too? I lifted my eyebrow, silently questioning her.

She smiled and said, "You’re probably wondering how I know. I can smell it. The demon’s teeth, saliva, and the curse. But your mana is strong and your blood is unique. However, the demon’s temptation is strong. Whether you give in to it or not, only you know."

I didn’t know what to say. My teacher knew more about me than I had anticipated. But her words also gave me a sense of comfort. She seemed to understand what I was going through.

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"Thank you," I said, still processing everything she had just told me.

I gathered my things and left the classroom, heading to my next class. But her words stayed with me, lingering in my mind as I tried to focus on my studies.

I arrived at the classroom for my mana class and took a seat in the front row. As I scanned the room, my eyes fell on the man with black hair who I had met at the library the day before. To my surprise, he was the teacher of this class.

"This will be interesting," I thought to myself as I placed my hands on my desk and waited for the class to start.

The man continued to look out the window, seemingly lost in thought as more people began to fill the classroom. Finally, he turned to face us and introduced himself.

"Welcome to Advanced Mana Control," he said, his voice strong and confident. "My name is Kael, and I’ll be your teacher for this class. Now, I know that many of you may not fully understand this class yet, but that’s why I’m here. My goal is to help you gain full control of your mana."

I was immediately intrigued by Kael’s presence. He exuded an aura of power and knowledge that drew me in. I could sense that he was someone who knew what he was talking about, and I was eager to learn from him, even if yesterday’s situation wasn’t at its finest.

As the class continued, I found myself captivated by Kael’s explanations and demonstrations. He seemed to have a deep understanding of mana and its workings, and he was able to convey that knowledge to us in a way that was easy to understand.

I also couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity with Kael, as if I had met him before outside of school. But I couldn’t quite place where or when.

As the class came to an end, I gathered my things and headed towards the door. But before I could leave, Kael approached me.

"Hey, Rowen," he said, his voice friendly but guarded.

"Yeah, that’s me. What brings you to teaching this class?" I was direct, avoiding asking about yesterday.

Kael smiled. "I’ve always been interested in mana and its applications, and I want to share that knowledge with others. What about you? What brings you here?"

"I have my reasons," I said, not wanting to reveal too much.

Kael nodded, seemingly understanding. "Well, if you ever want to discuss mana or need any help with your studies, don’t hesitate to come to me. I’m here to help."

With that, Kael and I parted ways, each of us probably lost in our own thoughts about yesterday’s events.

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