The Villainess Enjoys Her Seventh Life as a Free-Spirited Bride (hostage) in a Former Enemy Country Chapter 148

“I’ve been thinking about it over the past few days while Your Highness has been busy.”

Rishe clutched the hem of her dress as she spoke to Arnold.

“After all this time, I realized that I was the only one indulging myself.”

“―― I beg to differ.”

She blinked as he replied with an unexpected denial.

“I didn’t make myself clear to begin with.”

“…Your Highness?”

“The measures I have taken against you are detestable.”

Arnold reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Rishe’s cheek and tucked it behind her ear.

Then he continued slowly.

“Bringing princesses from other countries and holding them hostage… That’s what my father, the emperor, had always done.”

He told her about it once that his father had been able to suppress other nations by having them send him brides from various countries and holding them hostages.

“I have always loathed his approach, but in the end, I used the same means to make you my wife.”

No clear indication of how Arnold was feeling showed on his face.

But his gaze seemed to be filled with a variety of thoughts.

“―― I stole your future by having you marry me.”

Rishe gulped.

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“I don’t want anything more from you than that…I’m not even qualified for that.”

Arnold’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

He looked as if he was in some kind of pain, and was suppressing that pain.

“So that’s enough.”


Rishe felt a crack close to her heart.

In the past, Arnold had never been allowed to want anything for himself.

He probably never wanted anything, nor was it ever given to him. Even though he was the Crown Prince of a great power, the things that he had obtained for himself probably could only be counted in one hand.

Even though he hadn’t clearly stated it, Rishe could see that.

“…It is this point that Your Highness mentioned that I am most sorry for.”

Arnold looked at her quizzically when she said that.

“You don’t want anything from me…I realized that the reason Your Highness thought that way was because it’s all my fault to begin with.”


“I’ve been thinking back to the time when Your Highness proposed to me.”

That night, Arnold knelt in front of Rishe.

“I apologize for my abrupt impudence. But please ――”

He took Rishe’s hand and looked her in the eye.

“Please, be my wife.”

“At that time, I replied, ‘No, thank you.’”


Rishe turned her head, took a deep breath, and looked up into Arnold’s eyes again.

“I would like to redo that marriage proposal.”


Before he could say anything else, Rishe reached for Arnold’s left hand.

It was a large and very beautiful hand. Not only the shape of his nails and the sinews on the back of his hands, but even his sword calluses, which gave her a martial impression, were beautiful.


Trying her best to speak, Rishe intertwined her fingers with Arnold’s.

“Please excuse my insolence. But, please ――”

Rishe pulled his left hand to her mouth.

Rishe mimicked what Arnold did when he gave her the ring and put it on her; gathering up her courage, she dropped a kiss to the base of Arnold’s ring finger.


She heard a gasp.

She was incredibly embarrassed. She just kissed the back of his hand, but her heart kept pounding and felt as if it was on the verge of breaking apart.

Rishe could feel her face burning all at once. In her attempt to hide the redness, she pressed Arnold’s hand to her cheek.

Then she stared straight at Arnold.

“Please, be my husband. ……


She chose the same words as Arnold did at that time.

Rishe wondered if Arnold had realized that because her eyes widened at her marriage proposal.


“T-That’s it.”

She told Arnold with a bright flushed face, trying to keep her voice from quivering.

“Now, you are not the only one who wants to get married. Also, it shouldn’t mean that you forced me to come to Garkhain when I refused…!”

Back then, Rishe had rejected Arnold’s marriage proposal.

As she pondered in circles on her own bed, she wondered if her rejection of him at that moment was the reason for Arnold’s guilt.

But Arnold looked down at her without saying anything.

“Ca-can you?”


“I will listen to whatever Your Highness wishes, as long as I can fulfill it. I know that what I can do is much less than what you can do for me, if not poorly done.”

Rishe frowned and repeated the words.

“Me too. ―― I would like to fulfill many of Your Highness Arnold’s wishes.”

Though, it was likely that nothing would change.

What Arnold had in mind was unfathomable to the Rishe of today. She had no idea why he asked her to marry him, nor did she know what he intended to accomplish in the future war.

But, please.

It was at that moment that Rishe prayed.


Arnold pulled her hand that had been intertwined with his closer to him.

It was gentle, but also forceful. Arnold caught Rishe in his arms and wrapped his arms around her.

He hugged her tightly, as if to confine her, and whispered gently next to her ear.

“I accept your proposal.”


His voice was low and husky, but particularly clear.

“…Will you come and be my bride?”


The gentle voice that tickled her ear made her shrink involuntarily.

Unsure of where to place her hand, Rishe hesitated for a moment and then weakly grabbed Arnold’s shirt at his waist.

“I’ve long been here…”

“Not yet, I suppose…You’re not officially my wife yet.”

She couldn’t help but notice that the way he said that, so matter-of-factly, sounded like a sulk.

But everything was what it had to be.

In Rishe’s home country, as well as in Garkhain, a woman must be sixteen years old to get married. Rishe’s sixteenth birthday was about three weeks away.

Hence, in exchange for not getting his wish right away, Rishe swore, heart and soul.

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“I will be your wife…Your Highness, Arnold.”


Her oath earned a tighter hug from him.

However, it wasn’t painful at all. If anything, it was just right. Arnold went on to add.

“――Say that again.”


When he urged, she realized that it was his whim.


“…Uh, ah.”

He called her name pleadingly, and Rishe hurriedly clarified.

“Only one more time?”


“If you don’t mind it, Your Highness, I would like to tell you as many times as possible in the future…”

Considering that this was his first time indulging himself, she got tempted to respond to it.

Still, when she thought about it calmly, she realized that it was a strange request. It was patently absurd for her to keep replying to his courtship-like words.

“S-Sorry. Odd, isn’t it?”

“…It’s fine.”

She sensed Arnold smiling faintly.

“I want to hear it.”


At that moment, her face burned even hotter.

These were the same words that were said a few days ago on the beach. She buried her forehead against Arnold’s so he wouldn’t notice how red her face was, but he might get annoyed with her sticking so close to him.

“I-I’m sorry…Let me just stay in this position for a little while longer.”

“I don’t mind.”

Arnold stroked Rishe’s back as if to comfort her, and then said.

“…You should put on a little more meat.”


Rishe’s shoulders jerked at that uncalled advice. She almost looked up at Arnold’s face, but he was hugging her so tightly that she couldn’t move.

“Oh, am I thin?!”

“Not really.”

She was relieved to hear that affirmation. Otherwise, she’d be a poor image of a Crown Princess.

Arnold rested his head on Rishe’s shoulder and said in a voice that was small for him.

“If I touch you too roughly, I might break you.”


After a momentary surprise at hearing such a thing, Rishe thought it ridiculous.

“I won’t break, I’ll be fine.”

Arnold said nothing. She thought that words alone would not convey the message, so she hugged Arnold back.



Arnold patted Rishe’s back in agreement and then gently let go of her.

“I’ll take care of you.”


Rishe was thrown off by his promise.

Evidently, he didn’t get the message that Rishe was reasonably strong.

I performed poorly at our marital spat, though…

Still, Rishe thought they did a pretty good job of making up.

With that in mind, Rishe looked up at Arnold and smiled. Even on the dusk-colored beach, Arnold’s blue eyes were still the most beautiful in the world.

“The wind is getting stronger…Let’s go back.”

Arnold said and held out his hand to Rishe.

Rishe felt quite nervous when he offered an escort so naturally. She gripped Arnold’s hand gently so that her agitation would go unnoticed.

Then they started walking together.

I can’t fathom what’s going through this man’s head. No matter how much I wish, he will not change so easily…

She was well aware of that. Still, she prayed.

Nevertheless, may His Highness Arnold one day express his wish for happiness.

Whatever intention this marriage was based on, it would be consummated.

I don’t care if his partner isn’t me.

Rishe vowed to stop the war that Arnold would wage.

By then, Rishe would probably become Arnold’s enemy. She knew that staying by his side while hiding her purpose would be nothing but a betrayal to him.

Still ―― I really want to make this person happy…

Not by means of war, which could hurt many people, including him.

She wanted Arnold to see a world where he could genuinely want something and get it.

“What’s the matter, Rishe?”


Rishe smiled when Arnold noticed that she had fallen behind him.

“Let’s go home and have dinner…I can’t eat too much, lest I gain weight and don’t fit in my wedding dress.”

“Don’t worry. If something should happen, I will gather all the craftsmen in the country and have them rework it.”

“It’s scary when Your Highness says something like that with a straight face, it doesn’t sound like a joke at all, you know?”

When speaking of this subject, Rishe felt a soft tickle deep in her chest.

As they walked along the sunset-colored beach, Rishe occasionally looked back toward the sea.

She squinted her eyes at the glittering sparkles on the water and tightened her grip on Arnold’s hand.


The quiet splashes of the waves echoed in the seaside castle, which was completely shrouded in darkness.

Walking without making a single sound of footsteps, Raul opened the door to the room and looked around the unoccupied reception room.

Without asking anyone’s permission, he sat down on one of the couches. Then within a few minutes, he heard the sound of hard shoes.

Then the door was flung open.

Raul curled the edge of his mouth and dared to speak lightly.

“…People come to you soundlessly, and yet you didn’t even bother to hide?”


The man looked down at Raul with cold eyes as he bent his upper body and rested his elbows on the back of a chair.

Then, without saying a word, he sat down across from Raul and rested his cheek on the armrest.

Seeing this, Raul pressed further.

“You’re so unsociable. Since we’re going to be cooperating with each other from now on, why don’t we be a little more cordial?”

“I’m not in the mood to listen to your snide remarks.”

“That’s alright. I owe you a debt of gratitude, and I’ll do as you command…Even if it’s something shady that you can’t even tell your beloved wife.”

After saying that, he goaded the man in front of him.

“Shall we begin our private talk, as planned…Your Highness Arnold Hein?”


The man with the cold, sculpted face shot an even colder gaze toward Raul.

T/N: Yay!! That ends Volume 4…the next ones would be extras ??

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