The villain’s side of the novel Chapter 211 The Truth

Chapter 211 The Truth

Fray’s demeanor remained cool and composed as he looked directly at the innkeeper, his eyes steady and unwavering. "And what is your reason for inquiring about that such incident? " he asked, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

The innkeeper’s lips curled into a sinister smile. "I find it intriguing to delve into the true nature of those who find themselves within these cursed borders that’s all," he replied, his gaze fixed on Fray with a penetrating intensity.

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With a nod, Fray began to explain, careful not to reveal too many details. "Those men were members of a ruthless assassination organization," he stated calmly. "They were after me so I called them"

At this point, the innkeeper’s smile remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed to penetrate Fray’s soul as if he knew something more than what was being said. "This is not the truth, is it?" he calmly interjected a subtle undertone of authority in his voice. "Please remember, dear guest, that you are bound to tell the truth."

Caught off guard by the innkeeper’s assertion, Fray’s mind raced, ( how this man could possibly know that I have lied? I’m certain I had never spoken to anyone about what happened )

The truth of the innkeeper’s statement sank in — he couldn’t lie, not in this place. A weighty silence filled the air as Fray decided to trust his instincts and speak the unvarnished truth. " Alright, they weren’t targeting me" Fray turned to look at Aslan who was looking at him with a complicated look in her eyes before he continued "They were targeting Aslan,"

As Aslan heard his words her eyes widened in surprise and shock. ( W-what!?)

"After thwarting their attempt on Aslan’s life," Fray continued, "I eliminated the entire organization."

Aslan’s emotions swirled, a whirlwind of shock, fear, and regret. She had always known Fray to be a loyal and protective man, but the extent to which he had gone to safeguard her left her both grateful and uneasy, that incident didn’t just cause him a lot of trouble and ruined his reputation, she herself tortured him a cause of it.

"I did what was necessary to keep her safe," Fray affirmed, his gaze unwavering as he looked at Aslan. "No matter the cost."

Aslan swallowed hard, absorbing the weight of Fray’s confession. The realization that her life had been threatened and that Fray had taken such drastic measures to protect her, left her feeling vulnerable yet deeply touched by his unwavering commitment.

"..." Lisa and Lysander, standing at the side also were shocked, they all thought that Fray was a brutal person, and they all believed that he just killed them for some stupid reason, the revelation left them confused.

"Finally, you are telling the truth," the innkeeper interjected, breaking the momentary silence, " So why were they targeting Aslan? and why didn’t you tell her the truth before ?."

Fray’s gaze remained fixed on the innkeeper, his resolve unwavering. "I’ve answered your question, and that’s all I will say," he stated firmly. "You said one question, and I’ve given you the truth."

The innkeeper’s smile didn’t falter, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Fair enough," he replied, seemingly unfazed by Fray’s refusal to elaborate. "The next game will begin in three hours. Until then, you may rest and prepare yourselves."

Aslan, still processing the revelations about Fray’s past, couldn’t hold back her thoughts any longer. She approached him hesitantly, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Fray, can we talk for a moment?"

Fray met her gaze, understanding the turmoil of emotions she must be feeling. "I need a drink," he replied calmly. "Let’s go to the inn, and we can talk there."

Once inside the dimly lit inn, they found a quiet corner, away from prying eyes and curious ears. Aslan hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, her voice soft and hesitant. "Why didn’t you tell me about this before?" she asked, her eyes searching his for answers.

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Fray took a moment to collect his thoughts before replying, his voice gentle yet resolute. "I wanted to protect you," he said, "This is my job and responsibility towards you, I don’t need to tell you every time I do my responsibility"

Aslan’s eyes welled up with tears, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "But that’s not fair, Fray," she said, her voice breaking. "We’re a team, and we should both protect each other but also we should be honest with each other."

"I know, Aslan," Fray said. "And I realize now that I made a mistake. I should have trusted you enough to confide in you."

Aslan sighed her emotions a whirlwind of frustration and affection. "It’s not about blame, Fray," she said, reaching out to hold his hand. "It’s about trust and openness. We’re in this together, and I want to be there for you just as much as you are there for me."

Fray nodded. "You’re right," he admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I should have known better than to keep things from you."

too," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

With that, they embraced, finding comfort and solace in each Aslan’s eyes softened. "And I promise to always be honest with you too," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.

With that, they embraced, finding comfort and solace in each other’s arms. The tension between them dissipated.

As Fray looked at Aslan’s expression with a rare smile on his face, suddenly certain words come up to his memory which made his smile slowly start fading __ ’ you told me to inform you, sir, to not trust anyone, they are not your friends anymore ’


Fray, Lisa, and Lysander gathered at the center of the village once again, anticipation and trepidation mingling in the air. The village square had been transformed into a makeshift arm wrestling arena. A sturdy wooden table with a worn surface stood in the middle, flanked by two equally sturdy chairs. On one side of the table, the burly man from before sat, his muscles bulging, radiating strength and confidence.

As looked at the arrogant expression on the burly man his attention was drawn to the middle-aged man that stepped forward( for some reason he seems interested in that incident, I can’t lose this game ) and turned to look at Aslan ( She can’t know...)

the innkeeper’s smile still as sinister as ever. "Welcome to the arm wrestling match," he announced. "In this game, you will be competing in a battle of strength. But not just any strength—life energy itself."

Fray raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet cautious. "Life energy?" he asked, seeking clarification.

The innkeeper nodded, his gaze intense. "Yes. You see, in this cursed village, life energy is more than just a concept. It’s a tangible force that surrounds us all. The orbs floating in the air are imbued with this energy, and when a player touches one, they can harness its power to enhance their strength."

Fray’s eyes flickered to the orbs suspended in the air around them, glowing with a faint ethereal light. He wondered how this mystical energy worked and what price one might have to pay to gain such power.

"In addition," the innkeeper continued, "you can choose to sacrifice some of your own life energy to gain an even greater boost. However, be warned, for this comes with its own consequences. Use this power wisely, for recklessness can have dire effects."

Lisa and Lysander exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and wariness.

"As always, the end of the game will only come after a clear winner emerges," the innkeeper concluded, his eyes flickering with anticipation.

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