The villain’s side of the novel Chapter 213 The Victory

Chapter 213 The Victory

The tension in the air was palpable as the arm wrestling match reached its peak. Fray’s long hair cascaded down his broad shoulders, his body seemingly even bigger than before.

The burly man’s once massive frame had become skinny and pale, except for his massive hand that still held on with a determined grip.

As felt the burly man’s strength waning Fray couldn’t help but be surprised by his power he didn’t have to use any life energy to face the man except the using the first phase which also Fray had found to be much more powerful than he remembered as it reached 63 folds now.

Thus using his newfound power, with a final burst of effort from Fray, the burly man’s hand started to falter, and then it fell. Fray had won.

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"..." Lisa, Lysander, and Aslan, as joyful smiles started to raise on their faces, their happiness was caught by surprise as they heard a loud laugh.


The burly man’s face erupted into laughter, his eyes shining with happiness despite his defeat. He looked at Fray with admiration and respect. "You truly are remarkable," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

( This laugh, it seems familiar ) looking at the man’s joyful face he nodded, acknowledging the man’s praise. "You were a formidable opponent," he replied, a sense of respect in his voice.

As the realization of his loss sunk in, the burly man’s massive hand started to shrink, becoming just like the rest of his body. He seemed to take the defeat in stride, accepting it with grace and good humor.



Clap! Clap!

The spectators around them cheered and clapped, recognizing the display of strength and skill they had just witnessed.

"..." Lisa, Aslan, Lysander, and even Fray looked around them at the cheering crowd with confused eyes, unable to understand their joy

As Fray moved his gaze to the crowd his eyes fall on the innkeeper who was also smiling with a joyful look in his eyes.

As the match concluded, the tension that had filled the air earlier dissipated, replaced by a sense of celebration and unity. The villagers congratulated Fray on his victory and thanked the burly man for putting up such a spirited fight.


Lisa watched as Fray received cheers and praises from the villagers with a mixture of awe and confusion. She couldn’t help but feel intrigued by the unexpected reactions of the people during the arm wrestling match.

As they made their way back to the inn, Lisa, Aslan, Lysander, and Fray found a moment to sit together at a corner table.

"That was incredible, Fray," Lysander said, with a big smile on his face. " I didn’t think you are this strong."

"I didn’t either, it seems that we have become very strong in the past years," Fray replied as he looked at his hands.

Aslan nodded in agreement. "It’s amazing, we have our first but all of this is a bit unnerving," she said. " I still can’t understand why they were happy even after losing even the innkeeper was smiling,"

"I agree," Lisa chimed in. "It’s hard to understand what their goal is."

Fray leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "I’ve been feeling the same way," he admitted. "It’s like we’re all being tested for something."

"But why?" Aslan wondered aloud. "What should be our question?"

"yes, we have to figure out a question that could give us more clues about our situation " Lysander replied

The group continued to discuss their situation as they waited for the innkeeper to bring their food.

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The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and uncertainty, as they tried to make sense of the strange events unfolding around them.

"We will figure it out," Fray said with determination. "We just need to stay focused and keep searching for clues."

As the innkeeper brought their food, Fray’s appetite seemed to match his newfound strength. "I’m hungry," he declared, diving into the food with gusto.

"Jiis, you didn’t change; you still eat like a hippo," Lisa teased, sipping on their drinks, the innkeeper approached to clear the empty plates.

looking at Fray with a playful grin.

Fray glanced at her with a cold look, but his eyes softened as he saw the warmth in Aslan’s eyes as she observed the scene. There was a sense of comfort in knowing that they were all in this together, facing whatever challenges lay ahead as a team.


After finishing their meal, the group decided to save their question for a later time when they had more information and a clearer understanding of their situation. As they leaned back in their chairs, sipping on their drinks, the innkeeper approached to clear the empty plates.

"Have you decided what you’ll be asking?" the innkeeper inquired with a knowing smile, his eyes locking on Fray.

Fray glanced at his companions, then back at the innkeeper. "We’ve decided to wait for the right moment to ask," he replied cryptically.

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further.

Then, Fray moved on to his next question. "And when is the next game?" he asked.

"The next game will be tomorrow morning," the innkeeper responded.


In the vast expanse of the pitch-black space, Luke, Evelyn, and Jareth found themselves standing together, surrounded by darkness. There was no sight of any walls or boundaries; it was as if they were suspended in an endless void.

Suddenly, a disembodied voice echoed around them, causing them to jump in surprise. "Welcome, travelers," the voice reverberated, sending shivers down their spines. "Your next challenge is simple yet daunting. You must find your way out of this place within the hour."

"Find our way out? But where are we?" Evelyn asked, her voice confused, but a bit frustrated.

"We are in some kind of void, it’s just empty darkness," Jareth added, trying to peer into the inky blackness around them.

"That’s correct," the voice confirmed. "You are in a realm beyond your world, where time and space behave differently. Your task is to locate the exit before the hourglass runs empty. The only way to escape is to discover the hidden path."

Luke, analyzing the situation, thought out loud, "So, we’re essentially trapped in a maze within this black void, and we have an hour to find our way out?"

"Precisely," the voice replied. "But do not underestimate the challenge. The path will not be straightforward, and there are obstacles you must overcome. Keep your wits about you."

As the voice fell silent, the three friends exchanged determined glances. They knew that the key to success would be to work together as a team. With no visible landmarks or clues, they had to rely on their instincts and trust each other’s instincts.

"We can do this," Evelyn said, her voice steady and resolute. "Let’s stay close and move together."

Luke nodded in agreement. "Agreed. And let’s be on the lookout for anything that seems out of place or unusual."

Jareth added, "We should communicate constantly. If one of us finds something, we’ll signal the others."

With their plan in place, the trio set off, navigating the dark void, one step at a time. Each minute felt like an eternity as they searched for any hint of a way out.

The absence of light made it challenging to measure time, and they could only rely on their intuition and the hope that they were making progress.

As the hourglass’s sand steadily trickled away, their sense of urgency grew. They encountered strange illusions, confusing passages that led nowhere, and echoes that played tricks on their minds.

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