The Wielder of Death Magic Chapter 1151 - 1151 Plans for the future

1151 Plans for the future

Dionysus’s brownish-gold stare blinked back and forth. They took Staxius’s words with a grain of suspicion. Such was the look held by the pressed lips. ‘Gods don’t care about hiding their emotions much. They have the world already at their feet. It’s easy to see why, he’d choose to accept the feelings and show them. Thing is, to people like me, it’s very simple to lead them into what I want to achieve. The question is how do I play?’

Staxius paused, he looked right and left then exhaled, “-wondering why I readily accepted the kindness?”

“Yeah?” he threw up his arms and sat, crossing his legs at the echoing battlefield, “-who’s fighting anyway?”

“Who knows? I sure don’t,” he lit a cigarette and watched, “-Dionysus, we know the Olympian Gods and I will face off sooner or later. I did steal Athena from under Zeus’ feet. There’s no telling what he’s going to do.”

“Well, I don’t like how the Olympian gods are doing whatever the Heavenly Council advises. I barely escaped; you know. Falling from heaven and all that.”

“Barely escaped,” Staxius shook his head, “-are you joking? Did you see the size of your ship?”

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“Details, it’s whatever. Anyway, tell me, doesn’t your friend need help?”

“Oh, no not really,” he puffed, “-look, she’ll kill them soon.” Like clockwork, as Staxius predicated, the battle followed. Fenrir did much of the heavy lifting – champions emerged from the Resistance’s ranks. None knew how they procured such firepower. Alas, with Staxius’s Necromancy in action – the more died, the stronger he became.

“Staxius, let me warn you. The prince she’s fighting is a replica of Gluttony. It’s one of the reasons why I left the council. They’re experimenting on things that are best left untouched. Prying open nature and destroying the natural balance. When I heard about the tale of one who’d bring balance, I jumped at the chance.”


“You think Fenrir’s in trouble?” he chuckled, “-look at her.”

Focus panned, Fenrir clapped her hands and called forth a spiritual representation of her strength. A massive wolf sprang to life, she calmly winked and leaped, clawing her way through the Prince to be followed by the gaping bite of the spirit wolf.


“Not really,” Staxius leaped, Dionysus followed, “-what happened here is a preview of what is to come. I am concerned you’re here. However, as a like-minded fellow, I do enjoy the thrill which comes from the unknown. Just not when said unknown plans against me.”

“Yeah, you worry too much.”

The resistance’s assault was over. News of their defeat never left Inux, and such was the decision on the day after the massacre. The leader of said forces was brought in chains by Vengeance, “-leader of the resistance,” Staxius held a one-on-one meeting in the dungeon, “-listen,” the dim lighting, the smell of rot and filth, the nonchalant expression on the faction leader’s face, ‘-he knows this all too well,’ Staxius calmly evaluated the situation, ‘-I can get what I want from the others. He’ll be a tough nut to crack. Best keep our status hidden for a few months until we’re ready to march against the occupants of Zalan D’olsak.’

“Good place you got.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah, too bad we’re not alone.”

“No one is truly alone.”

“Exions,” the man smirked, “-have you heard of them?”

“Not really.”

“They’re our benefactors. The battle we staged against Inux was primer. The real threat has yet to come. I’ll laugh in the afterlife whilst their faction comes and destroys this little town you captured.”

“Exions,” he leaned back, “-are they not from the Eipea Empire?”

‘… how did he know?’

“How do I know?” Staxius echoed the man’s thought, “-there are few things left to surprise me. I’ve taken measures to ensure the safety of what I have and what I need. Besides when all bets are down and you have to gamble,” he smiled, “-those are when entertainments at its best.”

‘I wonder,’ blue hair flowed through the field outside, ‘-why Igna became Staxius. He didn’t really talk about why it happened. It’s always like that, he’ll do something then go quiet, then return as if nothing happened. He’s a handful… I was glad he called. Draebala, she warned me about this realm, it’s a place with the affinity to ruin any man, no matter the strength they possess,’ her lingering gaze fell on an abandoned little settlement, it faced a wild field that seemed to have been cultivated way back when.

*Crackle,* lightning hit a watchtower. The broken door toppled. “-What a workout,” Staxius stretched and bathed in the early morning sunrise, “-Fenrir, over here.”

“You finished?” the smell, ‘-it stinks,’ she pulled her nose from the insides.

“Yeah, the man was nice enough to tell me what I needed. Dionysus’ information was right,” he checked his watch and opened a map, “-if we’re to have any hope holding out against the Exions, I will need to gather the seven wielders of Hell’s symbol.”

“What then, are we just going into the mainland to steal the prince?”

“We don’t necessarily need the wielder, what I need is the symbol. Would be impossible to forcefully take said symbol, however, tis not difficult with a few spells.”

Turn back the clock to the day or night of the attack – the arrival of Dionysus was rather troublesome. Though none knew his identity, they sensed immense power surging, enough to make the town turn. It was quite the mess to see, and there, without a single shred of doubt, Staxius announced the following, “-to the residents of Inux. We have defeated the coming invaders, we have fought back the waves of soldiers, and we have won against the resistance. They choose to invade this land I protect; they choose their fate and met a timely death. I will not entertain collusion or anything of the sort – traitors will be put to death. I’m not biased to ruling this town with an iron fist, I will become a tyrant shall the need arise. For now, refugees, you’re of mixed blood, background, and social standing. With the fall of Zayan D’olsak’ nobility and rulership – I’ve noticed many noble-born figures wandering the street as normal people. Listen right and listen carefully. I will be fighting the world – they will come for me, such is the fate I have chosen,”

‘-he’s the same.’

‘-typical power-hungry men.’

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‘-what a disappointment.’

“-I know what you’re thinking. He’s a war bringer, someone who lusts for battle and craves domination. You know what?” he stared at the crowd, “-I am a battle junkie. I love what it brings and the thrill of experiencing death can never be topped. I also know the pain of being on the receiving side, sitting there, and having no words for the fate of your family or hometown. This is why I’ve decided to march west, to the fallen Duchy of the Emrold, the capital, Emerald’s city. Once the trading route is safe enough – those not wishing to battle will be moved to the Emerald City. The land and resources available will help the famine we’re faced with today. Until that day comes; the Scavengers will be in charge of Inux. Elion will be in charge. If you have complaints, direct them to him – as for the military, that will fall under my domain, my people will handle security. I can promise this, if you’re under my protection, which this town is, you won’t have to worry about your family dying suddenly,” he stared at the town. The message was so clear none knew how to respond – Staxius walked off the podium and into the castle. The people were mind shocked, watching in contemplation of what was to come. Also, having Dionysus manifest his airship above the town, behind Staxius, was a nice way to signal their strength, and there, without showing their hand, reinforced his reputation as strong.

The conversation carried into a secluded cell, “-taking the Emerald City is a tall task.”

“It’s considered one of the greater cities in the whole of Draebala. We’re not going to take it so easily.”

“I beg to differ,” he looked at Fenrir, Hesta, and Dionysus, “-come forth Vengeance.”

He manifested in the shadows, “-master.”

“I sent people to the Emerald City for recon while we were talking about Inux. I kept it hidden in case of the plan failed. However, it seems that Emerald City hasn’t fallen like they’d have us believe. The Resistance is operating from said area and has the ducal family’s blessings. They’ve allied with the Heavenly Convention – I know Artanos, he’s a man of intellect and would rather keep his forces alive rather than kill them. Instead of spreading violence, he spread the word of violence and allowed his men to roam and slaughter people as they came. Basically, an information blackout.”

“I don’t get why he would do that…’

“Dionysus, you’re not exactly suited for the ways of war.”


“Staxius, you’re not planning of letting this Olympian join us, are you?” Fenrir narrowed.

“We already have Minerva. I’ll leave his fate up to her.”


“Yeah, what’s the harm…”

The olympian rose his arms, “-do I not get a say?”


“Fair enough,” he lowered his arm, ‘-guess it’s the same here.’

“Don’t look so out of touch,” Staxius patted the man’s back, “-I know a thing or two about your situation. You’re the only child born from a mortal mother. Your father sure likes to have affairs. I wonder how the pain shows on Hera.”

“She hates him,” he narrowed, “-Hera loves animals, father tried to court her a lot of times. I’m relaying what I heard. Father turned into a distressed cuckoo. Taking pity on the animal, she took him in his arms – where, he transformed and ravished her. I tell you, the tales of my father are worse when I hear them from other people. Ashamed, Hera married her brother, her husband. I don’t see how people venerate him. Still, Hera hated my mother when she got pregnant with me,” he lowered his gaze.

“Hera is a vindictive individual. You didn’t come here on a whim. You escaped, didn’t you, you ran.”

“Yeah,” he untied his hair, “-I ran. Hera sent Titans after me, I barely escaped my assassination. Father said nothing, I left – they hate me for not being born like them. My mother’s just the daughter of a king, someone who had to suffer under Zeus’ lust. Hera doesn’t do anything save get jealous and take out her frustrations on others.”

“Place sounds like fun to live.”

“Ha-ha,” he shook his head, “-I’m sure Athena felt that way.”

“So you see,” he turned to Fenrir, “-Dionysus is a refugee, like the others. I said’ I’d provide a haven for those wanting shelter from Zeus. You’re free to join us, Dionysus. Better yet, how about you relinquish the character of god and live a simple life here in Inux? I could make you a statesman, you’ll handle politics and fall into the same line of work Athena does. It’s not much but it’s a stable place to find love, enjoy what little life we have and see the world reborn, you know.”

“A poetic sign,” he crossed his hands and nodded, “-if you’ll have me, then I’ll join.”

“It’s settled.”

“Welcome to the Shadows, Dionysus.” He didn’t know it then, but entering the shadows was hard, and being allowed to live, was even harder. Before Dionysus began their new life – Staxius conjured the portal to the Shadow Realm. There, the Supreme Guardian of the Shadows, Intherna, waited with her arms crossed.

‘Where am I?’ he awoke inside a sandy arena. Majestic music played – the crowd cheered, and the almighty Guardian presided over the admittance test, “-welcome to the shadows, Dionysus.”

Thus a week passed from the battle, leading Staxius 1/4th of the way to the Emerald City. The traveling companion, Fenrir, “-any good information then, from the resistance leader?”

“Just bits and bobs. My assumptions were right. The Emerald City is still booming, we’re separated by west and east now. The capital acts like a divider – information and goods aren’t allowed to go east. We take the Emerald City and it’s like having the master key to Zayan D’olsak.”

“Why do you love intrigue so much, any plans going forward?”

“Not a single clue,” he laughed, “-I got an idea, but I need time to cook it, I suppose.”

“Cooking,” she shook her head, “-alright, Alchemist.”

“Don’t you dare-” he snapped, “-no one calls me that anymore, I’m not a chef.’

“Sure,” she laughed, “-black-collar chef.”

“Shut it!”

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