This Hero is Sleeping! Chapter 97 97: Silvanus Ishulaib

Chapter 97 Chapter 97: Silvanus Ishulaib

"Say so, where do you think we are now?"

"I… do not know."

"And where do you think Claude and Tiana are?"

"I… do not know that either."

"Goddamnit useless mage!" Elric snapped at his friend. His hands were still clutched tight by her. Erika, holding back tears, looked away. "How did you mess up following some little spirits? Even I could do that easily and I ruin everything!"

"Shut up you can’t even see them! I tried my best alright? I am still following just them!"

"Then why are we lost?"

"I do not know!!"

ERirka heaved and so did Elric.

Screaming wasn’t going to make them not lost now. They had little choice but to accept their fate as people who were now lost in the forest of the elves and go ahead and on their way without looking back.

Not like they could look back.

At least Elric was comfortable enough to say he could stay here as long as needed, but not being able to tell her left from her right and her front from her back was getting to Erika at a rapid pace.

If not for the assurance that came from Elric’s hand and the sight of the spirits then she would have long gone mad.

Things weren’t looking bright yet.

But eventually, after walking for hours on end, the mist started to fade away.

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"Oh no! The terrain is going to change, A tree can fall on us."

"No, wrong place, wrong place."

Erika calmed Elric down.

They continued ahead behind the spirits. The fading mist wash; ’t a simple illusion but a fact that went on. Eventually, the two of them finally ran out of the mist, and in front of them, spread a forest like none other.

Trees grand and large flowers all around,t heir greenery reaching the skies and the ground alike. People with long ears like spears walked around in robes that were made from the hand of nature itself.

Bridges connected the trees and trees connected the bridges as houses of dead wood and dying leaves all merged on a height and the ground, mixing into a sight that can’t be seen elsewhere.

This was.

The city of the elves.

The place deepest in the heart of Silcvanud and the land where they believed Silvanus himself resided.

Though she had seen many an elf in her last two years. For the first time, Erika couldn’t help but think they were not so pretty after all.

Overdosing on Elric did that to a person.

"What kind of place is this…"


Elric stopped her.

The mist was still around, but the perimeter of the village was safe. Diving right into the heart of their enemies’ territory was nothing other than an absurd display of foolishness.

They had to tread carefully.

"Before any of these elves notice us, come here."

He grabbed her hand and took her away. Elric, lowering his head, moved through the corners of the village.


Every. Single. Elf.

All of them had their eyes peeled and were staring at him.

"Why?! I even hid my presence?"

"I mean…" Erika swallowed her words. "You are flooded by spirits all this time."

"Hahaha, that was just because of the power in my left arm."

One of the elves, a seemingly young man, pushed his child behind and slowly walked over to Elric.

With his hands stretched out, he carefully spoke.


"Um…" Erika tried to speak. "Can you speak, the human language?"

"Niika Ishulaib? Jilanur?"

"Elric… I don’t think they speak our language."

Elric smirked.

He raised his hands wide and smiled.


Naturally, they were people living in the woods, so they would know jack-shit. Commonsense seemed to be prevalent, but since they couldn’t understand him and he couldn’t understand him, there was little to think about.

He spread his arms wide.


And looked into the sky.

"Silvanus. Ishulaib."

"What? What did you say?" Erika panicked. She didn’t trust this bastard with anything.

All the elves gasped all at once. Some dropped their flower crowns while others dropped their wooden toys.



Elric screamed even louder this time.



The elves got to their knees.

Elric had a special feature, something unique to only him, and that was being beautiful as fuck,

Ishulaib? He had no fucking clue what that meant. But they were probably asking who in the world he was if he was anyone. And why the fuck would he not take the chance to be the god of these people?

He had already created a simple formula!

No matter what they would ask, he would just repeat it with Silvanus added.

It worked everywhere, tried and tried!


Silvanus Hungry!

Who are you?

Silvanus who are you?


Silvanus Angry!

Stupid like a five-year-old?


The elves started crying.

Elric shut up.


Some of them ran away. While others went toward their chief.

Not long after, people came running toward them.


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The seemingly oldest among the newcomer elves spoke. He spoke in the human language!

Elric’s plan was fucked already.

The man, wearing robes of green and blue bowed slightly as he walked closer to Elric.

"Who are you? What is happening here—"

Erika was about to say something, But Elric was in too deep of shit to be able to afford her running this now. He simply grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back as the continued speaking.


"You want Silvanus to leave? You bastard!"

Oh fuck, that’s what it meant?

They were asking the humans to leave and disappear!

Elric shook his head.

He slapped his chest.

"SILVANUS. IS. ME. I am your god. And I am angry."

"How dare this human say something like this—"

"THEN!" Elric screamed. "How do you explain this wave of spirit all aroudn me, old man?"

The chief shut up.

There was a point in that.

He couldn’t argue here.

There were way too many spirits for him to just ignore.

"This… this can’t be,"

"Oh but it is, I am your god. Now, bow."


"BOW! You have already made me angry plenty!"

The chief took to his knees, and so did the other elves. Their lips bit they looked at the one ahead of them with the gaze of slight reverence and more of doubt. But their child was affected the most.

"H-how may we have?"

"Is this any time and place?" Elric asked. "Announce to my people. I have returned! Feast! There shall not be a feast!

The old chief was stunned.

"Need I repeat myself?"

He had his doubts.

"Why are you in the form of a human, my lord?"

Elric thought for a bit. Lying was already taking all of his strength, so he had disguised this as roleplaying, but now that he had to lie, he couldn’t help but sweat buckets.

"Y-y-y-ou elves have disappointed this great seat greatly. You must face punishment for this."

"Hah! How—"

"Need I repeat myself? And do you truly not know… chief?"

The chief slammed his head on the ground.

He had indeed! He had indeed made a big blunder.

If any human had been out to trick him then they would not know of it. Yet, this man knew! He knew what was up.

There was no other doubt in the chief’s mind.

Whether this person was truly Silvanus or not, he had to be careful lest he earns his ire and scorn.

"Rise, chief."

The chief rose, held Elric’s hands, and turned around.


He screamed!


Elric chimed in!

"Feast will be prepared, my lord. Please, till then, please come to my abode!"

"Ok cool. Let’s go."

Elric shrugged.

Erika clenched his sleeves.


All the elves almost blew out at Erika with rage in their eyes.

Elric dived in front.


He screamed.

The elves tilted their head.

He then turned to the chief and scowled.

"Since you losers make mistakes, I brought someone u-u-u-u-seful. You should learn from her!"

Lying was truly the most difficult thing.

"Now, let us go."

And off they went.

Crisis averted. For now.


Stones skipped over a lake near the house. Another person had almost run out of flowers to stomp.

"You fuckers, I am scared of ghosts and even I am getting pissed. Will you just go in?"

"I mean lodge in the woods? It is scary!"

"Right right!"

Another group was yet to enter their destinations.

The laughing, giggling spirits had reached a slight hiccup as they all shook their head in bewilderment at the display provided by these idiots.

They just couldn’t go in already.

At this rate, the spirits would want to break things.


One spirit cheered!

It had an idea.

A brilliant one at that.

Giggles rang out as the spirits convened.

And then after some time, all of them hummed in agreement.

Claude could only blink.

When the skipping stone started forming ripples where it did not skip.

As he turned his gaze upward.

A droplet of water fell on his face.

"AH! It’s raining!"

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