This World Needs a Hero Chapter 168

Chapter 168

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Is it all over?

The Hero calmed his rapid breaths.

Though sharp pains still lingered throughout his body, they didnt hinder his movements.

Fortunately, he didnt feel any immediate side effects.

Neither the shortening of life, nor the manipulation of mana, nor weakness of the body.

It was all thanks to the regenerative abilities of the dopplegangers body.

Considering the impending battle, it was indeed fortunate.

Drumming sounds echoed as consciousness faded, and the barrier of the coastal cave disappeared.

Soon, the enemies that had been wandering in the illusion would come rushing in.

Realizing he didnt have much time, the Hero hurriedly read the comment that appeared before him.

The recovered flame blossomed in the hearth.




Access to Chapter III of the First Era is now available.

Comments regarding various rewards appeared, likely due to fulfilling the goal set by the Iris of Laplace.

But now wasnt the time to check them.

The recalibrated Iris immediately moved to the next comment.

Blessing of Zero Requiem: We recommend linking this artifact with information regarding Paradox.

It was the same comment as when he obtained Evolution in the Blessings cave.

Initiating link.

Paradox: A blessing that can speak to the target in ancient languages, giving meaning and interference.

Retrieving a list of targets that the current user can influence with this blessing.

The Heros eyebrows twitched slightly as he checked the list of targets affected by this blessing.

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Larze suddenly raised her head.

How is it? Looks useful?

The Hero silently grasped onto Black Hope and stood up.


He cast a dense net of detection.

He sensed the presence of the demonic church followers he had encountered earlier at the forefront.

They seemed to have naturally realized that their relic had been stolen.

A sinister aura from a different dimension pricked his skin.

The infidels had plundered their relics.

To them, it would be more than just a humiliation; they would attempt to kill him and Larze at all costs.

It seems reinforcements are coming nearby.

The numbers had significantly increased.

Beyond the immediate threat, he could sense the presence of monsters.

Those who had roamed Sector 43.

Even if their rank was low, they were at least superior.

And the numbers

The range of detection is filled to the brim.

Not only did it fill the underground passage, but it also hinted at activity near the surveillance tower.

Well, what do you think?

But Larze, his only ally, seemed reluctant to fight.

Perhaps she was also exhausted, but she seemed more interested in seeing the performance of the Paradox he was casting.

If youre not going to fight, step aside.


Amidst all these unfavorable conditions,

the Hero gazed towards the end of the passage.

The ominous shadows were gradually approaching.

His long-standing habit of observation began.

Its definitely not in our favor.

This coastal cave.

It was not a favorable battlefield.

Of course, the advantage of the narrow passage was that it allowed for one-on-one combat rather than many-to-one.

If one-on-one time drags on, you run the risk of depleting your stamina.

But this is enemy territory. They can endlessly reinforce.

Engaging in prolonged one-on-one battles would only risk exhaustion.

Using area attacks like Halo would be reckless

He glanced down at the slippery mud beneath his feet.

The cave floor was unstable.

If he recklessly unleashed his sword, the passage itself might collapse, burying them.

That would be catastrophic.

Nova is even worse.

Charging ahead recklessly in such narrow confines would be akin to running into a barrage of countless blades.

In other words, the only way was to methodically eliminate the opponents one by one and break through

The problem is that the enemies are not so easily dealt with.

It would take time.

Eventually, overwhelmed by the pouring numbers, they would be pushed back.

It would be a disadvantageous battle.

However, instead of displaying a troubled expression, the Heros face was filled with a sense of anticipation.

Once again, he read the explanation of Paradox.

Speak to the target, giving meaning and intervening.

The target is addressed, meaning is bestowed, and intervention occurs.

And then, he lifted his head.


T-theyve stolen the relics of the Church!

Kill them!

In the name of the Masin, purge the unbelievers!

Suddenly, distorted faces like demons were looming right in front of him.


Crimson blades shot out like fireworks from their swords.

What would be an appropriate response?

After pondering, the Hero uttered a word.

* * *

It was a desperate and earnest voice.


The voice echoed back and forth beyond the laboratory door, resonating through the corridor.

Leciel, who had just reached the door, raised an eyebrow.

Its Bans voice.

What urgent matter could it be?

Meanwhile, the maid who had guided Leciel briefly showed a puzzled expression, then fell into contemplation.

She hesitated for a moment, then removed her hand from the doorknob.

Could it be?

Was it not the right time to bring this pretty girl here?

Even amidst the servants pale face, cries like Stop! or Dont come in! continued to echo.

Meanwhile, Leciel sensed that there was someone else with Ban, thanks to her detection ability.

Is there a guest?

W-well, you see


With eyes squeezed shut, the servant answered.

A friend from academy came a few days ago and has been staying with us.

A friend from academy?

Leciel narrowed her eyebrows.

That unfamiliar presence didnt belong to any of the extreme students.

It was the moment she was about to call Ban again.


The door opened.

And then, the fading sound of footsteps.

Suddenly, Ban was pressed against the opposite wall, panting.

Ban? What are you doing?

L-Leciel. Why are you at my house?

Just passing by. Whats up?


Red eyes passed by the window wide open for ventilation, the cluttered desk with a window wide open for ventilation, and the small, pretty girl sitting in front of it.

She was looking at what seemed like a control panel, and something about her seemed familiar.

A mage?

Memories of the Battle Arena waiting room came flooding back, followed by

The top student of the Mystical Arts Department? How does she know Ban?

It was hard to guess the connection.

Leciel instinctively turned her gaze back to Ban.

He seemed dumber than usual Leciel realized that expression was something Evergreen and Luke used to make.

It was the moment when only one conclusion could be drawn.

Does Ban like her?


Leciel took a reflexive step back.

Perhaps the girl who had come without notice hadnt known she was interrupting their intimate time.

No, she probably had.

Thats why he must have asked her not to come in.

She immediately spoke the word of apology.




As Leciel spoke, she felt a melancholic feeling.

The reason was obvious.

If it were Ban, he would surely have welcomed her as he always did.

What an unexpected intruder she had become.

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A short sigh followed.

Its a day when no one welcomes me.

Should she go to the bustling salon full of uncomfortable people, or return to the empty villa?

Debating between the two options she didnt like, Leclerc spoke up.

Ill leave. See you after the opening.

It was at that moment Ban, emboldened by the potion, mustered the courage.

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Lets grab a bite before you go.

Beatrice, who had been focusing on the control panel, also flashed her eyes.

Sir Ban! Right now! The multitasking ability is rapidly activating!

What on earth is she talking about?

Leciel blinked and looked at the two.

* * *

It was well after the incident that the tragic news from Sector 43 reached the head of Demonic Church, Kalende.

All except one are wiped out?

Yes, Your Highness, the Seer.


The believer slammed his head to the ground.

Kalende looked down at the mess that had become of his emaciated face.

Lets see.

His right arm was severed from the shoulder, and his body was full of deep wounds.

The untreated injuries emitted a nauseating stench.

Surviving to this point with such injuries seemed like a miracle.

Even though he must be in excruciating pain, the believer remained expressionless, as if unaffected.

Of course, Kalende was no different, paying no attention to the wounds.

Its strange. Theyre not the ones to be easily wiped out like this.

Tap tap.

Long, thin fingers slowly tapped the sunken cheek.

Retrieving the Paradox was a crucial task for Kalende, not just for the Demon Church

No, it was important to her personally to get closer to her source after the Disconnection.

Thats why Kalende mobilized all her direct subordinates, except those managing the factory in the north.

But a total wipeout.

Perhaps she hadnt known she would have to intervene personally.

In fact, when coordinates were scattered in Canis, she had planned to go to Sector 43 herself.

If it hadnt been for Malekias secret mission, I would have done it.

However, she had just received a mission that had to be carried out far beyond the Abyss, and she couldnt dare to defy it.

I felt uneasy for some reason.

Kalende was about to ask for more details about the situation, but she closed her mouth.

Her dry gaze descended upon the clergyman, who had become unable to fight back.


At the same time, the white eyes began to turn red from the edges.

One of the abilities possessed by Kalende as the leader of the Church.

It was the Insightful Eye.


The clergyman, who had kept his mouth shut even with serious injuries, groaned shakily.

But Kalendes eyes no longer focused on him.

They just sifted through a series of memories in her mind.


Theyve stolen the relics of the Church!

Kill them!

In the name of the Demon King, purge the unbelievers!

High-ranking priests and blood knights of the Demonic Church rushed through the narrow corridor.

They were powerful enough to make up half the power of the Church, totaling as many as fifty.

Their combined strength could turn even a moderately fortified area into ruins before half a day had passed.

You would have to be at least a member of the Knights of Dawn to be able to face them.

The true identity of the overwhelming force that had annihilated them in an instant


Confirming the silhouette of the opponent, Kalendes expression turned blank.

The Hero?

Memories of seeing him at the auction house flashed through her mind.

A huge sword.

Muscles that could be seen even under thick clothes like armor.

And the things crouched inside it.

Although all his facial features were hidden under the hood, she couldnt be fooled by his presence.

There was only one person in the world with such presence.

Kalende harbored the exact same doubts she had at the auction house.

Is he really human?

At that time, she had been so overwhelmed that all her attention had been on fleeing, but now, fortunately, she was peering through someone elses memories.

As Kalende concentrated intensely on observing the Hero.

A scene unfolded where the shadow of doubt grew deeper.


It was a plain and monotone voice.

It almost sounded like a whisper.

No, it must have been a whisper.

It was such a low volume that it could easily be buried under the noisy footsteps and the clinking of weapons.

However, paradoxically, Kalende was confident that the voice would have been heard by everyone in the corridor.

A scream escaped from the mouth of the man who had been charging at the front.

His pupils, which had frozen upon confirming his immobilized body, shook violently.

My My body?

What evil tricks are you carrying out?

It looked like a stuffed pumpkin.

It was only for a moment that my movements were restricted.

However, in the competition between those who reached the top, even that brief gap was fatal.


The front collapsed without any resistance.

It was inevitable.

They cursed and resisted until sweat poured down, but eventually, they had to stop even for a moment.


Scenes unfolded as if frames of a video had been cut.

Joints and muscles that had been moving organically now moved separately.

They could only stagger like novices learning how to handle a sword.

Any sharp attack lost its destructive power the moment it connected.


In contrast, the Hero easily seized the opportunity to cut them down.

It felt like I was watching a butchers slaughter operation, seeing how easily those powerful people died.

This power is.

Kalende immediately recognized that this phenomenon was due to the Paradox.

But at the same time, it was hard to believe.

The utility of the Paradox recorded in documents and the scene unfolding before her eyes were on different levels.

I dont understand the difference between paradox and a spell.

The effect of the Paradox extended not only to spellcasters but also to others.

Even she, who had strong protection and alignment, would find it difficult to utilize it in such a way.


The clergyman in front was fortunate to be at the back, seemingly saving his life.

At the corner of his eyes, as he desperately fled.


Similarly, there were monsters being massacred while frozen in place.

Their resistance to commands was even lower than humans, so they experienced longer pauses.

Not only that.

His speed increases.

His strength increases.

Every time the Hero exerted his will, his body became faster.

The sound of wind wrapped around the greatsword intensified, and the giant lump of iron struck precisely at the most critical moments, even with casual swings.

It didnt take long for the densely packed creatures to turn into a pool of black blood.

It took about 5 minutes to deal with fifty clergymen and thirty monsters.


As the clergyman writhing in agony breathed his last, the playback of memories stopped.


The blood flowing from the corpses gleefully painted the ground.

However, Kalende did not move from her spot until her boots were soaked.

She just continued to scrutinize one hypothesis that came to mind.



It was the moment Kalende was tilting her head.


The pattern engraved on her forehead burned red and began to penetrate the surrounding flesh.

It was a signal sent by Malekia.


Kalende suppressed the pain and focused on the voice ringing in her ears.


Only then did Kalende move her halted steps.

While her doubts about the Hero were growing, there was no time to investigate them now.

The curtain was about to rise on Malekias plan.

By the time this design was completed.

Humans would pay a hefty price for their recent months of complacency.

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