Thunder God’s Reincarnation Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Great Namgung Family Patriarch Namgung Jo grew furious when word reached him at the Righteous Sky Pavilion about Baek Mu-Gun marrying another womana gisaeng at thatdespite having just married Namgung Hyun-Ah not too long ago.

How dare he marry another woman after my daughter?

This is proof that he does not care about our Great Namgung Family at all, Nine Thunderclap Sword Saint Namgung San, one of the Five Great Devas, said in anger. He would have never thought of doing this if he had the Great Namgung Familys honor in mind.

We dont have to necessarily think about it that way. Mu-Gun made it clear that he already had another woman before meeting Hyun-Ah, Divine Wind Sword Saint Namgung Ho defended Mu-Gun since he had a good relationship with him. Even Hyun-Ah was well aware of that. Nevertheless, the Baek Sword Sect decided to marry Hyun-Ah first and set the other woman aside in consideration for the Great Namgung Familys honor.

Are you saying its right for him to marry a gisaeng despite already having Hyun-Ah? Namgung San asked as if he was interrogating Namgung Ho.

Baek Mu-Gun is free to welcome any woman as his wife. If that results in Hyun-Ah being treated unfairly or neglected, then we naturally should protest and question him. However, we will clearly be overstepping our boundaries if we were to question him just because he is taking another woman as his wife. Namgung Ho had no intention to back down from this.

As Ho said, getting involved in matters regarding their marriage is far too excessive. We can be unhappy about it, but that alone is not enough for us to say that the Baek Sword Sect is disregarding the Great Namgung Family, Great Swarm Sword Saint Namgung Sung said, supporting Namgung Ho. Think about our relationship with the Baek Sword Sect. It would do us no good to sour our relationship with the Baek Sword Sect over such a trifling matter. The Great Swarm Sword Saint, Namgung Sung, spoke in support of Namgung Ho.

Since when did the Baek Sword Sect become so great that we have to walk on eggshells around them? Namgung San was clearly displeased.

Are you prepared to fight the Baek Sword Sect over matters of marriage? It would be fortunate if the Baek Sword Sect accepts our demand and withdraws from the marriage ceremony, but if they dont, we would be the ones losing face. Either way, we cant pick a fight with them just because they push ahead with the marriage. The Baek Sword Sect is no pushover. Our threats would not force them into submission. If we do not really plan to fight them, its best to just observe, Namgung Sung rebutted, completely shutting off Namgung Sans stance.

I think it would be best to just leave this matter to Hyun-Ah. Shes the one involved in this, after all. If she acknowledges and accepts this marriage, then there is no reason for us to treat it as a problem, Celestial Sword Saint Namgung Hwang said in an attempt to simplify things.

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I also think that would be for the best, Lightning Sword Saint Namgung Hae agreed.

With four of the Five Great Devas agreeing to just wait and observe Mu-Guns second marriage, Namgung Jo could no longer just do what he wanted. To a certain extent, they agreed with him anyway. Unless Namgung Hyun-Ah specifically requested their help, Namgung Jo decided to turn a blind eye to Mu-Guns second marriage as the Five Great Devas suggested.

Not long after, a carrier pigeon Hyun-Ah had sent reached the Great Namgung Familys manor. The letter it carried asked the Great Namgung Family to not worry about the marriage because she had acknowledged and agreed to it. Having received that information, the Great Namgung Family no longer had any reason to get involved. Hence, contrary to the grim expectations of the Ten Clans of Zhejiangs patriarchs, they made no move against the event.

Baek Mu-Guns second wedding day came soon after.

Mu-Gun and Dan Seol-Young had a wedding ceremony that was congratulated by many guests, including the patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. Afterward, they had a hot and steamy wedding night. Having married Mu-Gun, Seol-Young naturally joined and moved to the Baek Sword Sect. Mu-Gun was secretly worried that there would be a problem if Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young came face-to-face. However, contrary to his worries, Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young acknowledged and respected each other, allowing them to live together without any problems. Mu-Gun found that quite fortunate.

Their new setup meant Seol-Young would have no choice but to frequent the Flower Honor Manor since she had work to do as the Heavenly Secret Hall Vice Leader. Rumors would spread if she kept visiting a brothel despite being married to Mu-Gun, though, so instead of going directly to and from the Flower Honor Manor, it was decided that she would share and receive information through a Heavenly Secret Hall member.

As a result, Mu-Gun could now also receive important information through Seol-Young instead of having to go to the Flower Honor Manor in person. Moreover, when Seol-Young joined the Baek Sword Sect, the sect organized its own intelligence syndicatethe White Secret Squadronand appointed Baek Mu-Ok as its Squadron Leader. However, only a few people knew about it.

Seol-Young played the biggest role in creating the White Secret Squadron. As the successor of the Heavenly Secret Hall, Seol-Young was familiar with the features and operations of an information syndicate, so she designed the White Secret Squadron based on it. Of course, the White Secret Squadron was currently still in its infant phase. It had a long way to go before it could become a full-fledged intelligence syndicate.

Nevertheless, a good start was already half the battle. If they could get more informants over time and establish their information network accordingly, the White Secret Squadron would be able to pull its weight and play its part.

* * *

Mu-Gun visited Seol-Youngs residence on a fine spring day, but when he arrived, he heard a womans laughter coming from inside. Listening carefully, he identified the voices to be Hyun-Ah and Seol-Youngs. The two often went to each others rooms to have a pleasant chat. Mu-Gun cleared his throat to reveal his presence, then entered Seol-Youngs room.


Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young, who were enjoying some refreshments inside, quickly got up and greeted Mu-Gun.

Did something funny happen? Why were the two of you laughing?

We were talking about you, dear, Hyun-Ah replied.

About me? Dont tell me youre talking about my flaws?

Flaws? You dont have any for us to talk about. Dont you think so, Sister? Seol-Young said.

Of course. How can there be flaws in a man as perfect as our husband? Hyun-Ah matched her response.

Seol-Young and Hyun-Ah replied as if they had planned their responses. The sight made Mu-Gun chuckle.

Will you pour me a cup of tea as well?

Of course. Please take a seat.

Seol-Young offered Mu-Gun a seat, then quickly prepared a cup of tea and put it in front of Mu-Gun.

What are you doing here at this hour, though? Seol-Young asked.

Mu-Gun should be immersed in martial arts training right now.

Im in the middle of a short break, so I stopped by to have a cup of tea.

Tsk, you just want to see Sister Dan, dont you? Hyun-Ah sulked.

I had this strange feeling that made me want to come here. I guess it was because I would get to see both my wives.

Whew, arent you one smooth talker?

Im glad youre both here. I have something to say.

What is it?

The two women looked at Mu-Gun with curious expressions.

I want to take a few days off to go sightseeing with the two of you. What do you think?


The Nine Celestial Demons Sect has been laying low, and I dont think there is anything I have to pay special attention to at the moment, so I thought it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to spend some time with my two wives, Mu-Gun explained.

If its with you, then I am all for it.

I, too, would love to go anywhere as long as its with you.

Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young answered as if they matched their replies again.

Lets leave in three days, then Mu-Gun suggested.

Three days?

If its too rushed, we can delay it, Mu-Gun said.

No. Its not rushed at all.

Where are we going, though?

Im thinking of going to Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province. Do tell me if there are any other places you want to visit.

No. Lets go to Mount Wuyi. I have always wanted to visit that place.

I have always wanted to go see the Jiuqu Stream at Mount Wuyi as well. It would be great to see it with you, dear.

Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young both seemed to be really looking forward to it.

Its settled, then. Well leave in three days.

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Three days after deciding on a destination for their short getaway, they left the Baek Sword Sects manor and headed for Mount Wuyi. Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young were very happy with just the fact that they were going on a trip with Mu-Gun, who felt refreshed. It had been a long time since he took a break. Fortunately, he was blessed enough to get to go with his two beautiful wives.

The three took their time getting to Mount Wuyi. They found many things to see and enjoy during the trip, and they were busy making love to each other at night, so they never felt bored. Rather than choosing who to sleep with at night, Mu-Gun slept with both women.

He did not make love with the two women at the same time, however. Rather, he made love to them one by one. Since who he slept with first was important to his wives, he decided to solve this issue by changing the order every day. Bedding one woman after another could have been difficult, but not for Mu-Gun. Mu-Gun had a great foundation in martial arts and was born with great stamina, so he did not get tired at all despite making love to them all night. As a result of their nightly endeavors, their affection toward each other deepened.

They arrived in Mount Wuyi nine days after they left the Baek Sword Sect manor. Wasting no time, Mu-Gun and his two wives hiked up the mountain and enjoyed the magnificent scenery. Its unique rocks and cliffs naturally garnered admiration from the sightseers, and the scenery along the Jiuqu Stream was even more spectacular. Seol-Young marveled at the amazing sight.

Woah! This is so mysterious. I heard rumors that I would regret it all the way to the afterlife if I do not get to see Jiuqu Stream before I die. I must say the rumors are true. I would have really regretted it if I died before seeing this spectacular scenery, Seol-Young said in admiration.

I cant agree more. Mount Huang is beautiful, but this mountain does not pale in comparison, Hyun-Ah replied in awe.

How does Mount Huang look? Is it also this beautiful there? Seol-Young asked.

Its beautiful here, but you also have to see Mount Huang before you die. I cant explain Mount Huangs beauty with words. You have to see it in person to understand its true value.

Have you been to Mount Huang before, dear? Seol-Young asked Mu-Gun.

Not yet, Mu-Gun replied.

Lets go to Mount Huang next time, then. Listening to Sister Namgung has made me want to see it.

Okay. Not just Mount Huang. Lets go to all the mountains known to have beautiful sceneries, Mu-Gun told the two.

I really love going sightseeing with you, dear. If I knew it was this fun, I would have done it long ago. I made a mistake.

Its still not too late. We still have many days ahead of us, so lets do this more often, Mu-Gun replied in a good mood.

Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young smiled brightly before the magnificent view of Mount Wuyi at Mu-Guns promise. The three made for a handsome throuple[1]. However, every beginning had an end. Mu-Gun and his two wives descended Mount Wuyi after looking at the nine-grooved valley for another two hours.

That marked the end of their three-day tour around Mount Wuyi. Mu-Gun and the two ladies planned to stay the night at an inn at the foot of Mount Wuyi and return to the Baek Sword Sects manor the next day. On their way to Wuyi Villa, the inn, they discovered a group of people going up toward the Great King Peak[2] of Mount Wuyi. From their matching outfit and the fact that they were equipped with weapons, they seemed to be martial artists belonging to the same clan.

Those are Evil Blood Gang bandits, Seol-Young identified them just from their attire.

Evil Blood Gang? Hyun-Ah tilted her head.

The evil sect that possesses the most powerful force in Fujian Province. I heard they recently had a dispute with the Wuyi Sword Sect. The southern foot of the Great King Peak, which they are heading to right now, is the Wuyi Sword Sects home.

The Wuyi Sword Sect was considered one of the Three Great Clans of Fujian, but it was known to be the weakest among them.

So those people are about to attack the Wuyi Sword Sect?

Given the circumstances, that seems to be the most likely case.

Do you know the reason behind the dispute between the Evil Blood Gang and the Wuyi Sword Sect? Mu-Gun asked.

The Young Patriarch of the Wuyi Sword Sect killed some of the Evil Blood Gangs bandits. The Evil Blood Gang is oppressing the Wuyi Sword Sect using that matter as justification, Seol-Young answered.

The Wuyi Sword Sects Young Patriarch did not kill the Evil Blood Gangs bandits for no reason, did he?

Thats right. From what our Hall gathered, the Evil Blood Gang bandits ambushed a couple who was on a trip to Mount Wuyi, brutally killing the man and raping the woman. Coincidentally, the Wuyi Sword Sects Young Patriarch was passing by. He killed them in anger.

He killed those who deserved to die. However, rather than reflecting on it, the Evil Blood Gang threatened the Wuyi Sword Sect instead? Mu-Gun was baffled.

Thats correct. They had been planning to target the Wuyi Sword Sect for some time now, and they have just been given a good justification to proceed with it.

Justification? They are just forcing what they want. Hyun-Ah snorted.

I agree, Sister Namgung, but the incident is easy for them to fabricate into a justification.

The Wuyi Sword Sect is one of the Three Great Clans of Fujian, though. Does that mean even they do not have the strength to deal with the threat of the Evil Blood Gang? Mu-Gun asked out of curiosity.

They suffered a lot of damage a few years ago due to an internal strife over choosing a successor. Those who lost the succession battle left the Wuyi Sword Sect, further dwindling their power, Seol-Young explained.

Power and authority are problems anywhere in the world, huh, Hyun-Ah remarked.

Either way, that means the Wuyi Sword Sect does not have enough force to defend against the Evil Blood Gangs attack, Mu-Gun said.

Seol-Young nodded in response.

What are the chances that the other two clans of the Three Great Clans of Fujian will help the Wuyi Sword Sect? Mu-Gun asked.

Most likely slim. The Wuyi Sword Sect has probably already requested help from the Sea Palace Sect and the Jiuhua Sect of the Three Great Clans of Fujian. However, even if they did decide to help, they would have trouble arriving in time since theyre quite far from the Wuyi Sword Sect.

At this rate, the Wuyi Sword Sect will be in grave danger.

Are you perhaps thinking of helping the Wuyi Sword Sect? Seol-Young asked.

I cant pretend to turn a blind eye to this since I was indebted to them in the past.

Mu-Gun remembered receiving help from Pung Gi-Ryong, the founder of the Wuyi Sword Sect, during his sixth reincarnation. In consideration of the favor he received then, he could not ignore Gi-Ryongs descendants.

Do as you wish, dear. Though I am lacking, I will help you as much as I can.

Me too. We have to get there before those bandits reach the Wuyi Sword Sect, Hyun-Ah urged Mu-Gun.

No, you two should head to the inn first and wait for me there. I am more than capable enough to help the Wuyi Sword Sect, Mu-Gun insisted.

We have the strength to protect ourselves, too. More importantly, we want to be of help to you, dear, Hyun-Ah countered.

Your feelings alone are enough. I dont want to get blood on my wives hands. Now, do as I say.

I think its better for us to do as our husband says. Seol-Young pulled Hyun-Ah away. Hyun-Ah also decided to listen to Mu-Gun instead of insisting any further.

We have nothing to worry about, right? Hyun-Ah said.

Of course. Ill be right back, so go ahead and rest. Lock the doors properly.

We are not children, you know. You dont have to worry about us not locking the doors, Hyun-Ah sulked.

Im just reminding you two because youre both extremely beautiful. It would be troublesome if some lowlife sees and pesters you.

Hyun-Ah laughed at Mu-Guns concern.

Pfft. I understand. Well keep the doors locked, so dont worry about us and go.

Good to know. Ill be back.

Mu-Gun left the two behind and dashed toward where the Evil Blood Gangs bandits were heading. Activating the Thunder God’s Shadow, he quickly left the two women, who waited until they could no longer see him before heading toward the inn.

They were not concerned about Mu-Guns safety at all. After all, they knew full well that even if the full force of the Evil Blood Gang came charging, they would not be able to do anything to him.

1. A throuple is a relationship between three people who have all unanimously agreed to be in a romantic, loving, relationship together with the consent of all people involved.

2. The Great King Peak, otherwise known as Dawangfeng, is one of the thirty-six peaks of Mount Wuyi. It is a popular tourist attraction because it looks great and momentous, like a giant pillar reaching the sky.

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