Thunder God’s Reincarnation Chapter 136

Chapter 136

On a pitch-black night, a black shadow sneaked into the Evil Blood Gang Chiefs residence. Immediately identifying the figure, Cheon-Do bowed politely.

I, Jeung Cheon-Do, greet the Abyss Demonic Monarch.

At ease.

Abyss Demonic Monarch Hwang Chi-Guk shook his hand lightly unleashing a mysterious wave of energy that made Cheon-Do stand straight up.

Now, why were you looking for me? Chi-Guk asked.

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I dared request to meet you because I need your help, great Demonic Monarch, Cheon-Do nervously said.

What do you need help with?

In response to Chi-Guks question, Cheon-Do explained their current situation with the Wuyi Sword Sect and Baek Mu-Gun.

So you want me to kill the Golden Shield Sword Dragon?

Yes. Doing it myself would be difficult, Master Demonic Monarch. I simply am not skilled enough.

I have actually been looking for that bastard since he keeps interfering with the Nine Celestial Demons Sects plans, so this turned out for the better. I will deal with him, so just focus on your plan, Chi-Guk ordered.

Thank you. I will execute your instructions without fail, Cheon-Do said in relief.

Just as how he came, Abyss Demonic Monarch Hwang Chi-Guk disappeared without anyone noticing.

Chi-Guk was a demonic monarch affiliated with the Underworld Sect, one of the factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. Evil Blood Gang Chief Jeung Cheon-Do was one of his underlings. In other words, the Evil Blood Gang was under the control of the Underworld Sect.

Now that Chi-Guk had promised to deal with Mu-Gun, Cheon-Do led his forces to Fuzhou with his mind at ease. After wiping out the Wuyi Sword Sect, they planned to annihilate the Sea Palace Sect next. Their original plan went a little awry, but if they could take out those two sects, then they would be back on track.

Led by Evil Blood Gang Chief Jeung Cheon-Do, the six hundred warriors of the Blood King Platoon, the Blood Martial Platoon, and the Blood Shadow Platoon marched toward the Wiyu Sword Sects forces, which were advancing toward Nanping. However, despite detecting their movements, the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect showed no signs of panic. After all, they had already predicted that the Evil Blood Gang would try to divide and conquer.

In response, the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect immediately changed their destination from Nanping to Pingnan. Pingnan was located northeast of Nanping, which meant it would be more likely for the Wuyi Sword Sect to rally up with the Sea Palace Sect before the Evil Blood Gang could reach them. Their plan had always been to lure the forces of the Evil Blood Gang to Pingnan, then join up before dealing with the Evil Blood Gang.

Notified of the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sects new course, the Evil Blood Gang immediately figured out their intentions. Nevertheless, they continued to chase after the Sea Palace Sect since they were confident that they could win even if the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect managed to meet up. The Evil Blood Gang trusted their combat forces, but they had greater faith in the Abyss Demonic Monarch and his subordinates.

Five days later, the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect met up in Pingnan before the Evil Blood Gang arrived. The Wuyi Sword Sect had mobilized one hundred fifty martial artists, while the Sea Palace Sect had mobilized four hundred, reaching a total of five hundred and fifty warriors. The Evil Blood Gang outnumbered them by fifty, which was not that huge of a difference.

More importantly, Baek Mu-Gun, an Absolute-Realm master, was with the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect. Considering he annihilated the Evil Blood Platoonwhich had two hundred members, alone, the difference of fifty people was basically meaningless.

Nam Jo-Yang, who was one of the people that the Sea Palace Sect mobilized, greeted Mu-Gun warmly.

What are you doing in Fujian Province alone? Jo-Yang asked out of curiosity.

Well, I was actually sightseeing at Mount Wuyi with my wives when I came across the Evil Blood Gang, which was threatening the Wuyi Sword Sect. I naturally interfered, which somehow led me all the way here.

Anyone would welcome that sort of interference. On another note, although I know its late, congratulations on your marriage, Jo-Yang said with sincerity. I apologize for not getting to attend your wedding and congratulate you in person. Trust me when I say I desperately wanted to.

Its fine, Your well wishes are enough for me.

Its very reassuring to have you with us, Young Patriarch Baek. If it wasnt for you, we wouldnt have found the resolve to have a decisive battle against the Evil Blood Gang.

Why didnt the Sea Palace Sect Patriarch come?

Well, thats The Patriarch wanted to take command himself, but he was forced to stay behind by the upper brasses dissuasion. Jo-Yang smiled bitterly.

Mu-Gun could read the truth from Jo-Yangs expression. The Sea Palace Sect Patriarch likely did not join because he was worried about his own safety. After all, his value as a martial arts master was extremely high in terms of combat power. However, he could have further reduced the sacrifices they had to make if he was around. For that reason, Mu-Gun thought the Sea Palace Sect Patriarchs behavior was shameful.

I see. Thats a shame. It would have been great to have him around.

Im so sorry, Young Patriarch Baek. If only our Patriarch had come with us, we would have managed to reduce the burden you have to shoulder.

Its fine. That just means you will have to fight for your patriarchs share too, Platoon Captain Nam, Mu-Gun said, hoping to comfort Jo-Yang.

I would love to do that a hundred timesno, a thousand times if I could. Unfortunately, I am simply not strong enough to accomplish that, Jo-Yang said in a dejected tone.

Dont say that. With your skills, Platoon Captain Nam, Im sure you will be able to play a big part.

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Im beyond flattered to hear that from you, Young Patriarch Baek. In any case, I will do my best to fill in for our patriarchs absence.

After his conversation with Jo-Yang, Mu-Gun also greeted the key figures of the Sea Place Sect. The Sea Palace Sect mobilized four of the Heavenly Sea Palace Might Corps five platoons, including all their elites, and put Heavenly Sea Palace Might Corps Commander Nam Seon-Gyo in charge. Although the Wuyi Sword Sects combat force was smaller, they also mobilized all their elites, aside from the Sea Palace Sects Patriarch, Nam Go-San.

However, the same went for the Evil Blood Gang. If things were to go wrong, they could lose everything here. On the other hand, achieving an overwhelming victory would result in a good opportunity to obtain supremacy over the Fujian Province. Considering the importance of this battle, they had to tread carefully.

The Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect had a heated discussion on how to deal with the Evil Blood Gang, but they did not reach any particular solution. Pingnan had a flat topography, making it difficult to carry out certain tactics. Fortunately, they at least managed to claim the highlands, which provided the best terrain advantage. They also had Mu-Gun, an Absolute-Realm master whose existence in itself was already a strategy.

The Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect had great expectations for Mu-Guns role in this battle. Since he had decided to help anyway, Mu-Gun intended to fight with all his might. If he could only offer half-assed help, he would not have stepped up to the plate in the first place. As the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect occupied the highlands, the Evil Blood Gang reached Pingnan and immediately advanced to where the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sect had set up camp. Mu-Gun felt a sense of uneasiness upon witnessing them advancing without fear.

By now, the Evil Blood Gang should have already detected his presence and learned of his interference. The fact that they were still acting so aggressively despite those facts meant that they were confident of winning.

What are they up to?

According to the information from the Heavenly Secret Hall, the Evil Blood Gang did not have any martial arts master who could fight him. They couldnt have had the time to find an Absolute-Realm master as well.

Dont tell me the Nine Celestial Demons Sect is supporting them?

The possibility that the Nine Celestial Demons Sect was behind the Evil Blood Gang crossed Mu-Guns mind. Considering the time constraints, however, they probably only managed to deploy a few people at most. Hence, Mu-Gun predicted that they would only have one Absolute-Demonic-Realm master and three or four Upper-Peak-Realm demonic practitioners. He could handle those forces alone.

He recently gained an extra one hundred twenty years worth of internal energy anyway from the beast core of the Three-Headed Centipede. If the enemy proved too strong, he could just wipe them all out using the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sword.

Nevertheless, Mu-Gun did not let his guard down. He watched the Evil Blood Gang bandits approach from the distance and stop about a thousand feet away from the Wuyi Sword Sect and Sea Palace Sects camp. Tensions lingered in both factions. They were putting everything on the line in this battle.

Amid the deafening silence, the Evil Blood Gang made the first move.

Annihilate those righteous faction bastards!


With their fighting spirits burning, the Evil Blood Gangs martial artists charged toward the Wuyi Sword Sect and the Sea Palace Sects forces. Standing at the forefront, Mu-Gun unleashed the Thunder God’s Heavenly Eyes and quickly scanned the Evil Blood Gangs martial artists in an attempt to find anyone who had a different energy. It didnt take long for him to notice the ones who carried demonic qi, which emitted an atmosphere that gave him goosebumps. There was not a doubt in his mind that they were demonic practitioners of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

Feeling the need to turn the tides of the battle to their favor before confronting the demonic practitioners, Mu-Gun unfastened the Flying Golden Shield on his back as he dashed toward the Evil Blood Gangs martial artists. With just a few leaps, Mu-Gun narrowed the distance between them by four hundred feet and tossed the Flying Golden Shield toward the bandits just a hundred feet away from him.

Enveloped by a wave of Thunder God qi, the Flying Golden Shield flew in a straight line over the heads of the Evil Blood Gangs bandits and stopped in midair. Not long after, it spun violently, scattering golden thunder qi in all directions. The golden thunder qi hit every bandit within a radius of fifty feet.

Not expecting such an attack, over fifty Evil Blood Gang bandits lifelessly fell to the ground like a bundle of straw. From charging in high spirits, the rest of their forces now stood rooted to the ground, stunned by what just happened. They couldnt help but feel as if they, too, would be killed by the golden thunder qi if they moved any closer. However, their inability to move only further enticed Mu-Gun to continue his onslaught.

Mu-Gun retrieved and threw the Flying Golden Shield once more, freaking out the Evil Blood Gang bandits near where it stopped. They frantically tried to get out of its range, but as they pushed and pulled against each other, it rotated fiercely and scattered waves of golden thunder qi in all directions once more. However, unlike before, the waves of golden thunder qi failed to reach the Evil Blood Gang bandits.

Before Mu-Gun could inflict any more damage, someone flew in from the back and deflected the Flying Golden Shield away with a wave of black saber energy. As a result, the waves of golden lightning also disappeared. Mu-Gun retrieved the Flying Golden Shield and stared at the middle-aged man who suddenly stormed in.

Your martial art makes it clear that youre a demonic practitioner of the Nine Celestial Demons Sectthe Underworld Sect, to be specific.

Mu-Guns remark made the middle-aged mans eyes shake a little. The technique that the middle-aged man had just shown was part of the Underworld Revenant Saber Art, which was so powerful that it was considered one of the Underworld Sects five strongest martial arts. The middle-aged man, Abyss Demonic Monarch Hwang Chi-Guk, could not help but be surprised when Mu-Gun immediately identified him as a member of the Underworld Sect just by witnessing his martial arts. The Underworld Revenant Saber Art was not well known in murim since only a few had witnessed it and lived to tell the tale. Hence, Chi-Guk could not understand how Mu-Gun deduced so much information from a single technique despite being so young.

You seem to know a lot about the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, Chi-Guk said.

To be honest, it would not be an exaggeration to say that no one knows the Nine Celestial Demons Sect better than I do, Mu-Gun replied.

If so, then you are probably also well aware of how scary the Nine Celestial Demons Sect is. freew𝚎bn𝐨𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝚘𝗺

Well, one thing I know for sure is that the Nine Celestial Demons Sect has always failed.

Thats true. However, things will be different this time, Chi-Guk answered.

I doubt it.

I have heard that you have screwed up many of our operations. That seems to have given you a lot of faith and pride. Well, why dont I tear that cheeky mouth of yours apart first? Chi-Guk gestured at the men beside him.

The four Higher Demons accompanying him, all of whom were Upper-Peak-Realm masters, immediately charged toward Mu-Gun.

Mu-Gun smiled when Chi-Guk ordered his subordinates to attack without him. He would have likely struggled if Chi-Guk and the four Higher Demons attacked him together, but since he only had to fight the four Higher Demons, he could take them down with ease.

The four Higher Demons swung their sabers at Mu-Gun as they charged toward him, unleashing half-baked vajra qi. In response, Mu-Gun took a step back and held the Flying Golden Shield up to block the incoming attacks. The shield fired a wave of golden thunder qi that shattered the attacks upon contact and whizzed toward the Higher Demons.

When the Higher Demons retreated a few steps back in great surprise, Mu-Gun swung his sword without delay and sent a mixture of moonlight qi and golden thunder qi in an arc to chase the four Higher Demons down.

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