Thunder God’s Reincarnation Chapter 141

Chapter 141

When the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian entered the pavilion, they immediately noticed the seats prepared for them.


Cheon-Sang stood up from the seat of honor and greeted the representatives as they entered. Seeing Cheon-Sang already at the venue surprised them. They thought that Cheon-Sang, an Absolute Realm master and the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader, would be the last to arrive to avoid losing face. The fact that he was polite enough to them to not prioritize his martial prowess or status gave them a favorable impression of him.

Its nice to meet you. I am Sea Palace Sect Patriarch Nam Go-San.

I am Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Lee Geom-Hwan. Its an honor to meet you.

I am Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh. I am here on behalf of my sick father.

Its a pleasure to meet you all. I am Baek Sword Sect Patriarch Baek Cheon-Sang, Cheon-Sang said, then offered, Please have a seat.

The servants standing by guided the representatives to their designated seats. Baek Mu-Gun also took a seat. After everyone settled down, the servants brought out food and neatly put them on the table in front of the attendees.

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We put our all into preparing those dishes. I hope they are to your liking, Cheon-Sang said.

This feast is so sumptuous that I don’t even know where to start, Go-San exaggerated.

Haha, you gave us a lot of time to prepare, after all. Please take your time and try them all. We have prepared a lot for all of you, but do not hesitate to let me know if they prove insufficient. To ensure your enjoyment, we have also prepared the highest quality Shaoxing Wine. Please indulge yourselves in them to your hearts content.

Even though the Baek Sword Sect had handed over the Shaoxing Wine distribution rights back to the breweries in Shaoxing, they still managed to procure Shaoxing Wine of the finest quality through one of the breweries.

I cant help but look forward to its taste. Geom-Hwan smacked his lips. As an alcohol enthusiast, drinking the finest liquor of the Central Plains was his greatest pleasure.

Why dont we each have a glass first before we eat, then? Cheon-Sang suggested.

Thats a really good idea, Geom-Hwan happily agreed.

Pour us some wine, Cheon-Sang ordered, and the servants attending to Mu-Gun and the representatives quickly filled their glasses with Shaoxing Wine.

Lets have a toast to commemorate this meeting. Cheon-Sang stood up and raised his glass. Mu-Gun and the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian raised their glasses as well. When he began drinking, the others followed suit.

Now! Lets do away with the formalities and enjoy ourselves, Cheon-Sang said. In response, the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian began to enjoy the dinner in comfort.

Arent you curious why we visited the Baek Sword Sect, Patriarch Baek? Go-San asked.

I am.

Why have you not asked us about it, then?

You would have brought it up yourselves once youre ready even if I did not ask, so I see no reason to rush you.

Thats true. Will it be fine for me to tell you about it, then? Go-San said.

Please do.

I will be straightforward. The Three Great Clans of Fujian are considering joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

You want to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance?

May I know the Baek Sword Sects thoughts on this? Go-San carefully asked.

If you would like to join us, we will definitely welcome you.

Before we do, there is something that I would like to confirm first.

What is it?

The Three Great Clans of Fujian want to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance on equal standing to the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, which are the key forces of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Will you be able to guarantee us that? Go-San began presenting their demands.

I agree that the Three Great Clans of Fujian deserve the same status as the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. However, this is not something that can be decided by the Baek Sword Sect alone. I doubt I can give you a definite answer right now since this matter has to be discussed with the other Ten Clans of Zhejiang first.

At the very least, it seems the Baek Sword Sect is in favor of that.

Thats right.

Let me ask you one more question, then. I heard that the Baek Sword Sect improved the martial arts of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. Is that true?

Thats correct.

Will you do the same for us if we join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance?

If thats what the Three Great Clans of Fujian wants, then we will be more than happy to help. Is there anything else you want to confirm?

Thats all I wanted to ask.

May I ask you a question next? Geom-Hwan asked.

Of course, Cheon-Sang replied.

What is the Baek Sword Sects ultimate goal?

Our ultimate goal?

I personally think the Baek Sword Sects ultimate goal is to use the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to gain absolute power, like what the Seven Great Families have right now, Geom-Hwan explained. To that end, you will likely turn the Zhejiang Martial Alliances members into the Baek Sword Sects vassal families.

I think it would be better for the Young Patriarch to answer your question. The future of the Baek Sword Sect is more likely to be determined by his will, not mine.

Cheon-Sang handed over the right to answer to Mu-Gun.

Could you perhaps answer my question, Young Patriarch Baek? Geom-Hwan asked.

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It is true that my ultimate goal is to make the entire Zhejiang Martial Alliance a part of the Baek Sword Sect and that I will have to turn its members into the Baek Sword Sects vassal families to accomplish that. However, the members are free to make their own decisions on this matter. I have no intention of threatening, harming, or imposing our will on those that refuse to become our sects vassal family.

What is it that you want to gain by making the Baek Sword Sect stronger, then? Do you want to gain supremacy over murim and wield authority on par with the Seven Great Families?

I am as human as any other. I would be lying if I were to say I did not wish for our sect to gain wealth and honor. However, that will never be my main goal. Im strengthening the Baek Sword Sect to protect murim from the Three Greatest Demonic Sects, which threaten murims existence and safety. Mu-Gun elaborated.

Youre nurturing your power to become murims protector?

Thats right.

Why should I believe what you just said, Young Patriarch Baek? Geom-Hwan asked in doubt.

My words are my only proof. I will leave it up to you to decide whether you believe me or not, Patriarch Lee. Mu-Gun sounded as if he could not care less whether they believed him or not.

Dont you want the Three Great Clans of Fujian to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, Young Patriarch Baek? Geom-Hwan asked, noticing Mu-Guns indifference.

I will certainly welcome the Three Great Clans of Fujian if you decide to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. After all, that will increase our alliances power as well. However, I do not want to beg or force any of you to join. You all should be free to come to your own decisions.

The Young Patriarch is right. Our sectno, the Zhejiang Martial Alliance will wait for the Three Great Clans of Fujian to come to a decision, so take your time thinking about it, Cheon-Sang added.

As Cheon-Sang suggested, the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian began considering the right decision to make.

Anyway! Lets forget about these meddlesome talks for now. Lets focus on enjoying this dinner party. Cheon-Sang elevated the mood again.

In response, the representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian proceeded to enjoy the dinner in front of them, putting aside the issue of joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance for now. The feast lasted into the night, maintaining a harmonious atmosphere to the very end.

The next morning, Mu-Gun had breakfast with Cheon-Sang.

What kind of decision do you think the Three Great Clans of Fujian will make? Cheon-Sang asked.

There is a good chance that they will join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Why do you think so?

Dont you think they have already made up their minds to some extent before they expressed their intention to visit without being invited first? Moreover, the details they confirmed at yesterdays dinner are enough to tell me that they are very willing to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Patriarch Lee seems to be wary of being forced to obey the Baek Sword Sect if the Jiuhua Sect joins the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, but he cant just easily disagree with the other Great Clans of Fujian.

We dont have to do anything in particular to recruit the Three Great Clans of Fujian, then.

Thats right. Even if we do, we should never assume a submissive attitude, even if its for the sake of the Zhejiang Martial Alliances prestige, Mu-Gun firmly said.

I agree. Lets wait for their decision for now. Do make sure that they do not experience any inconvenience while they are here.


We talked too much at the dining table. Lets eat.

After having breakfast with Cheon-Sang, Mu-Gun headed to the training hall to practice his martial arts as usual. Meanwhile, Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Lee Geom-Hwan was left the only one lost in thought about joining the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. After all, Sea Palace Sect Patriarch Nam Go-San and Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh had already decided to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Jiuhua Sect Patriarch Lee Geom-Hwan recalled what Mu-Gun said at the dinner. Mu-Gun wanted to make the Zhejiang Martial Alliance a force that centered around the Baek Sword Sect. For that purpose, Mu-Gun said that he would have to turn its members into their sects vassal families. That was exactly what Geom-Hwan was worried about.

Mu-Gun said that he would not turn to coercion to make that happen, but how many clans would even think about leaving the Baek Sword Sect, which had already established immense power? Most of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance members would likely end up becoming the Baek Sword Sects vassal families. Hence, if the Jiuhua Sect wanted to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, it should first have the resolve to submit to the Baek Sword Sect.

Although the Jiuhua Sect was insignificant in terms of power, they had their own tradition and over a hundred and fifty years of history. If they joined the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and became a vassal family of the Baek Sword Sect, they would end up becoming a titular clan that had no authority. Geom-Hwan did not want that to happen. Even if they were insignificant, he wanted the Jiuhua Sect to exist as the Jiuhua Sect.

On the other hand, however, he could not help but worry about the Jiuhua Sect being annihilated by the Nine Celestial Demons Sect because of his stubbornness. As the Sea Palace Sect and the Wuyi Sword Sect claimed, it could be better to remain as a vassal family of the Baek Sword Sect than to be destroyed by the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

Geom-Hwan repeatedly pondered whether to keep the name of the Jiuhua Sect intact or maintain the legacy of the Jiuhua Sect under the shadow of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Eventually, he came to a decision. Although pride was important, he had to prioritize their survival. Since he could not overcome the threat of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect alone, he thought it would be better to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and maintain his sects legacy under its shadow instead.

Bluntly put, once the Nine Celestial Demons Sect had been defeated, the Jiuhua Sect could just leave the Zhejiang Martial Alliance and return to being an autonomous sect. They would not even have that option if the Nine Celestial Demons Sect annihilated them. Hence, Geom-Hwan decided to choose practicality instead of his pride.

After coming to a decision, Geom-Hwan met up with Palace Sect Patriarch Nam Go-San and Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh to inform them of his decision, which they gladly welcomed. After all, it would be great for the Three Great Clans of Fujians position in the Zhejiang Martial Alliance if they all joined.

The representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian immediately visited Cheon-Sang and expressed their desire to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

The Three Great Clans of Fujians collective decision brings me joy. However, the decision to welcome you into our ranks does not solely fall on my shoulders, Cheon-Sang replied. The Ten Clans of Zhejiang must first come to an agreement regarding this. To that end, I will immediately call for a meeting between the representatives of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang to discuss this matter. Please wait until we have reached a decision.

We would appreciate it if you could push for our sects to join as equal members of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, Go-San requested, hinting at his desire for the Three Great Clans of Fujian to be given equal standing within the Zhejiang Martial Alliance to the Ten Clans of Zhejiang.

That goes without saying. I also want the Three Great Clans of Fujian to become members of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, so I will do my best.

We will be waiting for good news, then.

The entire procedure could take some time. What do you plan to do? If you want to stay at our sect, you are more than welcome to, Cheon-Sang suggested.

Its fine. We cannot leave our sects alone for too long, so its best we head back home and just wait for the outcome there.

I see. Youre not going to leave right away today, are you? I hope you give us some time to provide you with a proper send-off, Cheon-Sang said.

We have already received great hospitality from the Baek Sword Sect. You dont have to do that.

Since ancient times, we have always practiced giving a beautiful closure to anything we start. We refuse to neglect our precious guests even during their departure. I will prepare a banquet for you tonight, so lets bid you all a fond farewell, Cheon-Sang insisted.

I dont know how to repay your generosity, Patriarch Baek.

We will become a family soon, so dont feel pressured and just enjoy yourselves, Cheon-Sang reassured them.

Since youll be going as far as preparing a banquet for us, Patriarch Baek, I think it is only proper for us to enjoy it with a delighted heart before we leave tomorrow.

That would be for the best.

The representatives of the Three Great Clans of Fujian soon returned to their residence. They then enjoyed the banquet that the Baek Sword Sect had prepared that evening, and the next day at dawn, they headed back home to Fujian Province.

As soon as they left, Mu-Gun sent carrier pigeons to the Ten Clans of Zhejiang to inform them of the Three Great Clans of Fujians intention to join the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. Ten days later, the Ten Clans of Zhejiangs Patriarchs held a meeting about it at the Wind Saber Sect in Jinhua.

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