To Hell With Being a Hero! Chapter 521. What the Fuck?

Chapter 521. What the Fuck?

Celebrations weren’t only thrown on Liber. The same thing happened in the Celestial Realm. The crisis on Liber was something the Celestial Realm took very seriously. It wasn’t just some eye-sore that slightly bothered them, but had the possibility of creating an enormous problem that could even threaten the Celestial Realm. That was the reason they had continuously dispatched heroes even while knowing that they were essentially pouring water into a poisoned well.

At some point, it became difficult for the Celestial Realm to see their efforts as a complete success even if they solved the crisis on Liber. It was because the majority of the recruits and reinforcements they had sent ended up losing their lives. It was a grave reality that they had accepted, knowing that it was difficult to expect even one out of ten heroes to come back intact. Thus, the Celestial Realm had been in a very troubled position.

After all, Liber wasn’t the only place in crisis. There were countless worlds that also needed a helping hand, yet they had lost most of their elites. Thus, they suffered from lack of manpower, and while risking the possibility of lowering the quality of their heroes, they drastically lowered their recruiting standards. Even then, they wondered whether they should lower their standards further and just accept anyone they could. Now, thanks to Chi-Woo’s infinite power, the Celestial Realm’s concerns were resolved. Not only was the crisis on Liber dealt with, every single one of the heroes they sent had been revived. There was nothing more they could possibly wish for, and the Celestial Realm was naturally in a celebratory mood for days.

It was also very natural that there would be a great fuss over the news that Chi-Woo was going to visit the Celestial Realm for a short while before he returned to Earth. All those at the Celestial Realm were swept by a feverish excitement; perhaps it was more accurate to say that they were half-fearful and half-expectant. It was true that Chi-Woo was someone they were grateful to, yet it was also true that he had become a figure quite too intimidating after his growth on Liber.

Just in theory, if Chi-Woo decided to attack the Celestial Realm, who could stop him? It would be the fall of the Celestial Realm. The top leaders pondered about this problem for a while, but they soon realized that it was meaningless to even worry about it. As Raphael said, ‘If he sets his mind to it, wouldn’t he be able to destroy the Celestial Realm wherever he is? Then, it wouldn’t even matter whether we allow him entrance or not.’

Hearing her, those at the Celestial Realm came to a great realization and soon began their preparations to welcome Chi-Woo. Regardless of their ranks, everyone came out to gain Chi-Woo’s favor, and it was everyone in the truest sense of the word, as even the four archangels were among the welcoming party. However, all their efforts were fruitless in the end.

Chi-Woo appeared from far away, and when all the angels standing in a row from left to right saw him, they tried and failed to speak. They had planned to shout, ‘Praise the Light’, but no voice came out.

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Laguel was flustered. Just a moment ago, she had been surrounded by fellow angels who had been quickly gathered, but in the blink of an eye, she found herself completely alone. Everyone, including the four archangels, was gone as if someone had forcibly sent them away. She didn’t know what to do, but when Chi-Woo came up to her, she realized what had happened.

“Don’t do stuff like this please,” Chi-Woo told her. “I don’t like it. It’s too much pressure.”

“I apologize, sir.” Laguel kneeled on one leg and bowed.

“This included.” Chi-Woo frowned. “Please just act like how you used to. Like before.”

“I implore you to take those words back. How could a being as lowly as me dare to do such a thing?”

“What do you mean? You were the one who tried to chase me away without hearing me out when I first came here.”

“Please just kill me, sir. Or else I will kill myself.”

“That’s taking things way too far! How can a person be so dramatic?!”

“I’m not a person, but an angel.”

“It’s your prejudice to think that only humans are persons. Someone once told me that whether it be a monster or a human, as long as they are living and have thought, they are people.”

Evelyn appeared touched by Chi-Woo’s words. Thus, Laguel cautiously raised her head and looked at the figure in front of her. This Chi-Woo was completely different from the one who had first stepped into the Celestial Realm with Giant Fist’s guidance. Only their outer appearances were similar, and one could say that Chi-Woo had become a completely different existence. Despite all that, Chi-Woo was still Chi-Woo. He hadn’t lost his identity as Chi-Woo. After confirming this fact, Laguel was able to feel a bit relieved.

After a brief silence, Laguel cautiously got up.

“There are two reasons why I came to the Celestial Realm even though I could’ve immediately returned to Earth,” Chi-Woo said after waiting for her to get up. “First of all, there’s a person I want to meet.”

“Who could that be…?”

“Who else but you, Ms. Laguel?” Chi-Woo said, and Evelyn flinched.

“I’m sorry,” Chi-Woo then corrected himself, and Laguel tilted her head at Chi-Woo’s sudden apology. “I promised to come back with my brother, but…I couldn’t keep the promise.”

Laguel’s mouth gaped open, and Evelyn sighed in relief inwardly. Chi-Woo thought it was only right for him to apologize. He didn’t know it at first, but after awakening, he realized what Laguel had sacrificed to give him Blessed Luck. And because he had failed to keep his promise even after she gave up on everything she had, he didn’t know what to say.

Laguel remained quiet after Chi-Woo apologized. Chi-Woo, who had been purposefully looking elsewhere, turned back to Laguel after she didn’t respond for a while. Then, his eyes widened because surprisingly, there was a soft smile on Laguel’s face.

“Do you perhaps remember Mimi Sio Rg?”

At the sudden question, Chi-Woo’s forehead wrinkled. Though it didn’t immediately come to his mind, the name did sound familiar.

—Oh wait. Do you mean assistant Mimi?

With Philip’s interjection, Chi-Woo recalled the words.

—[’Mimi Sio Rg’, the exclusive function of ’7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’, will be updated.]

It was a function that became activated and updated with his special ability. The assistant Mimi had taught and assisted Chi-Woo when he didn’t know anything in the beginning. Chi-Woo also recalled when she used to banter with Philip from time to time before she suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“It was because the function’s purpose was nothing more than to help you out in the beginning. Since you did well for yourself after that, I judged that you would no longer need my advice,” Laguel said in a calm voice.

And through this function, Laguel clearly saw how much Chi-Woo had struggled and pushed himself without rest to keep his promise to her—to the point that he eventually reached a peak that even the legend couldn’t dare to strive for. Thus, Laguel was able to smile at Chi-Woo as he apologized. Without him, she wouldn’t have even been able to smile like this.

“But still…is there anything you want? Like any rewards or…”

“The only thing I want is the same as before.” Laguel shook her head while smiling. “It’s for you to quickly return home as he wished.”

Chi-Woo became speechless. He would’ve granted pretty much anything she wished for, but she stuck to her principles to the very end. Though Laguel was an angel, she had truly genuine feelings for Chi-Hyun. Chi-Woo looked intently at Laguel and said, “Can I ask you something?”

“Ah, yes, you said you had something else to do other than to meet me…”

“No, I’m not talking about that. I just became curious about something.” Chi-Woo shook his head and said, “Mimi Sio Rg.”


“What does that mean?”

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The smile on Laguel’s face deepened, and after a short chuckle, she cleared her throat and winked while saying, “It means, ‘I’m not Laguel’.”


The second reason Chi-Woo visited the Celestial Realm was to use the Celestial Realm’s boat to go back home. He hadn’t forgotten the promise he made with the captain who brought him to this place.

—Ohh. So this is your world. It doesn’t look much different from Liber though?

Philip said in a slightly disappointed voice after walking out of the cave.

“It’s because this is an island. By the way, why are you here, Mr. Philip?”

—What? I told you before. Why are you pretending to not know the reason?

“But I am honestly surprised to see you with me instead of staying at Liber.”

—You bastard. You said you will give me a new body.

Philip said angrily, and Chi-Woo opened his mouth wide.


—Seriously? You really just forgot about it? This is upsetting.

Philip pouted and complained while heaving.

—Anyway, I don’t really know what happened either. Since my soul is bound to you, I guess I was automatically pulled along with you.

Philip continued to growl at Chi-Woo to take responsibility, but both Chi-Woo and Philip knew he wasn’t being serious. They both knew that if Chi-Woo really intended it, he could easily send Philip back to Liber. And because Philip wanted to look around Chi-Woo’s home a bit longer rather than returning immediately, he didn’t have much qualms about the current situation.

Chi-Woo climbed the crater and reached the beach. And there, he saw a familiar-looking boat. Everything looked exactly the same as the last time he saw it—both the boat and the old sea captain, who was smoking his pipe while waiting with his arms crossed. And though they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, the captain didn’t greet him in any way.

He simply walked toward Chi-Woo and lifted his bag, saying, “I got the call.”

Then he added, “Won’t your clothes stand out too much?”

“Ah, yes.”

“I brought some clothes that are more befitting of this planet. You can change into them when you get inside. You should also shrink that dog down,” the captain said, and Wallie barked after being called a dog.

“Oh my, how meticulous of you.” Evelyn smiled and took the bag that the captain was holding. Chi-Woo clearly witnessed it then that even the cold, unfriendly captain was also a man in the end, as shown by how the captain swiped his nose and averted his eyes when he saw Evelyn’s smile. Evelyn took Flora inside the boat, and when Philip tried to follow them, he got hit by her holy energy and ran away screaming.

“Um…” Chi-Woo was about to say something, but the captain turned his back to him without listening to Chi-Woo. The way he moved seemed to be telling Chi-Woo to follow him first, and Chi-Woo quietly complied. There was a table full of drinks and food prepared. Fresh raw fish piled up on the plates, and bottles of alcohol filled the table.

“It’s the price for the corn last time,” the captain said. And after the captain took a seat, Chi-Woo quickly said, “Sir Captain, I…”

“You came back in good shape,” the captain said. “That’s good enough. Since you came back fine, you kept your promise.”


“Well, if you aren’t satisfied with that, why don’t you entertain me with tales of your adventure?” the captain said and placed a fish on a cutting board. “You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to share, only things you want to tell me. And it’s fine if you don’t want to say anything.” The captain continued while getting his kitchen knife, “But if you choose to speak in the end…I will simply listen without saying anything.”

Seeing the captain quietly cut the fish as he declared he would, Chi-Woo didn’t say anything for a while. It was as the captain told him at the beginning of his journey.

[Just come back safely. When you come back, prepare to eat sashimi until your stomach is about to burst.]

Even the captain must be aware that Chi-Woo hadn’t kept the most important part of their promise, yet the captain was trying to keep his end of the deal. Chi-Woo knew that this was the captain showing his consideration for him. In the end, Chi-Woo couldn’t stall any more and sat across from the captain. Soon afterward, the boat made a loud motor sound and crossed the cool ocean waves.


After arriving at the dock and paying his farewells to the captain, Chi-Woo took his crew to the bus stop. He went back home the same way he went to the Celestial Realm. And while the bus drove across the driveway, Chi-Woo didn’t say anything. He wasn’t in the mood to speak. More exactly, he didn’t really feel like going back home, so he purposefully delayed his return with excuses like he had to pay his proper respect to the people he had made a promise to. Every time he met one of these people, he got a dose of consolation he wasn’t seeking; but he only felt fine in those moments, and in the end, he didn’t feel better whatever he did. That was how he had felt ever since the war with the Sernitas ended. Everyone around him was happy, while he alone wasn’t.

It was for the same reason that he took the same path he had left home through and rode the bus as he had done then. It was to make himself happy. If he went through the same path and so reversed the flow somehow…he thought that perhaps, perhaps Chi-Hyun could be waiting for him at home. Of course, there were no good grounds for that but pure superstitions, similar to the way a student suddenly acted kindly and picked up trash on the street before exam results came out. In the end, it was all wishful thinking on his part.

Chi-Woo knew better than anyone else that his wish would never be fulfilled. How would he be able to accomplish something with hope alone when even his infinite loops had failed to do so? After getting off the bus and arriving at his neighborhood, Chi-Woo found his feet getting heavy. He felt like a student returning home with dreary grades. He was afraid and fearful about meeting his parents, but it wasn’t as if he could not return now. Chi-Woo forced his feet to move.

Chi-Woo’s companions had been busily surveying the things they were seeing for the first time, but they quietly followed him when they sensed Chi-Woo’s mood. After moving his feet very slowly for a while, Chi-Woo came to a halt in front of an alleyway filled with hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Evelyn looked curiously and turned to the place Chi-Woo was staring at in a daze. A sweet, savory smell came from the storefront.

“Oh, that’s a good smell,” Evelyn exclaimed. Flora sniffed. Chi-Woo stared piercingly at the empty outdoor chairs lit up by a large TV screen. This was the fried chicken place Chi-Woo had seen when he was returning home after meeting Giant Fist. Envious of a family who were watching a soccer game together, he had also bought a box of chicken without thinking…though of course, he didn’t get to share it with all his family members.

Chi-Woo stared intently at the chicken place for a while, but eventually, let out a long sigh and walked past it. He then finally arrived home. It was the house he had dreamed of returning to, but Chi-Woo struggled to enter it. He stood in front of the door for a while. The house was quiet except for the sound of TV flowing out. It was obvious what the scene would look like inside. His mother would be lying in her room, while his father would be doing nothing other than staring blankly at the TV… He should’ve brought his brother back with him; revived him somehow. It wasn’t too late…even now. The regret and thoughts he had already had a thousand times on his way to Earth passed through his head again.

At times like this, Chi-Woo recalled what Shersha had told him and gritted his teeth. He clutched the doorknob tightly and opened the entrance door. The house came wide into view.

“I’m back,” Chi-Woo announced and was about to enter when he froze in his spot. He didn’t see his father or his mother; there was only one person in the house. The man sat at the dining table wearing a white running shirt and boxers. With one foot on the table and one hand clutching a fried chicken drumstick, he was looking at the TV screen. This man, who was now taking a huge bite of his chicken, was no one other than Chi-Hyun.

Chi-Woo hadn’t seen wrong. No matter how many times he looked, it was Chi-Hyun. Chi-Hyun also stopped midway from biting his chicken and looked toward the entrance. Their eyes met, and Chi-Woo blinked fast. Slowly, Chi-Hyun blinked a couple times before closing his mouth and extending the hand holding the chicken leg to Chi-Woo.

“Want a bite?”

It was then Chi-Woo finally said, “What the fuck?”

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