To Kiss An Idol Chapter 237 The Breakfast Fight

Chapter 237 The Breakfast Fight

All were staring at Mr. and Mrs. San. No one was speaking. ASD were eating their food but when they saw them looking at them with open mouths and wide eyes, they too stopped eating. It was a battle of stares.

"What is wrong with them?" asked Nivritti.

Jae-Hwa shut the door with a loud noise breaking shock of her parents. "Yes, they are who you think they are. Get over the shock. And NEVER TELL ANYONE YOU MET THEM. Do you understand? Ahppa?" she shouted at her parents. Her father nodded his head but never wavered his eyes away from ASD.

"Uhmma?" asked Jae-Hwa but Mrs. San gave no response. "Uhmma!!" Jae-Hwa shook her shoulder. š–‹š”Æš–Šš–Šš–œš”¢š–‡š”«š–”š”³š”¢š–‘.š–ˆš”¬š–’

"What? What?" asked Mrs. San.

"Tell no one you saw them here. Am I clear?" Jae-Hwa shouted in Korean. "If you do, I will run away from home and will never get married. Bye, bye, grandchildren," threatened Jae-Hwa. Nivritti stared at her with a confused yet amused expression.

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"Okay, okay, no need to terrorize me. I wonā€™t speak a word of it, happy now," replied Mrs. San. She changed her language to English and looked at Nivritti, "oh, dear, far from home and broke leg. Sorry, think of me as uhmma. I will take care."

Kyung-Soo immediately stared at Nivritti. Only he knew that Nivritti was fluent in Korean, well, San-siblings too knew, so he was surprised when Mrs. San tried to talk to her in broken English. He wanted to know the reason why she didnā€™t tell that poor woman that she can talk in Korean. He had heard her talking to San-Siblings in Korean and was more surprised that even Mrs. Sanā€™s children didnā€™t tell her about Nivrittiā€™s fluency in Korean.

Nivritti felt two pairs of eyes on her, and she glanced at Kyung-Soo. He was smirking at her. She knew that he knew about her language skills. She kept praying to God that Kyung-Soo must not reveal her secret.

"I am fine, Ajhumma!" replied Nivritti and slightly bowed her head in front of her.

"See Jaegeuna! She is so nice. Would it not be nice if she becomes my daughter-in-law?" said Mrs. San in Korean to her son.

The moment she said those words, there was a barrage of reactions from everyone.

"Uhmma!" shouted Jae-Geun and Jae-Hwa. Kyung-Soo and Jung-Hwa who were sipping their juice sputtered out the juice on Korain and Manager Park who were sitting in front of them. Thae and Jeong-Eun choked on their bread while the rest of the people stared at everyone with stunned expressions.

"You have to stop saying things like that, Uhmma!" Jae-Geun gritted his teeth at her mother.

"JJ! Paper towels are in the kitchen, get them," suggested Nivritti. Jung-Hwa ran to the kitchen and brought the paper towel to the table and Young-Chul, Korain and Manager Park wiped their faces with it.

"Okay, okay, I wonā€™t say another word. I just came to see her and give her this," Mrs. San handed a big packet wrapped in a satin cloth to Jae-Hwa. "Make sure you girls eat well and take care of her."

"Promise me you will not come here unannounced. You have to tell me if you are coming here, okay?" Jae-Hwa took the packet her mother brought and scolded her.

"Yeah, yeah, I always embarrass you both," pouted Mrs. San.

"No, you embarrass all of us," Mr. San scolded her.

"Why did you have to bring her here?" Jae-Hwa punched her brother.

"I am sorry. You know how she gets. She never listens to anyone," replied Jae-Geun.

"Get her out before she says something about them," Jae-Hwa tilted her head and kept signalling at ASD.

"Okay, okay, relax, I will take her away," replied Jae-Geun. He then looked at his mother and said, "uhmma, we have to go."

"Let her finish eating, Jaegeuna!" said Mrs. San and sat on the handrail of the couch. She could not keep her eyes off Jung-Hwa. "Eat, dear. Oh, I brought Oi Kimchi. You all should have some," she smiled at Jung-Hwa and caressed his head.

"She is touching him, she is touching him," Jae-Hwa gritted her teeth and pinched her brotherā€™s upper arm. He flinched in pain while his mother ran toward Jae-Hwa to grab the packet she brought. She took the parcel to the table and opened the packet. A lot of containers became visible, and she opened the kimchi box.

"Take her away," Jae-Hwa clenched her teeth and whispered to her brother.

"This for you, dear," Mrs. San handed a container of soup to Nivritti. "Samgyetang soup, good for sick. You well soon," she said in broken English.

"Thank you, Ajhumma. This is so kind of you," Nivritti again bowed her head.

"See Jaegeuna! Ask her on a date," said Mrs. San.

"Uhmma!!" shouted Jae-Geun. "Itā€™s time for you to go. Ahppa! Letā€™s go. I will drop you home then I have to go to the hospital."

"Wait! Her medicine," said Mrs. San.

"What?" asked Jae-Geun.

"Injection!" replied Mrs. San.

"Oh, right!" said Jae-Geun. "Are you done with your breakfast?" he asked Nivritti.

"Yeah!" replied Nivritti.

"Okay, first let me check your foot," said Jae-Geun. He came close and knelt on the floor. He made Nivritti lower her foot so he could compare both feet. He softly turned her foot left and right to see if there was any swelling or discolouration of muscles. He pressed near her broken toe, and she flinched in pain.

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"Ow!" Nivritti sucked her teeth.

"Hey! Careful!" said Young-Chul and grabbed Jae-Geunā€™s hand.

"Itā€™s okay. I have to check. She is fine," replied Jae-Geun and softly smiled at Young-Chul to assure him.

"Okay!" Young-Chul blinked his eyes a few times and removed his hand from Jae-Geunā€™s arm.

"Thereā€™s a mild swelling. Did you put pressure on your foot?" demanded Jae-Geun.

"No, but I didnā€™t keep it elevated for some time," replied Nivritti.

"Ritti!" he scolded her.

"Sorry, I had to. But after that, I took medicine and have not put pressure on my foot, I swear," replied Nivritti.

"Hmm, Jaehwa, keep an eye on her foot. If swelling increases, bring her to the hospital immediately. We might have to do another X-ray," ordered Jae-Geun.

"Another X-ray, could it mean her fracture is getting worse?" asked Kyung-Soo immediately. Nivritti looked at his face. His wide eyes, flared nose, and quivering lips showed her he was worried and scared.

"No, I am not saying that. But putting pressure on hairline fracture or resuming activities on an injured foot can cause a lot of problems. It can develop into a larger bone break, cartilage damage, chronic pain, etc and we do not want that. So, from this moment, no putting pressure on your foot and always keeping it elevated. Jaehwa! Also, give her an ice pack that will reduce the swelling," explained Jae-Geun.

"This happened because of me," murmured Young-Chul.

"Excuse me!" shouted both Nivritti and Jae-Geun as only these two heard him.

"Nothing happened because of you. I blame NK," said Nivritti.

"What!! Me? What did I do?" shouted Kyung-Soo.

"You broke my toe first," Nivritti raised her eyebrow at him.

Kyung-Sooā€™s mouth fell open with shock. "Excuse me! I didnā€™t ask you to run around your house. You have these big eyes. Why didnā€™t you use them?"

"You made me run after you, or did you forget?" shouted Nivritti.

"I didnā€™t make you run. I just told Jae-Hwa about what you said to her brother that he should not tell her about MY or his hospital visit," smirked Kyung-Soo.

"Thatā€™s it, I will break your leg too," Nivritti tried to lunge at Kyung-Soo, but Jae-Geun stopped her with just one look. Kyung-Soo jumped backwards in fear.

"SIT!" commanded Jae-Geun.

Nivritti lowered her head and apologised, "Sorry."

"When will you both stop fighting? Every time this happens," scolded Korain.

"He provokes me," complained Nivritti.

"I literally said nothing. She pinpointed me," argued Kyung-Soo.

"I will hit you both on your head if you donā€™t stop. Am I clear?" scolded Korain.

"Yes, hyung. Yes, SK," both Nivritti and Kyung-Soo nodded.

"And what did you say that she shouted at Kyungsoona?" Korain demanded from Young-Chul.

"If I would not have come here at night, she would have gotten proper rest and her foot would be alright by now," sulked Young-Chul.

"Someone hit him on his head for me," Nivritti rolled her eyes at him.

"They came here at night?" whispered Jae-Geun to Nivritti.

"Not now," Nivritti gritted her teeth at him.

"So, no boys rule was only for me," he teased her.

"SJ! Shut up!" she murmured back. "MY, as I told you, itā€™s not your fault. You needed help and if he would not have injured my toe in the first place this would not have happened," again Nivritti pointed at Kyung-Soo.

"You, see that hyung, you see that. Again, she is taking my name," pouted Kyung-Soo and complained to Korain.

Korain facepalmed hard and looked at Nivritti, Kyung-Soo, and Young-Chul. One by one he scolded all three to his heartā€™s content.

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