To Love You Again Chapter 828 Recounting the Nightmare

828 Recounting the Nightmare

"In the diary, it is written where and when Ming Zhi Yi operated illegal manufacturing drugs. Some of the detailed information is here-" Prosecutor Huo raised a flash drive.

"This evidence is provided by the sole witness, Mr. Lu Yin Ze." "My client wished to testify." Lu Yin Ze’s lawyer had spoken.

Lu Fanrong’s case had been brushed before. But it was not explained in detail since the perpetrator was not yet caught. But today, the truth behind Lu Fanrong’s death would be revealed to everyone.

Lu Yin Ze stood up. He went to the witness stand and looked at the people who were waiting for his testimony. He had been hoping for this day to come. To get justice for his mother, the past him was even willing to sacrifice his own life.

And now, he was able to bring justice to his mother.

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"I was too young to remember everything that happened sixteen years ago. But I can’t forget that day." Lu Yin Ze halted. He took a deep breath as he relived the nightmare that he always had ever since his childhood.

"I personally witnessed the day where Ming Zhi Yi committed manslaughter in my mother’s mansion. He personally silenced every one by putting bullets in their heads. From my mother’s personal maid to the kind sweeper. He did not spare anyone except me."

The people listened to him without making a loud sound. Their eyes were wide. For such a scene to be witnessed by a six-year-old child was definitely traumatizing.

Tang Yin held her sister’s hand. She too was shocked. Like the others, she never heard this story. If it was her who had witnessed such a terrifying scene, perhaps, she would not be able to live normally.

Lu Yin Ze, although gloomy at times, was already an admirable person for enduring it for so long.

"It was only after I visited my mother’s mansion that I remembered my mother’s words. I found the safe. The safe contained my mother’s diary and the flash drive. To find the evidence that my mother hid, this man did not even hesitate to poison me and my mother."


The people looked at Lu Yin Ze then at the silent Ming Zhi Yi with wide eyes. Some cursed Ming Zhi Yi under their breath.

"My mother and I are a victim of the drugs that Ming Zhi Yi had been working on. It’s a drug that works like a virus. It weakens a person’s immune system in a large amount and caused them to die through a natural disease."

The people murmured in incredulity.

The said drug seemed familiar. Wasn’t this drug related to Xiong De and Gunan’s case?

The people were able to link the cases. That drug that works like poison had only one source- it was actually from Ming Zhi Yi!

The root of all evil!

But what made them shudder the most was Ming Zhi Yi used the poison to slowly kill his wife and his own son.

"Inhumane! Such a person like him exists?!"

"The tiger won’t eat its cub even if it’s hungry. Yet a human like him could kill both his son and wife. What a devil."

"That bastard doesn’t deserve to live."

The people watching the live trial on the television had even more aggressive responses. They all branded Ming Zhi Yi as a cruel demon who donned in human skin.

The atmosphere in the court turned heavy. To have a father like Ming Zhi Yi, it was a wonder how Lu Yin Ze was able to keep a sane mind.

They tried to hide their disbelief and the pity in their eyes. But composing themselves was even harder.

The truth was really too much.

Lu Yin Ze recounted his whole story. Starting from that gruesome day to the imprisoned time he spent in the hospital years ago. And the current kidnapping case in which he was also a victim.

All of his testimony was backed up by evidence. When he finished, the people in the court let out a breath. Their chests felt heavy. Some could not contain the depraving atmosphere and speak out.

"How could a father do that to his son? Although it was horrible for him to poison his wife, it was not uncommon. There are insane people like him who killed their spouses for different reasons. But to also poison his own child? That person is not human."

The hall turned noisy. They admonished and condemned Ming Zhi Yi. Nothing could save this bastard now.

Ming Zhi Yi played deaf. He looked up and stared at his second son who just testified to quicken his death.

That silver hair was so familiar. Ming Zhi Yi had hated the color of his second son’s hair. Because it reminded him of his deceased wife.

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He remembered the small child who looked at him with frightened eyes. But as time passed, the fear in the child’s eyes turned to immense hatred. Lu Yin Ze felt someone’s gaze on him. He turned and saw Ming Zhi Yi looking straight at Lu Yin Ze did not falter. He looked back straight into the eyes of his mother and grandfather’s murderer without backing down.

Telling the secret that Lu Yin Ze preciously kept with all his life to the whole world felt so good. He felt he fulfilled a big part of his role in this life. The heaviness and powerlessness he felt were dissipating bit by bit.

This made him be grateful that he was alive to be able to tell the truth today.

Now that he was fighting the monster in his nightmares and was just a few steps from winning, Lu Yin Ze was not afraid of this man anymore.

The monster in front of him was paralyzed and powerless. There’s no need to fear a man who was about to die.

Ming Zhi Yi’s eyebrow moved.

It looked like the coward child grew up.

But it did not matter.

Because this child witnessed his own grandfather, his savior, being ruthlessly killed by him.

The child witnessed many deaths. His life would not be smooth or be normal like everybody else.

Ming Zhi Yi still vividly remembered how this child cried sorrowfully. This made his lips move.

The corner of his lips rose maliciously. A wretched smile formed on his face.

’Ah. His revenge is not yet finished. The precious and loved grandson of that man would be continuously living in a nightmare. How happy that old man would be while He won’t let this devil’s wishes come true. He would live his best and made this man 09:03

watching his grandson live such a pitiful life? That child would endure an excruciating long life than me.’

That was only the consolation Ming Zhi Yi had in his ending.

Just thinking about Lu Yin Ze’s future, turned that wretched smile deeper.

The people who were observing Ming Zhi Yi since the beginning of the trial were all taken aback. The man had lost his handsomeness and charm. He was only a bag of bones with deep-set eyes.

Thus when he let out that smile, coupled with the malicious intent behind it, it looked terrifying.

Lu Yin Ze, the subject of that smile, was provoked. His heart that he was trying to calm down burned in anger. How could this murderer have the nerve to smile at him?

Even though the demon did not speak his thoughts outwardly, Lu Yin Ze could guess the meaning behind his smile.

He bit his lips.

He won’t let this devil’s wishes come true. He would live his best and made this man watch him in hell of how he would become a great man who lived a fulfilling life.

Although it might be difficult at the start, with the right people beside him, Lu Yin Ze knew he would be able to cope.

As he thought about it, ’those people’ seemed to hear his thoughts.

Tang Yin and Tang Xinyang on his right patted his arm. On his left, Guan Gu Ri took a protective stance. Eve Xiong Zhi and Linfeng changed their expression and become guarded.

Lu Yin Ze noticed their actions.

His friends were protecting him.

This made Lu Yin Ze’s expression soften.

See? How could he succumb to the darkness when there were people who would light his way and accompany him through good and bad times?

Besides, there was still his brother.

Lu Yin Ze had promised his brother he would be strong so he would be a reliable person. His brother was still waiting to be saved by him.

Ming Zhi Yi saw his son’s reaction. It was different from what he imagined. Ming Zhi Yi’s gaze turned darker and his smile was gone.

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