Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 1008 1008 Futile Resistance

Chapter 1008 Chapter 1008 Futile Resistance

The moment Cassius saw the man that had appeared from the Tower of Heaven turn into a blur, he spun his sword around and created an omnidirectional burst of mana around himself and Evette. He knew he would be unable to keep up with their opponent, so his only option was to anticipate the attacks that would be coming towards him and Evette.


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With girted teeth he moved his sword in front of the man’s incoming attack and used his unique skill to prevent himself from being blown back. His hands ached from the impact of catching the punch with the flat of his blade, but his sword which had been given the name Excalibur was able to absorb most of the power behind the man’s attacks.

Once Cassius had locked down their enemy for a single moment, Evette cast the spell she had been holding.

Thick black ropes burst out of her body and quickly wrapped themselves around the man that did not have a status. These ropes were created by her tier eight death magic spell, Death’s Fetters.

Of course, this spell was not as powerful as the tier nine Demise spell she had cast earlier that failed to do more than irritate the man, but she used this specific spell due to its persistent effect. So long as the ropes were wrapped around the target, they would sap their lifeforce and impose several debuffs.

The man grimaced as the ropes coiled around him, but he was unable to continue his attack as a volley of arrows came flying towards him at high speed.

Using both his hands, the mysterious man rapidly knocked down the arrows he could not dodge with a flurry of blows.

When the arrows finally ceased, he picked one up and explained the arrow tip. With one look he could see that it was coated in a deadly venom and made out a dragon’s fang. As strong as he was, these arrows had the ability to possibly pierce his skin, and even if the venom was not strong enough to do more than annoy him, he did not particularly want to be envenomed.

"Guess, I’ll take out the sniper first." The man grumbled under his breath.

Turning away from Cassius and Evette, the man locked onto Fianna who was scrambling down from her current firing spot.

With incredibly speed he launched himself from where he currently was and arrived in front of Fianna in less than a second.

Yet, before he could attack her, she disappeared and was replaced by one of the arrows she had fired earlier.

"If we actually survive this, I am going to go broke replacing all these arrows." Fianna moaned as she appeared in front of Evette and Cassius.

The arrow she had just used was called a translocation arrow and was one of many special munitions she had collected over dozens of years as an adventurer. Unfortunately, the current situation did not give her the leeway to hold back, and she was swiftly draining through her stock of powerful arrows.

"Now is not really the time to be stingy. If I die because you wanted to save a few gold coins, I swear I’m going to haunt you. Now go fine some place to hide before that guy comes back here." Cassius said, waving Fianna away.

Picking up a few of her arrows along the way, Fianna skittered into the dense foliage and disappeared.

Then once she had gotten a fair distance away, she found another snipping spot and waited for another opening to fire her arrows.

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During this time, the man had not moved from his spot and was simply holding onto the arrow that had switched places with Fianna at the last second.

Soon a palpable rage could be felt emitting from him, and he snapped the arrow by clenching his hand.

"I did not want to exert any real effort, but I am sick and tired of this futile resistance." The man said under his breath.

So far, he had simply fought straightforwardly and used his overwhelming strength to dominate the battle. But Evette, Cassius, and Fianna had adapted to his simple way of fighting and were using every trick they had to keep him at bay.

However, his uncomplicated fighting style was not a product of his inability to strategize, but because he did not believe he needed to take a bunch of weaklings seriously.

Nevertheless, the three remaining leaders of the expedition squad had proven themselves to be more tenacious than expected, and he was starting to get fed up with them.

Letting out a long sigh, the man picked up his right foot and lazily swung it backwards before kicking into the ground with immense force.

In one motion he fractured the ground and kicked up a giant landslide that went rushing towards Evette and Cassius.

"Shit! Stay close to me Evette." Cassius said, rushing to the side to avoid the landslide.

Except, when they began running, they found another landslide coming at them from the direction they were trying to flee in.

Turning around they saw that two more landslides were approaching them rapidly and that every way they could flee was blocked.

With no other choice, the two of them flew into the air and got above the landslides that were about to swallow them.

After they ascended into the sky, Cassius and Evette heightened their vigilance and waited for the investable attack they knew was coming.

"Cassius, behind me." Evette said assuredly.

She could feel the location of their enemy thanks to the spell she had cast on him and knew that he was swiftly approaching her from her blind spot.

Cassius moved to intercept and again used his Unmovable unique skill to catch the incoming attack.

But instead of seeing the man that had appeared from within the Tower of Heaven, a giant tree came barreling towards him.

Having no other recourse but to be hit by the fast-moving projectile, Cassius sliced the tree in half. Yet this put him a half second behind to react to what came next.

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