Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 1017 Conclusion

1017 Chapter 1017 Conclusion

"So, you’re still hanging on." Having landed next to the man who she had impaled with her spear, the Administrator saw that he was still breathing, and that the life had not yet left his eyes.

Nevertheless, she felt no reason to be on guard any long. With just a glance she could tell that his strength was fading and soon he would meet his end.

"It appears that I lost spectacularly this time. So many years of planning, waiting for the right opportunity to infiltrate this world, and it all went awry because one insignificant group interrupted me." The man said, casting his gaze over to where Marcus was.

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"Yes, one never knows when the slightest anomaly will greatly change things. I won’t deny that you got past me. If not for him and his compatriots forcing you to use your powers, I might not have noticed you until you had already succeeded in whatever machinations you had. Speaking of which, what might you have been planning here?" The Administrator said, getting to the core of the reason she had not yet finished off the man that had intruded onto Mirrion yet.

"Hehe. As much as I do enjoy explaining schemes, this time I will have to keep it to myself. I’m sure with as smart as you are, you’ll be able to figure it out on your own."

Sighing, the Administrator figured that this was the answer that she was going to get and moved to pull her spear out and end the man.

"Although I lost here, I don’t regret it. It really was nostalgic to see you in this form again. I was able to remember the happier times when we still used to be a family. Ah, how I often long for those days. Before we all died and were put on our current paths."

Hearing what the man had to say, the Administrator’s hand trembled as she hesitated to pull out the spear that had impaled him through the chest.

"That’s not like you. You normally finish off your enemies so mercilessly. We already hashed this out a long time ago, we are enemies, and nothing is going to change that now." The man said, a hostile glint returning to his eyes.

"Don’t think this little playfight we had here is going to change anything. The real battle has not even begun yet. And sooner or later we will destroy this little combatant factory of yours. We are already everywhere, and we will win."

After the man finished what he had to say, the Administrator, having found her resolve, pulled the spear out of the man’s chest.

The moment she did, a fountain of silver blood flowed out of his body. Soon the last bit of life that that the man had faded away, and the body he had been using turned into a shriveled-up husk before turning completely into dust.

With the battle over and the intruder dealt with, the Administrator ended the effects of the powerful skills she had been using and stored away her armor, shield, and spear. No longer clad in an overwhelming aura and powerful equipment, she looked like an unassuming young girl.

’It’s over.’ Marcus thought, feeling a sense of relief come over him.

He had been through his fair share of harrowing fights, but this one had far exceeded anything else he had ever had to deal with. If not for the Administrator’s intervention there was no doubt that he and Mrazivy would have died.

"You really did a number on yourself this time. Your soul is all jumbled up and one small push away from falling apart. It’s worse than even the first time you used that Soul Devour unique skill. I believe I already warned you to be very careful of that power." The Administrator’s tone like that of a teacher scolding a child.

"Sorry, I didn’t really have much of a choice considering the situation. I thought I might be able to win if I went all-out, but I understand now that I never stood a chance against that guy. Still, I just need to wait another day until my Ultimate Refresh Supreme Skill is recharged. Then I should be able to fix the damage to my soul."

However, the Administrator shook her head at Marcus’ misconception and told him the truth of his situation.

"The damage to your soul is beyond what any of the powers within Mirrion’s system can heal. I know that Ultimate Refresh says it can restore anyone to their normal state, but what you have done to yourself is not something that can so easily be fixed. You used two skills that pushed you well beyond your limits. Honestly, you are lucky to still be in one piece and cognizant of your own existence."

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The gravity of his situation sinking in, Marcus could not help but feel an intense panic come over him.

If his current state was already the best he could get, he was screwed. Right now, he could barely move and just speaking was difficult for him. As things stood, he was pretty much paralyzed.

"Is there nothing that you can do? Surely you must how powers outside of the system that can fix me?" Marcus asked, searching for a shred of hope.

"Yes, I have a means that could heal your damaged soul. But I believe that I already told you I would not be helping you again. When you first possessed that dead girl’s body, I gave you the lesser regeneration skill that ghosts shouldn’t be able to obtain to prevent you from ending up in an endless cycle of pain. Then when you first went to a city, I disguised your status so that you appeared as human. And finally, I fixed your soul the first time you used Soul Devour. I can only show so much favoritism. Unfortunately, you are on your own this time."

Having his last hope dashed, Marcus felt a deep sense of dread overcome him.

The Administrator had told him that she would not help and that no power on Mirrion could fix the damage he had done to himself. His future outlook was bleak. Sure, he was still alive, but with no possibility of recovery he would simply remain in his current state for eternity.

’No, there might be a way. Once I evolve, my soul should fundamentally change, and it might be enough to fix some of the damage. I can at least cling to there being a chance.’

Finding his resolve, Marcus decided to not give in until he had explored all of his options. He might not be able to do anything on his own right now, but there were still people that cared about him and would be willing to help. With their assistance, he was sure that they could think of something and bring about a miracle.

"That’s a much better expression you are wearing now. Make sure never to give up no matter what anyone tells you. As long as you are alive, keeping fighting until the end." The Administrator said with a smile on her face.

She then snapped her fingers and a rift in space leading to a pure white dimension opened up in front of Marcus.

"Since you ended up in your current horrible condition due to an oversight on might part, it is only right that I at least fix the damage."

"I see, you were just playing with me before." Marcus grumbled.

"You are correct sir! Just a little bit of levity after such an intense fight. After all the investment I put into you, I’m not just going to let you wither away. Though don’t expect me to come to your rescue every time you end up in a pinch. I could only intervene this time because you were dealing with an outsider. One of my primary duties is to protect Mirrion from guys like him and kick them to the curb should they somehow manage to set foot on this world. Just keep in mind that if you do this to yourself again, I won’t be able to bail you out."

Taking her words to heart, Marcus revaluated how he should view his Soul Devour unique skill. He had avoided using it for the most part, but whenever push came to shove, he did not hesitate to activate it. ’Maybe it is too dangerous to use even as a trump card. I became a little laxer because I figured I could fix the damage with Ultimate Refresh, but that is clearly not always the case. I had better not use it again. At least not until I understand it better.’ Marcus understood that there was a great deal he still did not know about most of his powers. He had mostly just been going off the information the system gave him, but clearly everything was more complex than the simple numbers and descriptions that were provided.

"Okay, I think that is enough talking for now. In your current condition just about anything could unravel your barely held together existence." The Administrator said, carefully lowering the rift she had conjured to encompass Marcus.

"Wait! There are still several things I want to talk to you about." Marcus said frantically.

"Yes, I suppose I owe you at least a few answers. But that can wait until you have been healed. I’ll tell you what I can after that. So, for the time being, just focus on your recovery."

Without waiting for Marcus’ response, the Administrator sent him through the rift into a separate dimension where his soul would be put back together.

Once Marcus was gone, the playful expression on her face vanished instantly.

"Now, I need to figure out how he bypassed Mirrion’s defenses and what he was trying to do here." She said, looking intently at the Tower of Heaven.

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