Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 112 - 111 Goodbye To River Landing

With the title conferment ceremony completed, Marcus immediately opened his status so as to get a better grasp of the new title subsystem he had just unlocked.


Name: Marcus Ferrous/Irene Geist

Age: 28/19

Race: Unbound Ghost (Great Spirit of Light and Darkness)

Title: Baronetess

Level: 30

HP: 5450/5450

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MP: 2370/2370

STR: 219 (+2)

AGL: 218 (+13)

VIT: 216 (+2)

INT: 235 (+2)

SPR: 324 (+3)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 12

Unique Skills: Personal Status, #######, Master of Soul and Body, Soul Burst, Embodiment of Light, Embodiment of Darkness

Skills: Medium Item Box, Lesser Regeneration Lvl 1, Digging Lvl 1, Fighting Lvl 4, Magic Circulation Lvl 4, Iron Magic Lvl 4, Disassembly Lvl 4, Stealth Lvl 2, Lightning Magic Lvl 4, Creature Appraisal Lvl 3, Fire Magic Lvl 2, Danger Sense Lvl 3, Darkvision Lvl 3, Scythemanship, Superior Lvl 4, Healing Magic Lvl 2, Mana Regeneration Lvl 4, Speed Burst Lvl 4, Mana Body Lvl 4, Powerful Slash Lvl 4, Physical Resistance Lvl 3, Heighten Spells Lvl 4, Forge Lvl 1, Trap Sensing Lvl 2, Dark Magic Lvl 2, Light Magic Lvl 2, Driving Lvl 2

Blessing of Iron, Exalted Blessing of Light, Exalted Blessing of Darkness

Race Abilities: Invisible, Ethereal, Chill Zone, Float, Possession (Limited), Undying

Specter Powers: Ghost Sounds, Spectral Arm, Phantom Pressure

After looking over his status and paying keen attention to the new title, Marcus had managed to find out that he could have up to one title per ten levels and each one could add certain bonuses depending on the type and rarity. Of course, Marcus also found out that titles were exceptionally difficult to acquire, hence why had not obtained one before.

However, he was soon forced to stop his inquiry into his new title system as someone he recognized came up to talk to him.

"Hello there Irene, how does it feel now that you are part of the kingdom’s nobility."

Hearing the familiar voice, Marcus quickly put his status window away and saw standing in front of him was Grand Archmage Aria.

Seeing her in front of him Marcus gave a quick bow before saying, "It is good to see you Grand Archmage Aria, and things feel a bit different, I feel like I have gotten a little stronger and when they were checking my status before making my new ID, I noticed that my stats had increased."

Aria’s eyes’ immediately narrowed hearing this since it was actually a state secret that being given a noble title increased one’s stats.

"Well, are you not the perceptive one, most people do not notice the slight change in their stats unless they just recently checked their status, might you perhaps have some special skill or item that allows you to see your status."

Marcus could tell that Aria was fishing, he knew that other people from Earth had been in this kingdom in the past and it was not impossible that an old monster like Aria knew about transfers and reincarnates.

"No, I just happened to have my status checked after fighting with the ice ants, it just so happened to be a coincidence."

Aria then put on her best I do not believe you smile and said, "Well no matter, ah yes I came here today to personally give you the other rewards I promised."

Aria then took out a pouch which housed three hundred gold coins as well as some documents and handed them over to Marcus.

"There you go, in those documents you will find a list of schools in the capital and what they specialize in, and a letter of recommendation from me to the best forge master in the kingdom. You also have a document that will allow you to gain ownership of an estate within the royal capital, so when you arrive go to the office of land management and they will give you a list of available estates. And as an added bonus I have given you a letter with my seal on it, should you wish to speak with me again send that along with your own letter of invitation and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

After Aria had told Marcus all she wanted to, she began to leave before stopping abruptly and saying, "Ah yes I nearly forgot, make sure to have a coat of arms designed before the kingdom meeting at the beginning of summer next year. And the kingdom has its eyes on you, and everyone is expecting great things from our new rising star."

With those last slightly ominous words, Aria took her leave and Marcus went back to Lilia a bit shaken up.

"Okay Lilia we only have one more thing to take care of and then we will be on our way to the capital. The last thing we need to do is get a new ID made for you."

Marcus then walked Lilia up to the magical device that displayed one’s status and printed out identification.

Lilia placed her hands on the pedestal and her status was displayed.

Name: Lilia Geist

Age: 11

Race: Human

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Level: 8

HP: 570/570

MP: 360/360

STR: 49

AGL: 57

VIT: 41

INT: 36

SPR: 50

Skills: Sewing, Lvl 2, Cleaning Lvl 2, Wood Working Lvl 2, Horticulture Lvl 1, Force Magic Lvl 1, Gauntlet Fighter, Superior Lvl 3, Pain Resistance Lvl 1, Piercing Resistance Lvl 1

The person who was making Lilia’s ID stared at her status dumbfounded. Here was this little girl who was only elven years old and level eight who had stats that were closer to someone who was level fourteen.

This was the first time this man had seen such a high status on someone so young and low level.

Even noble prodigies would not have status this powerful at only level eight and age eleven.

’What the hell kind of monster is this girl, she even has a level three superior weapon skill. She must have some sort of incredibly powerful backing; most families would not invest the level of natural treasures necessary for these stat gains until level twenty at the earliest.’

As the man who was supposed to be making Lilia’s new noble ID stood their gawking at her status it was not long before other people were attracted and took a peak.

Many of them were astounded, Lilia’s status was more in line with a crown prince or princess than that of someone who had been a commoner for their entire life, and soon a crowd had gathered around Lilia and were throwing questions at her.

"Do you belong to some type of powerful organization?"

"Are you maybe the illegitimate daughter of the king?"

"Were you trained in isolation by some powerful master along with your sister?"

"Will you marry my son."

Seeing this Marcus rushed to the recue and looked at the man who was supposed to be printing out Lilia’s new ID not turning her status into a show and gave him a menacing glare.

The man felt a chill run down his spine and he quickly stopped displaying Lilia’s status and printed out her new gold-leafed high-quality parchment noble ID.

With Lilia having her new ID Marcus grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her out of the room, hoping to evade anymore of the nobles invasive inquiries.

However, as they were exiting the building and were rounding a corner both of them heard, "Are you not even going to say goodbye."

Lilia and Marcus both turned their heads towards the voice, and there was Wade standing against a wall waiting for the two of them.

Marcus let out a long sigh before going up to Wade and saying, "Actually I was planning on leaving without saying goodbye so that I could beat the traffic, but since you are here, I suppose, I can say goodbye and thank you for your help."

"Your thanks is welcomed, and I will remember that you have such a deep gratitude towards me should I ever need your help in the future. And now for you miss Lilia a parting gift for the best house guest I have had in a while."

Wade then handed a dark shadowy bracelet over to Lilia and said, "Should you ever find yourself in danger just press the symbol on that bracelet and you will be safe from most attacks for five minutes. Now make sure to not mess around with it since it will only work once."

A bright smile emerged onto Lilia’s face as she excepted the bracelet and promptly put it on.

Even Marcus who was still wary of Wade and his veiled hints at repaying him, cracked a small smile.

"Now then I will bid the two of you ado, I have much work to be done. Ah, and Irene I hope that your endeavors in learning the art of forging may be fruitful for both you and the kingdom."

With those final words Wade left Marcus and Lilia to their own devices once more.

’Okay time to get out of here before the town becomes even more congested, we need to go pick up Blitz, then retrieve our carriage from the Lush Villa, and we can be on our way.’

Marcus and Lilia exited the viceroy’s office and quickly found Blitz who was laying down in a stable and retrieved him.

They then headed on over to the Lush Villa where they retrieved their carriage and checked out without issue.

Marcus soon put on the harness that affixed Blitz to the carriage and made a beeline for the south side of River Landing.

Soon they came up to one of the great bridges that connected the north and south sides of River Landing and after looking at the traffic on the three bridges went for the one that was nearly empty.

Of course, they found that this one was empty because it was an incredibly expensive toll bridge but with his new status as a titled noble Marcus was able to flash his silver plate ID and pass by without spending a single copper.

’This title is already starting to show it merit, I guess it was not such a bad thing after all.’

The three of them swiftly made it across the bridge that spanned the entire Great Tortoise River and made it into the southern part of River Landing for the first time, and shortly arrived at the gate exiting to the south.

After waiting in a short line for around five minutes Marcus, Lilia, and Blitz had exited the boundary of River Landing and were on their way to the kingdom’s capital.

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