Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 124 - 123 The Haunted Estate

Looking it over one last time Marcus knew that it was no contest and handed the file of the largest estate over to Count Flourensy.

Count Flourensy happy to see that Marcus had made a prompt decision, carefully looked over the file of the estate Marcus had handed him.

However, as he read over the file his face became filled with dread and he looked up at Marcus with an expression of fear and embarrassment before saying, "I am incredibly sorry Lady Irene this estate never should have been added to the list of options, it appears that my employee only looked at the requirements you listed as well as the price range for your possible estate. I understand that this is a disappointment for you, but I could never recommend this place and would ask you choose from the other two."

Hearing this Marcus was wondering what could be so bad about this estate that it was suddenly being taken away. For a second Marcus thought that it may have been because it was above the value he was allowed to have, but then he remembered the count saying that they were brought because of their price point.

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’I wonder what could possibly be so wrong with the place that caused him to look terrified, maybe it is down wind of sewage or the foundation is faulty. Well maybe the problem is minor but has something to do with noble traditions in this world. I might as well figure out the problem and if I think I can deal with it, that estate really is too good to pass up.’

Coughing loudly to get the count’s attention Marcus said, "Actually I had my heart set on that place, if you would not mind telling me what is wrong with that estate, I would like to decide for myself how bad it is."

The count listening to Marcus’ response froze in place, it was already disaster enough that Marcus had been shown this estate but now that he was pushing for it, and the count did not know what to do.

Thinking long and hard the count was weighing his options, he really just wanted to tell Marcus that it was impossible, and if he had been a normal baronetess he would have. But even with his lofty position in the kingdom he, did not want to make an enemy of the grand archmage by angering Marcus.

Sighing deeply the count decided to explain the unique circumstances of this estate and hope that Marcus would give up when he heard them.

"Very well I will tell you what is wrong with this estate, but no matter how far fetched it sounds know that what I say is true. This estate used to belong to a prominent Marquess until around twenty years ago when everyone inside the mansion was found dead except for a few young maids. Many high-ranking nobles perished that day even the son of one of the kingdom’s four dukes. Of course, there was an extensive search for the culprit, but none was ever found. However, this was not the end and the Marquess’ distant relatives after a few years moved into the estate only to all be found dead a few days later. After this the kingdom realized they must have been dealing with some type of evil spirt or curse and sent the high priest of the church of great spirt of light Ragyog to the estate to purge the spirt or curse. Unfortunately, even after an extensive search and purification, the next noble family that moved in still died. The kingdom then tried to exercise the spirt or curse a number of times but was unfruitful and thus no one has lived there since. I am sorry that you were shown the file for this estate, but that was a grave mistake by one of my employees and I promise you they will be severely punished."

After having heard the counts entire explanation about the estate Marcus was now even more intrigued to have it.

He obviously knew that there were other ghosts in this world but having the chance to meet one sounded interesting.

’I may be able to do something that normal people could not, for all I know all I have to do is find the body of the spirt and bury it to let them pass on. Or if necessary, I could probably just destroy them if they really are an evil spirt.’

Thinking that he was in the unique situation to deal with a haunted estate Marcus made up his mind to give it a try and if he could not purge the spirt, he would just go somewhere else.

With his mind made up Marcus reached over and grabbed the file from the count causing him to be quite surprised before saying, "I will take this place, I am not afraid of ghosts and am certain I will be fine."

The count could not believe what he was hearing most people hearing about places that were haunted would run the other direction since unlike Earth, on Mirrion ghosts were very real. But how could the count know that he was actually currently sitting across from ghost right now.

"Please Lady Irene reconsider, if something were to happen to you because of that estate the grand archmage cou."

However, when Marcus sent a glare at him the count immediately shut up realizing the slip of his tongue.

"I see so you really do not care about my well being but only what the grand archmage might do to you if something bad happened to me. Let me tell you now I am certain to be fine and if you want, I can even give you a letter saying that I was obstante and forced you to give me this estate."

The count hearing Marcus’ offer to give him a signed letter made him perk up since he was quite afraid that Marcus obtaining this estate from him could send a misunderstanding. This was because this estate had been discreetly offered up to certain nobles the kingdom wanted to get rid of in the past which was why they even still had a file on it.

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However, if he had such a letter from Marcus, he would be fairly well protected from any backlash the grand archmage could throw his way.

"Very well if you insist on taking this estate, I will hand over the title to it so long as you right a letter detailing that you knew of the dangers and that I am not to be blamed."

Marcus shrugged his shoulders before writing a letter down freeing the count of any responsibilities should something happened to him.

Marcus then sealed the letter and handed it over to the count who began smiling.

"Thank you, Lady Irene, now then I will have someone draw up the rest of the paperwork and have the estate’s title brought to you."

After around another thirty minutes Marcus had filled out the necessary forms to transfer the estate to him and was given the title.

"Now that we have finished up our business, I will have one of my employees show you the way to your new estate, but I would like to warn you one more time to be careful."

With that Marcus bid the count farewell and followed one of the employees outside.

When he got outside, he saw Lilia sitting on the coachman’s stand reading a book and occasionally petting Blitz’s soft fur.

Walking over to her, Lilia quickly spotted Marcus and waved towards him and when he stood in front of her, Lilia smiled at Marcus before asking, "So how did it go, did you get a huge mansion for us to stay in."

Marcus smiling back gave Lilia a thumbs up and said, "Yep, although it does have an issue I need to solve before we move in, it should not be anything I cannot handle."

At the same time the employee that had come out with Marcus was stunned to see him talking so causally with this young girl he assumed to be his carriage driver, but what she heard next surprised her even more.

"Lilia if you would not mind getting in the carriage this employee is going to give me directions to the new estate so they will have to sit next to me."

Lilia nodded towards Marcus and got off of the coachman’s stand and into the carriage’s car before Marcus hoped onto the coachman’s seat and waited for the employee to sit next to him.

However, the employee was just staring in a daze wondering what was going on. They were certain that Marcus who had just jumped onto the coachman’s stand was a titled noble. So where was their coachman and who was the little girl that had just gotten into the carriage.

Marcus seeing the employee just standing there said to them.

"I know that Blitz is intimating, but I promise he will not bite so hurry up and get on."

Of course, Marcus knew that the employee was more surprised over his actions than seeing Blitz, but he decided to say what he did so that they could save some face.

Coming back to their senses the employee bowed her head and profusely apologized before carefully getting up onto the coachman’s stand next to Marcus.

"Okay now which direction do I need to go."

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