Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 127 - 126 Released

As Marcus smirked back at the shadowy demon behind him, the entity that had thought it had managed to distract Marcus, screeched loudly and the tendrils of shadows that had surrounded him began to tighten aiming to restrict Marcus.

’Embodiment of Light.’

Using one of his two signature unique skills, Marcus’ body became complete enveloped in light and like a flash of lightning Marcus shot up into the air passing through the tendrils before they could grasp around him.

Marcus then watched as the scene showing Tyler’s memories shattered, revealing what appeared to be a still black ocean with a shatter sky, and in the middle was Tyler bound by a number of shadowy tendrils.

Floating in the sky Marcus looked down at the shadow demon and shot towards it.

Loudly screeching the shadows around the demon coalesced into a massive trident that flew towards Marcus trying to intercept him.

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Casting a heightened shinning lance, Marcus pointed his body towards the shadow trident in front of him and descended upon it like a missile.

Light and darkness clashed as Marcus’ superior power cut through the trident, and he fell upon the shadow demon like a meteor.

The still water in Tyler’s sea of consciousness shook violent as Marcus crashed into the demon and began pummeling it with his body clad in light.

Marcus continued punching the shadow demon with hit after hit trying to destroy it, but after a few moments he suddenly felt the greatest sense of danger he ever had and jump off right as a massive beam of darkness flew out of the demon’s chest.

Missing the beam by just a hair’s breadth Marcus rolled on the ground for a dozen meters before jumping back onto his feet.

He then cast his gaze back over towards the shadow demon that was looking worse for ware after taking numerous hits from Marcus and using an incredibly powerful attack.

The two had a stare off for just a moment before the shadow demon turned around and began rushing towards the bound figure of Tyler.

The shadow demon knew that its only way to win this fight was to consume Tyler’s soul that it had been nurturing for two decades, and while it had not completely tainted Tyler’s soul the shadow demon was running out of options.

However, Marcus seeing the demon’s destination blasted forward using every speed boosting skill he had and managed to cut the demon off just a few feet from Tyler.

The shadow demon snarled at Marcus who had come out of nowhere and was thwarting its decades long plan to evolve itself.

Summoning another set of shadow tendrils, the demon sent them towards Marcus, who quickly jumped to the side to dodge.

The shadow demon’s beak shaped mouth then curved upwards as a previously invisible tendril that was connected to Tyler appeared and yank him towards the shadow demon.

Watching as if in slow motion Marcus saw Tyler’s soul being dragged towards the shadow demon.

’Shield of Light.’

A shimmering circular shield quickly manifested in between Tyler and the shadow demon and instead of ending up in the shadow demon’s embrace Tyler became stuck against the shield of light.

The shadow demon seeing the shield of light in between it and its prize slashed out with its clawed hand and shattered the shield with one swipe.

It then moved to consume Tyler and increase its powers, except as it reach its clawed hand out to grasp him Marcus slashed down with another shinning lance cutting the shadow demon’s hand off along with the tendril connecting it to Tyler.

Howling in pain and anger the shadow demon realizing it had been out matched began flying towards the cracked sky in order to escape.

Giving chase Marcus shot into the air following right after the shadow demon and watched it exit out of Tyler’s sea of consciousness through the cracks in the sky.

Passing through the same crack Marcus came out of Tyler’s spiritual body that he had entered through his possession ability and saw the wispy tail of the shadow demon as it was passing into the ceiling trying to flee.

Sending his spectral arm out towards the shadow demon’s tail Marcus grabbed ahold of it right before it phased through the ceiling.

He then wrapped the tail around his spectral hand and yank back pulling the ethereal shadow demon out of the ceiling and with a heighten shinning lance in hand Marcus stabbed into the center of the shadow demon.

The lance made of light pieced through the shadow demon like a hot knife through butter causing it to let out a spine-chilling scream as Marcus pulled back and stabbed it over and over again until it completely dissipated and a magic core with black lines fell to the ground.

Shutting off his embodiment of light unique skill now that the battle was over Marcus felt drained but knew he was not done yet.

He turned back towards the spirt of Tyler that was floating in the air in a catatonic state.

Reentering Tyler’s sea of Marcus floated over towards him and could see that he was still wrapped up by the tendril’s that had bound him for over two decades.

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Casting his tier two light spell Marcus summoned yet another shinning lance and stabbed it into the tendrils wrapped around Tyler.

Except as he cut through the tendrils Marcus watched as Tyler began screaming in immense pain as these tendrils had long since bound with his soul.

’Shit, what the hell am I supposed to do now, the kid is too far gone for me to cut away the darkness surrounding him. The only thing I can do now is destroy his soul, but after all he has been through, he does not deserve such a cruel ending.’

Marcus not wanting to use his last resort just yet, Marcus began thinking of other ways to separate the lingering corruption of the shadow demon from Tyler’s soul.

After nearly a dozen minutes Marcus decided to try one more thing although it was going to be difficult for him and the risks were not negligible.

’Embodiment of Darkness’

Enveloping himself in darkness Marcus reached forward and grasped the tendrils as Tyler’s eyes abruptly opened for the first time since Marcus had entered his sea of consciousness.

Marcus allowing his darkness to merge with the tendrils, tried to instead of destroy them, absorb them into himself.

Concentrating with his entire focus Marcus began retracting the darkness back into his body absorbing the corruption left by the shadow demon into himself.

As the power left behind by the shadow demon flowed into him, Marcus felt a searing pain spread through his whole body, but gritting his teeth continued to drain the tendrils’ power into himself.

Nearly an hour passed until Marcus had caused all of the tendrils to wither, releasing Tyler, and when the last one fell and crumbled into dust the dark sea and sky suddenly lit up with a vibrant light as both turned a shade of light blue.

Collapsing now that his job was done Marcus felt his soul barely keeping ahold of consciousness as he saw the young boy who had been controlled by a demon stand up and smile towards him.

Marcus then felt a force on himself as he was shunted out of Tyler’s sea of consciousness appearing back in the stone room.

Acting quickly Marcus resolidified his body and slammed onto the ground since right now he did not even have the strength to float.

Looking up Marcus saw the spirt of Tyler floating over him with a slight glow on his body as he slowly dissipated into particles of light and Marcus saw him mouth the words "Thank you" right before his soul left this world.

Groaning Marcus rolled over onto his back and took out a mana recovery potion along with an orange colored and yellow colored potin he had obtained as a reward from the chest in the Ocean Bluff Temple.

Drinking all three of these potions Marcus felt his mana coming back quickly while the orange potion boosted his vitality stat for a short while and the yellow one boosted his spirt stat.

With the effects of the potions he had just drank filling his body with temporary strength, Marcus stood back up and walked over towards the altar Tyler’s skeleton was still laying on.

Taking out a blanket from his item box Marcus wrapped up the remains of the young boy beofre storing them back into his item box.

He then looked out in disdain at the room around him and cast his tier three spell iron sphere.

With the floating mass of iron at his command Marcus sent it smashing into the altar destroying it and then having it crash violently into the walls as he erased any trace of the foul interior.

Once he was satisfied with the amount of destruction he had caused to the room, Marcus used his ghost form to float back out of the room and into the wine cellar.

’The first thing I am going to do once I recover is fill that horrible place in.’

Resolidifying and walking up the stairs that lead out of the cellar Marcus opened up a pair of doors on the outside of the house.

Looking around after a few moments Marcus found a large and healthy-looking tree and walked over towards it.

In front of the tree Marcus began digging taking out the shovel he had not used in a long time he dug and dug and dug, until he had made a large hole six feet deep.

Marcus then took out the blanket that had Tyler’s remains inside of it and placed it at the bottom of the grave.

After sending out a quick plea to the administrator that ran this world that Tyler’s soul have a better life next time, Marcus began filling in the hole.

Soon Marcus had finished burying Tyler’s remains and once he had he collapsed the effects of the potions having stopped working a while ago, and only through sheer force of will Marcus had been able to finish.

’Ugh, I feel like I am going to have to sleep for a week after this. But first I need to tell Lilia and Blitz that they can enter.’

Using his connection to Blitz Marcus sent him a message that the house was safe and then gave Blitz directions to where he currently was before falling unconscious.

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