Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 194 - 193 Mithril Rank Adventurer And Revenge Against The Lions (2)

As the male lion went flying from Marcus’ and Roxene’s tandem surprise attack, Marcus could only grimace since he had failed to deliver a lethal blow.

However, the male lion was still flung far away by Roxene’s darkness drill taking him out of the fight if only momentarily.

Turning towards the nearest of the remaining lionesses, Marcus summoned up his iron golem and sent it to engage her.

He knew his iron golem had pretty much a zero percent chance of winning, but he just needed it to hold one of the lionesses off while he and Roxene took on the remaining two.

The lioness getting their bearings after the sudden attack began charging towards Marcus who was the closest enemy, but before they could arrive Roxene had charged towards one of them, causing the two to have to split their attention.

’Embodiment of light.’

Activating his unique skill Marcus began shimmering with a bright light, and in a flash appeared in front of the lioness that would be his opponent.

With a precise and quick slash Marcus aimed for one of the lioness’ eyes which was one of the area not covered by its near impenetrable fur.

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Of course, the lioness was well aware of her own weaknesses and ducked her head to the side allowing Marcus’ scythe to skid across its fur.

The lioness then tried to swipe her claws across Marcus, but he quickly used a speed burst and jumped out of the way.

’Iron skin, arms of darkness, legs of light, lightning strider, and spirit blaze.’

Knowing he needed to end the fight quickly, Marcus cast a number of his enchantment spells and with even greater strength began his assault on the lioness.

Moving around at incredible speed the lioness could not keep up with Marcus in any regard as he bombarded her with attacks knocking her around like a rag doll.

Unfortunately, Marcus could still not pierce through the lioness’ golden fur, but every attack still had so much force behind it that the lioness was suffering heavy internal damage.

Soon Marcus heard a loud roar from the distance and could tell that the male lion was going to be arriving in just a few seconds.

’Time to finish this, combo spell, railgun.’

Now that he had heavily injured the lioness and was certain she did not have the agility to even attempt to evade his finishing blow, Marcus cast his iron sphere spell making it far smaller than normal and a moment later cast his extreme magnetism spell sending the iron sphere hurtling at the speed of sound towards the lioness.


With a loud resounding crack the railgun impacted directly into the lioness’ chest, and even though the attack still did not pierce her fur, the impact was so violent her chest caved in and she was sent flying with most of her organs ruptured.

As the female lioness went flying, the male finally returned to the battlefield looking incredibly angry.

Its gaze first went onto Roxene who was the one that had sent it flying earlier with a darkness drill and was currently grappling with one of the lioness.

However, as the male lion charged towards Roxene, Marcus shot in front of him and cast a laser spell while slashing with his scythe and amplifying the attack.

The powerful laser struck the golden lion and pushed it back with the immense amount of force behind it, as the male lion dug its claws into the ground to prevent itself from being flung away again.

Leaving a deep trench in the earth the male golden lion managed to stop itself after being blasted back over two hundred feet and began its charge once again.


With a loud resounding snap, Roxene who had finally managed to get the upper hand in the battle with one of the lionesses, biting tightly around her neck and shacking violently tell it broke.

The lioness then fell to the ground limp and the male lion let out a horribly pained roar as another of its pride was killed.

At about the same time though Marcus’ iron golem was finally torn apart as the final standing lioness ripped its head off.

’Well, the iron golem did its job well enough.’

’Hey Roxene, how are you doing, need a break or can you continue?’

’I can still keep going, I won’t be able to sleep well if I do not kill them all.’

Having a quick mental conversation, Marcus made sure that Roxene was still good to go, and after getting her conformation returned his attention to the male lion in front of him.

The male golden lion in a rage began charging towards Marcus who was getting in its way from killing the hateful wolf it had just watched kill one of its wives.

Slamming its paw down the tank sized lion tried to crush Marcus but found that he dodged easily as he appeared in front of it, and in a flash sent a devastating kick to the side of its head.

The lion then tried to open its mouth and impale Marcus between its teeth but found a fire ball heading straight for its open mouth.

Sensing the danger, the lion quickly closed its mouth preventing the fire ball from burning its insides, but it still blasted in front of its face blocking its senses.

The next thing the lion felt was a powerful blow to its abdomen, as Marcus had rushed under the lion and with a powerful slash struck with his scythe. And even though the attack did not piece the lion it was still sent flying into he air under the strength exerted by the attack.

The lion soon began falling again and it glared at Marcus trying to angle its body to crush him on impact.

However, the lion did not hit the ground as dozens of iron threads came out from Marcus and held it aloft in the air.

The lion feeling this, immediately began tearing apart the iron threads but was soon entangled by three rings of lightning that also restrained it.

The golden loin began thrashing about trying to destroy the two spells that were binding it and it was obvious that it would soon break free.

Nevertheless, this was still enough time for Marcus to move in for the kill, aiming for one of the lion’s weak spots.

Of course, the lion thought it was already protecting its weak points by closing its eyes and mouth, but there was one area it could not guard.

’I may have missed last time, but this time you can die.’

Marcus then cast his shining lance spell and jammed the nine-foot-long glimmering weapon up the golden lion’s ass.

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The golden lion the proud beast it was, could not control its reactions as the shining lance tore apart its insides and it let out a pitiful roar of pain and even began crying.

Unfortunately for the lion, Marcus had no intention of letting it go no matter how miserable it sounded, and launched a darkness drill up its ass to follow the shining lance.

The lion then had its internal organs shredded from the inside as the darkness drill made it all the way through its body until a burst of darkness blasted out of its mouth.

With the male lion now most certainly dead, Marcus dropped its body that was suspended in the air with his iron threads to the ground.

With a loud thud the corpse crashed into the ground shacking the area and distracting the lioness that fighting Roxene as she watched her mate and protector die.

This turned out to be a fatal mistake as it gave Roxene the opening she needed, as she slipped under the lioness and pointed her head up and howled.

Using her howl of night unique skill, it seemed as if all the light in the world disappeared as an area of over a hundred feet around Roxene was enveloped in an overpowering darkness.

A few moments later though the darkness receded and inside the only thing left alive was Roxene.

Every other plant and animal had died under the corroding properties of the extremely powerful darkness, and even the durable fur of the lioness was unable to defend against this attack.

Roxene looked at the now dead lioness with contempt before slumping over onto the ground and shrinking too exhausted to keep using her supreme skill.

Marcus quickly walked over to his companion and found that she was pretty beat up, with cuts and bites all over her.

Luckily it did not seem that her life was in any danger as her high-speed regeneration was already going to work, but Marcus still cast his strongest healing spell before putting her back inside his companion storage to rest.

Marcus then looked out at the battlefield that was full of craters and in some places was still smoking from the powerful attacks that had been unleashed.

That was when a bit of movement caught Marcus’ gaze as he saw the first lioness he had sneak attacked, crawling away with two lion cubs trying to help her move.

’Wow I am surprised she can still move at all after taking a fireball down the throat, but there is no way she is going to live without some high tier heal.’

Marcus then walked over to the only surviving lioness left, planning to finish her off.

However, as he approached the two cubs reared up and began growling at him in an attempt to scare him away, but after fight the fully grown adults two cubs were not going to scare Marcus.

The two of them seeing that Marcus was not backing off rushed towards him planning to defend their mother.

Alas, no matter how spirited the little cubs were Marcus simply picked one up with his spectral arm and kicked the other one away as it pounced.

He then walked over towards the barely alive lioness and held the cub in his spectral arm above her and said, "If you want the cubs to live do not make this difficult."

The lioness while not understanding Marcus’ words, got the message he was trying to convey and opened her mouth not providing any resistance.

With one swift motion Marcus jammed a shinning lance down the lioness’ throat piercing through her organs and soon the last bit of life left her eyes.

The lion cub being held aloft by his spectral arm began screeching in distress, but Marcus simply wrapped an iron thread around its mouth to keep it quiet.

With one cub now secured Marcus walked over to the other one he had kicked and picked its unconscious body up and restrained it with iron threads.

’Now then what am I going to do with the bodies of these lions.’

After giving it a lot of thought, Marcus emptied out the majority of the honeycomb he had stored away, leaving himself with only around one percent of what he had initially collected.

He then proceeded to store away the male lion’s body along with one of the lioness filling his item box back up to capacity.

After storing the bodies of the lions he could carry, Marcus made his way over to the tree that was situated in the middle of the glade and picked off all of the rip fruits on it.

In total he got seventeen ripe natural treasures from the tree and put them away in his magic bag which was also nearing capacity.

’Time to meet back up with Lilia, if I hurry, I should still be able to make it before the end of the day.’

Running through the forest, Marcus was making a beeline for the exit when he came out into a clearing and saw a familiar face.

In the clearing Jarek was doing battle with a massive ape with green fur.

Thought he ape looked like it was already on its last leg, and it was clear to Marcus that the battle would soon be over.

One more thrust and the ape fell its chest impaled on Jarek’s powerful adamantine spear.

Jarek then turned around having sensed another presence and was surprised to see that it was Marcus.

He began waving and said, "Glad to see you are still alive Irene, have decided to take me up on my offer to escort you back to safety."

However, his friendly demeanor soon changed as he saw the two golden lion cubs strung up across Marcus’ shoulder.

His eye quickly became intense as he began surveying his surrounding, looking for an incoming ambush as he ran up to Marcus.

"Are you an idiot, I do not know how you stole those cubs out from under their parents, but golden lions are no joke. Stand behind me and get ready, even if you think you have avoided their parents they will be coming shortly."

Jarek then moved into a defensive position seemingly to protect Marcus, but in the next moment Marcus simply dumped the male lion’s body out of his item box.

Jarek then went wide eyed realizing that Marcus had certainly killed an adult male golden lion which was one of the strongest beasts in the forest.

"How? At level thirty-five there is no way you could kill this beast."

Marcus simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well I did kill it, so it really does not matter. Now I have someone I need to meet up with so I will be taking my leave."

He then stored the body of the male golden lion back into his storage and began walking away leaving Jarek stunned and mouth agape.

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