Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 217 - 216 Beyond The Limits

With the presence of the blue demon no longer around, Marcus let out a sigh of relief since he was afraid that it was going to somehow bust out of the portal and start wreaking havoc.

’Now let me see if any of the elemental crystals and magic cores are still good.’

Floating over to the device that had been creating the portal the blue demon’s arm was coming out of, Marcus checked on the magic cores and elemental crystals that had been powering it, but unfortunately, they were pretty drained and already starting to crumble.

Seeing this Marcus was a bit disappointed but he had still received a large amount of resources from the blade armed demon’s hidden treasury so he could not complain.

With what he had come here for now complete Marcus decided to get rid of the device that had generated the portal to make sure it was never used again.

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Yet, even after trying to cut through it with his scythe, Marcus found that the device was solid, and he could not break it.

’I know I am still not anywhere close to full strength but still this thing is tough. In fact, I am not even sure what type of metal it is made out of.’

After trying for another minute, Marcus decide to give up for now, the device was not going anywhere, and all he could do was hope it would not become active again.

Having completed his objects and feeling absolutely worn out, Marcus made his way towards the exit heading back to the intelligent beasts’ domain.

Floating out of the demon’s stronghold Marcus caught sight of the carnage that had befallen the area outside, which was now dotted with craters and the corpses of numerous beasts and monsters.

It truly looked like the site of a war and Marcus could not help but feel a bit unnerved at the site of so many dead creatures.

’Get ahold of yourself Marcus.’

Taking just a minute to collect himself, Marcus got his emotions under control and began floating towards the entrance to the beasts’ domain.

There were still a number of intelligent beast around either helping the wounded or finishing up the few remaining skirmishes, but Marcus was spent and just wanted to get some rest.

Making his way back into the lush and idyllic area that the intelligent beasts called home, Marcus made a beeline for the place he had left Lilia.

However, as he got closer Marcus noticed that a fresh battle had happened here recently, and it appeared that the demon had a sperate force ready to attack in case the beasts came to it.

’Looks like we were right to be prepared.’

Luckily the battle had easily been won in the beasts favor, as they had left behind a few of their stronger fighters, but also Roxene had stayed behind as well.

Once he had finished checking around to make sure that all of the fighting was complete, Marcus went to where Lilia had been staying along with the younger of the intelligent beasts, but she was nowhere to be found.

Getting a bit frantic over his missing little sister, Marcus began searching around aimlessly before after a couple of minutes he began to think rationally again.

’Roxene, do you know where Lilia is, I cannot find her where she was waiting.’

A moment later Roxene responded saying, ’I think she is currently with that friend of yours Macy or something and her group. Also come and pick me up, much longer and I think that these beasts are getting ready to appoint me as their new leader.’

Chuckling a bit at the distress in Roxene’s voice, Marcus made his way over to her where she was currently surrounded by some of the intelligent beast that were giving her their praise.

Yet as soon as she saw Marcus, Roxene ran up towards him and jumped into his companion storage where she would be able to avoid the intelligent beasts that were trying to recruit her.

The beasts having lost their initial target moved over to Marcus and began offering him their appreciation for his help and even told him that he was free to stay should he wish.

"Thank you for the offer. I will think about it a bit but for now I want to go check up on my sister and then get some rest."

After excusing himself from the intelligent beasts that were grateful for his help, Marcus finally got back to Mrazivy’s encampment an found them all sitting around talking.

It appeared that all of them had made it out of the fight in one piece and if any of them had been injured they had already been healed.

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Seeing him approaching Mrazivy waved her hand towards Marcus and said, "Irene over here."

As soon as Mrazivy said that Lilia who had been facing away from him turned around and saw Marcus.

Getting up from her seat Lilia ran over and gave Marcus a hug and said, "I am glad that you made it back in one piece."

Hearing this Marcus grimaced a bit as he thought about how he had been in two pieces just a few hours ago but decided that there was no need to worry Lilia with something like that.

"Yep, everything is over now so how did you do being left here; I assume that you stayed safe."

Nodding her head Lilia told Marcus that not a single enemy got anywhere close to where she had been hiding.

"Good now that I know you are safe, I can rest easy, and speaking of resting Mraz would you mind if I used your tent."

"Yeah, go ahead I know that you fought the hardest out of all of us so go on ahead, and I will look after and get to know your sister while you sleep."

With Mrazivy’s consent Marcus made his way over to her tent though he did notice a bit of irritation on some of her party members faces probably because they thought Marcus was being overly familiar with the princess.

Nevertheless, Marcus did not really care even when he was not exhausted and right now, he did not even give it a second thought.

Once inside the tent Marcus collapsed onto one of the beds that were set up inside and was about to let unconsciousness overtake him when he suddenly heard another ding from the system.

’You have mail.’

Gulping Marcus knew what this meant, the only one that had ever sent him mail before was this world’s administrator.

Groaning and rolling over since his rest was being interrupted, Marcus opened his status and found the mail page, finding the new message that had been sent to him.

’Congratulations Marcus, you have made it to level forty. How does it feel to have reached the starting level you could have had, good right? Now then on to business, I see that you have already found a way to heal your soul so oops guess I could have released the limit on your possession ability early but oh well. So, without further ado you can use you possession ability unlimitedly from now on, just try not to get to overconfident or you may find yourself up a creak. Ah and about that unique skill of your that I had sealed, you are getting much closer to fully unlocking it than it thought you would be so as a consolation for having your possession skill limited for so long, I will unlock it for you. Now try not to destroy yourself with it, as I told you before it is a nasty power that could lead you to a bad end in more than one way. Well, this message has already gone a bit long so talk to you latter Marcus.


Your favorite Administrator.

P.S. Check your personal log.’

Once he had finished reading the message from the administrator, Marcus felt a headache coming on but a little part of him was happy to know that known of his powers were being sealed or limited anymore.

’But first things first what is in my log that the administrator wanted me to see.

Opening up his log Marcus noticed a number of messages, one being that his blessings were no longer limited and that the stat boosts they gave where now ten times what they had been before and the increase they gave him to his elemental affinities had increased.

Next there was one about the mythic spirt gem that was enriching his soul and apparently increasing his quality allowing his stats to grow even higher.

However, the finally message caused Marcus’ eyes to go wide when he read it since it was the accomplishment of an achievement that had gotten him to level thirty-nine.’

’Steal power from a being that is fifty or more levels higher than you.’

Marcus involuntarily began to shudder when he read this as he recalled how he absorbed the power that had been controlling the eight-armed troll.

’That blue demon is at least level eighty-eight.’

A sense of fear began to well up in Marcus as he realized he had now made an enemy out of a being that was the stronger than he could possibly imagine.

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