Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 225 - 224 Prove Yourself

After getting back to the Towering Bear and handing over Lilia’s new armor and weapons, Marcus watched as his little sister put them on and tested out some of the less destructive features.

"So, if you crash the two gauntlets together you can activate a fortification ability that will make you incredibly tough and add more weight behind your blows but be carefully it will also make you slightly slower."

Once Marcus had finished going through every one of the different enchantments on Lilia’s gauntlets and armor, she gave him another big hug and said, "Thank you."

Patting Lilia on the back Marcus said, "No problem, you were in need of some better equipment that could keep up with your increasing power. Though when you go back to school, I would ask that you not wear these since they may attract unwanted attention."

Lilia looked at Marcus a bit confused as she did not understand exactly why Marcus would tell her not to wear her new equipment at the school, but she still nodded her head understanding that Marcus must have his reasons.

"Now why do we not get some sleep and start the next day off at our best."

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"Okay Lilia, I will see you again tonight and we will go out to get something special to eat, before I head into the dungeon again tomorrow."

Heading off to his meeting with Jarek and his friend Treasa, Marcus met back up with Roxene who had been up to god knows what during the last five days.

"You did not get into to much trouble while I was gone right."

However, Roxene did not answer him and said, ’How about we get going you do not want to be late for your strategy meeting.’

Sighing Marcus let Roxene back into his companion storage before mounting Blitz and heading to the adventurers guild to meet up with Jarek and Treasa.

Entering inside the guild hall, Marcus went into the back where private rooms could be rented and found the one that Jarek and Treasa were waiting in.

Walking inside Marcus saw Jarek talking to a large tiger beast woman who looked like she could wrestle an elephant and easily win.

"Ah Irene you are right on time. Allow me to introduce you to my friend and colleague Treasa, we have been on a number of requests together and she is one of the strongest adventures in the city."

Treasa then stood up and walked over to Marcus and put out her hand.

Returning the gesture Marcus clasped hands with Treasa who quickly began to exert a tremendous amount of force almost as if wanting to crush Marcus’ hand.

Yet to her surprise Marcus held strong and returned the grip although not with quite as much force.

"Hm, I guess your strength is not too, bad. When Jarek told me he was bringing in a level thirty-seven mage to act as our support, I thought he was crazy but maybe you will do all right. But before we get to planning, I want to see your skills, prove that you are strong enough to have my back."

After saying that Treasa walked out of the room and beckoned Marcus to follow her, and Jarek just shrugged his shoulders.

’I guess this will let me see what her abilities look like as well.’

Following Treasa to one of the large practice rooms that were often used by high level adventures, Marcus stood on one end while Treasa stood on the other.

"Go ahead and make whatever preparations you want; I will wait for you to be ready."

’Seeing as she is being so gracious.’

"Arms of darkness, legs of light, lightning strider, spirit blaze, iron skin, radiance scales."

Casting a huge number of buff spells Marcus saw that Treasa looked genuinely surprised to see so many spells going off at once and that Marcus had the mana capacity and focus to use them all.

Marcus then took out the six floating lenses and had them hover around him, before pressing the button on his pendant and having it turn into a set of chain mail.

"Okay I am ready anytime you are."

Nodding her head obviously already having gained a level of respect for the skill Marcus had displayed, Treasa brought out an adamantine spiked chain ball.

Looking at the weapon Marcus was surprised to see something that might be used as a weapon in a video game or animated show but really should not have any practical use.

However, he did not feel that way for long as Treasa threw the spiked ball at him alerting his danger sense like crazy.

Seeing the spiked ball coming right for his face Marcus moved all three of his darkness magnifying lenses in front of him.

"Wall of Darkness."

Casting his tier two defensive darkness magic spell, Marcus watched as a far thicker wall than normal formed in front of him, its strength greatly amplified by the floating lenses.

Unfortunately, it was still only a tier two spell, and after stopping the spiked ball for a second it began to crack as the spiked ball broke through.

Yet it still had dispersed most of the attack’s momentum and when it impacted his radiance scales it only broke through a couple before coming to a complete stop.

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’My turn.’

"Darkness bullet."

Firing a darkness bullet through the already set up lenses Marcus watched as the spell transformed into more of a cannon shot than a bullet as its power was enhanced.

Seeing the attack coming her way Treasa still just stood there calmly and right before the darkness bullet hit her a shimmering green film surrounded her body.


The darkness bullet exploded with a decent amount of power but as it cleared Marcus could see that Treasa was perfectly fine, not even a scratch on her.

’Mana barrier huh.’

Recognizing the skill that his partner also had, Marcus was pretty impressed by Treasa’s control over the skill.

"Well, you are tougher than I thought you would be I will give you that. But now that the initial probing is over how about we get a little serious."

In a flash Treasa disappeared appearing in front of Marcus as she brought down her spike chain ball on top of him.

The spiked chain ball that was teaming with mana began smashing through Marcus’ radiance scales coming right for his head.

Yet right as it was about to hit him Marcus slipped away using his speed burst combined with all of his other enhancements to jump away.


Firing a heightened laser spell through all three of his light magnifying lenses Marcus aimed right for Treasa’s left shoulder planning to show her just how strong he was.

As the laser spell hit her, the green shimmer of her mana barrier went up again but this time it was unable to block the full power of Marcus’ attack.

The laser then struck against her fur, and Marcus watched as something unexpected happened.

Her fur seemed to block the laser and disperse it, and after the spell ended only a slight singe on her shoulder could be seen.

However, as surprised as Marcus was to see his laser spell do so little damage, Treasa and Jarek were surprised that Marcus even managed to cause any damage.

"Looks like you are stronger than I thought, so I will show you what I can really do."

Treasa then let out a low growl and her body began to change, but instead of getting bigger like Marcus thought she would, her body actually began to compress, and he muscles tightened up.

She also took on a more feral form looking more like a tiger as her fur seemed to grow thicker and claws began to sprout out of her feet and hands.

"Get ready cause here I come."

If not for his danger sense and Treasa’ forewarning, Marcus never would have been able to react to Treasa’s next move as she ran right up to him and began lashing her spiked chain ball around so quickly Marcus could not even see it.

’Embodiment of light.’

Realizing in less than a moment that he was going to be completely overpowered, Marcus activated one of his unique skills in order to increase all of his stats but namely his agility.

"Shield of light, wall of darkness."

Overlapping two of his defensive spells, Marcus tried to block Treasa’s ferocious attacks but found that they quickly broke apart his defenses, and as she sent her spiked chain ball right for his chest it began breaking through the remains of his radiance scales.

"Iron Wings of the Archangel."

Quickly casting his tier five iron magic spell, Marcus coved his body with his six iron wings and absorbed Treasa’s blow.

Yet even with his iron wings Marcus watched them bend and fold under the pressure of Treasa’s attack before it hit his crossed arms and sent him flying backwards.

Marcus then crashed into the training room’s wall, leaving a deep intent in it, but thanks to the force absorption ability on his armor he took virtually no damage.

’Damn she is strong, but still not as strong as the blade armed demon.’

After analyzing Treasa’s power, Marcus could tell that she was incredibly strong and without using his supreme skill he was unlikely to be able to win.

Dislodging himself from the wall Marcus deactivated his unique skill and let his spells fade away as he held up his hands and said, "I am done you win."

Nodding her head Treasa deactivated whatever ability was altering her body and she returned to her normal size.

She then approached Marcus and said, "Well, I think you are good enough to trust my back to.. Let us go beat a boss together."

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