Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 237 - 237 Back In Lethallan

Running through the forest area Marcus left any encounter they ran into to Lilia, who for the most part with her new peerless physique unique skill, one punched most enemies.

It was pretty astounding to watch such a small girl send beasts and monster that were twenty or more times bigger than her flying.

’Her new strength really is something.’

Watching Lilia Marcus could only feel pride and relief at his little sister’s growth.

At this point very few things would be a threat to her and Marcus would not have to worry as much about her future.

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Coming out of the woods, Marcus and his group of Lilia and their beast companions stood in front of the tunnel that would lead them outside the dungeon and back to the surface world and the city of Lethallan.

’Okay Roxene this is your stop. Go ahead and get back inside my companion storage.’

Walking up to Marcus, Roxene entered his companion storage knowing that being seen would not be good for her since she was a wanted criminal.

However, she still had no regrets for her actions since the food she had eaten was truly delicious.

With Roxene stored away Marcus and company walked down the tunnel and into the the large area where the military battalion was set up in case of a monster or beast outbreak.

Coming out into the area Marcus noticed that there were signs of a recent battle with the room having multiple new scars in the walls and ground.

Also, a number of wounded soldiers were receiving medical attention, and there were numerous pools of blood everywhere.

’Looks like it was a hard battle. Though it seems to be over now so we can go on our way without worry.’

Moving towards the exit Marcus cast one last look at the soldiers before leaving the area.

Coming out of the dungeon Marcus could immediately tell that the atmosphere was different in both the town and the air.

First there seemed to be far more people in the streets and things were incredibly lively with merchants and travelers abound.

’Looks like the height of spring has come.’

Feeling the air Marcus could tell that it was probably in the high forties or low fifties, meaning that spring had come to the Kingdom of Borealia.

That meant that the snow that covered the land throughout winter had melted and the trade routes would be easier to traverse not only because of the improved terrain but because a lot of the most dangerous beasts and monster would stay in hiding until winter came again.

This did mean however, that bandits would be more active but they were like cockroaches, no matter how many you got rid of, more would pop up.

’To think we have already been here nearly two months. All of us have made some really good progress, but with just about a week and a half before we need to leave, after a couple of days of rest it will be time for one last push.’

Having left the dungeon all of them made there way back towards the adventurers guild, so that Marcus could meet back up with Jarek and Treasa, and Lilia could turn in her requests.

Walking inside the guild hall Marcus could see that the place was extremely lively with more people than he had seen so far.

There were plenty of new faces probably seeking fortune in the dungeon.

Getting in line with Lilia, the two of them waited and when they got to the front Lilia handed in her requests and received a decent amount of gold for her hard work.

In fact, at this point Lilia was able to make more money than most people would ever have in their lifetime in just a few days.

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After that Marcus went up to see Jarek and Treasa who were apparently waiting for him in the guild master’s office.

Heading up with Lilia, Marcus entered Dahlia’s office and found that a small party was already going in full swing.

There were seven people in total four of which Marcus had never seen before, but at a glance he could tell that they were strong.

Noticing his entrance first. Treasa looked over and said, "Ah Irene you sure took your sweet time getting here, so we already started without you. Ah but come on in we have some people we want to introduce you to."

Walking into the room Treasa who smelled heavily of alcohol came over and put her arm around Marcus being much more familiar than she normally was, and dragged him over to the four people in the room he did not know.

"Neal, Maeve, Lia, and Kolten, this here is Irene the one we were telling you about who helped us defeat the boss monster and is incredibly strong for her level."

The four people who were obviously and adventuring party looked at Marcus in an appraising manner before the one named Neal reached out his hand and said, "Good to meet you, Irene. We are the Depth’s Delvers and I have to say I am jealous that you all got to a boss room before us this rotation."

Neal began shacking his head and the other members explained to Marcus that they had made a bet with Treasa and Jarek on who would be the first to beat a boss during the dungeon’s current configuration before resetting.

"Yeah, it had been really unlucky for us, this time. In the last configuration we actually cleared three boss rooms but this time we went dry." Lia said with a shrug.

After that Marcus got more acquainted with the members of the Depth’s Delvers and found out that they were actually the strongest party in the city with level ranging from fifty-two to fifty-eight.

"So, I guess you guys are Treasa’ and Jarek’s rivals here. But I have to ask how many mithril adventures are actually in this city." Marcus asked inquisitively.

"Hm there are two other parties each with five members and I think about six soloist that do not want to be affiliated with a party, so there are I believe nineteen of us here, if you include Dahlia who is semi-retired now as the guild master. Ah but I think some of the kids from Freedom’s Wings are getting close and could rank up soon."

Hearing that last part Treasa tensed and quietly whispered into Marcus’ ear that Freedom’s Wings was the party that Drazen was the leader of.

’Well, they will never make it to mithril since I wiped them out. But damn this city must have more fighting power than anywhere other than capital with so many high-level adventures.’

And Marcus’ thoughts were right on the money, most large cities would only have a couple of people level fifty or higher but with the dungeon here, most of the strongest adventures took up working in Lethallan even though it was kind of in the middle of nowhere.

As the party continued Marcus let Treasa talk to Lilia who was attracting a good amount of attention from the other adventures because of how accomplished she was at a young age.

However, at some point Dahlia came up to Marcus and said, "Would you mind if I talked to you alone about some guild business."

Seeing that Dahlia was looking at him seriously Marcus nodded and the two of them stepped out onto the office’s balcony where they could talk alone.

"The first thing I need to ask is if you still have that unique skill orb in your possession. As the guild master here, I would be willing to negotiate with the organization’s headquarters if you wished to exchange it for something else."

Hearing this peaked Marcus’ interest since there was one thing that actually interested him more than even a unique skill.

"Would it be possible for me to get an ingot of amethros in exchange for the unique skill orb." Marcus asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

Hearing this, surprise was written all over Dahlia’s face since most people did not know of amethros since it was beyond rare.

Thinking about it for a few moments Dahlia responded saying, "Maybe if the unique skill inside is powerful enough it might attract someone high up enough to have a spare ingot of amethros, though I would say that is unlikely. But I could still put the feelers out if that is what you want."

Shaking his head Marcus said, "Sorry to probe you like that but I actually do not have the unique skill orb anymore. I gave it to Lilia and she already used it. Though if I ever come across another one, I may come and take you up on that offer."

Sighing Dahlia gave Marcus a slightly aggrieved expression before moving on to her next order of business.

"Well, if you do not have the unique skill orb anymore then there is something else, I would like to discuss with you. Do you want to be promoted to a mithril rank adventurer?"

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