Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 244 - 244 Everyone’s Progress

After Marcus’ little theatric show at the viceroy’s party, the entire city went up in arms looking for the person calling themselves Cheshire that had crashed the party and presumably charmed Princess Mrazivy with magic.

Of course, that had all just been an act by Marcus, who now had a new wanted poster except now as the mysterious Cheshire, though it was probably only a matter of time before the two of them got connected.

Luckily, with his ability to change forms, Marcus simply went back to his identity as Irene and no one was the wiser, well other than the princess who already knew about his dual identities.

In fact, once things had calmed down a bit Mrazivy came by to see Marcus again and chewed him out for his little stunt saying that he could have gotten himself hurt or killed.

However, she was not too mad about it, since he had done it all in an effort to cheer her up.

After that, the days continued to role by as normal and Marcus and Lilia along with their beast companions headed back into the dungeon for one last spurt of training.

’Lightning bind.’

Using his tier three lightning magic spell Marcus restrained a large elephant like magic beast allowing for Lilia and her beast companions to attack it without having to worry of being trampled.

"Force Wave."

Using her tier four force magic spell, Lilia smashed her fist into the side of the twenty-five-foot-tall elephant and ripples began to blast across its body before it went flying from the force.

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Lilia’s beast companions Aurelia and Zareen then jumped in tearing out chucks of flesh with their claws and fangs.


The elephant let out a piercing sound of anger as it tried to swing its trunk around, but while being heavily injured and restrained, it had no way to hit the nimble golden lion cubs attacking it.

"Impact control and deadly rush."

Jumping in for the finishing attack, Lilia landed right on the elephant’s head and began pummeling it with a barrage of punches while using her recently aquired attack skill deadly rush.

It was a chilling sight to watch as the large elephant’s head began to cave in under Lilia’s attacks, and blood began to spill out of its eyes, mouth, trunk.

In one last desperate attempt to stay alive the magical beast used its affinity with earth to try and brining up an earth spike to knock Lilia off, but she simply moved out of the way and readied for a finishing attack.

"Mighty Blow."

With a dense amount of mana gathered into her first, Lilia struck down with the force of an incoming truck and the elephant’s skull caved in and its head splattered like a watermelon.

Walking up and clapping Marcus said, with a proud expression, "Good job Lilia you managed to beat a level thirty-nine beast with only minimal assistance from me."

Smiling Lilia jumped towards Marcus and gave him a big hug before saying, "I just level up, now I am level thirty-two."

Patting his little sister on the head, Marcus praised her for her hard work before turning his attention to the large elephant magical beast they had just defeated.

’This is going to take some time.’

Getting right to work Marcus began to take apart the elephant, grabbing its tusks, taking out its core, cutting off its hide, taking its bones, and cutting up its meat into smaller pieces.

It took Marcus nearly two hours to do this even with his skills and high stats, but it was worth it and gave everyone else time to rest.

Once everything was processed, Marcus put it away into his item box which was now twenty times bigger after he had upgraded the skill to a large item box.

He now did not have to worry as much about space management as he now had twenty thousand cubic feet of dimensional storage.

With that done Marcus looked at his sister and their beast companions and said, "Well I think that we have made good progress on our last expedition, but now it is time to head back."

After saying that Marcus transformed into the form of a caladrius and had everyone climb onto his back.

They were currently deep within the dungeon in the waterfall and lake area where Marcus had fought the boss monster, so there was no need to worry about being spotted by other adventures or soldiers.

Taking to the sky Marcus flew over the large lake that made up the majority of the area and allowed everyone to gaze upon the beautiful view of the area.

Making his way towards one end of the area, it looked like Marcus was about to crash into a wall when he passed through it, going into one of the tunnels that would take him to the intelligent beast’s domain.

During their stay in the dungeon, they had used this place as their base and with its copious amounts of natural treasures, kept Lilia, and her beast companion’s stats at their maximum.

Flying through the large tunnels, Marcus made his way back to the intelligent beast’s domain and quickly headed on over to the place where their leader was staying.

Then after they said there goodbye and collected a bunch of natural treasure, all of them made their way to the closest area to the exit that was connected to the beast’s domain.

Having made their way back to the beginning of the dungeon, Marcus looked back at the place he had spent the majority of the last two month in and felt a slight sense of saddens at leaving.

’I am going to miss this place, but someday maybe we can all come back and visit once more.’

Exiting the dungeon, Marcus and company got back onto the streets of Lethallan and headed towards the city’s adventurer’s guild for the last time.

Going inside they quickly turned in the requests that Lilia had taken, before going up to see Dahlia and Jarek to say goodbye.

Unfortunately, Treasa was busy in the dungeon so they would have to go without seeing her off, and Mrazivy and her party had already departed for the capital since she had to attend the kingdom’s annual meeting this year.

Once they had finished saying their goodbyes, and having a small farewell party, Marcus and Lilia headed back to the Towering Bear Inn to get some rest before leaving the next morning.

"Good night Lilia, tomorrow we are going to leave bright and early so make sure to get some good rest since I have a surprise planned for tomorrow."

Nodding her head Lilia slipped into bed, though Marcus probably should not have told her about the surprise he had planned for tomorrow, since the anticipation got Lilia worked up and she only slept a few hours.

Nevertheless, they both got up on time and went down to the dining area of the Towering Bear and ate one last meal there.

It was a delicious porridge with a few slices of thick bacon from some type of animal along with two sunny side up eggs.

After that they went up to the front desk to check out and return their keys.

Ring Ring!

Ringing the bell to get the attention of the owner, Marcus patiently waited for around a minute before the large man who owned the place came out with a sleepy look on his face.

"Hhhhhh. What can I do for the two of you this early in the morning?" The owner said after letting out a big yawn

Marcus then pulled out the keys and handed them over before saying, "Thank you for the comfortable stay, your inn has been quite nice, but it is time for us to check out."

The sleepy owner after hearing this quickly shot awake, pulled out some records, and skimmed through them before saying, "I’ll be damned, it really is the last day you had paid for. I honestly had forgotten exactly when you two were leaving. Well, it has been a pleasure to have such good guests, though you only actually stayed here a few days. If you are ever back in the city, feel free to come stay here again."

With their keys returned and having said their goodbyes to the inn’s owner, Marcus and Lilia left the building for the final time before heading to the back to pick up their beast companions and carriage.

"Okay Blitz I know it has been a while since you last pulled the carriage but try to not go wild."

Shacking the reigns Marcus signaled Blitz to go and their group began heading towards the city gates.

When they arrived, Marcus had Lilia get an updated ID since he wanted to see exactly how much she had grown.

However, when the guard who was doing the update saw Lilia’s status he fell flat onto his ass and began mumbling, "That’s impossible."

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Leaning over and looking at her status that was still pulled up Marcus could understand the poor guard’s astonishment.

Name: Lilia Geist

Age: 11

Race: Human

Level: 32

HP: 5650/5650

MP: 2930/2930

STR: 708

AGL: 786

VIT: 565

INT: 293

SPR: 408

Skills: Sewing, Lvl 2, Cleaning Lvl 2, Wood Working Lvl 2, Horticulture Lvl 1, Force Magic Lvl 4, Gauntlet Fighter, Superior Lvl 5, Pain Resistance Lvl 4, Piercing Resistance Lvl 4, Magic Circulation Lvl 4, Fighting Lvl 4, Etiquette Lvl 2, Dancing Lvl 2, Arithmetic Lvl 1, Speed Burst Lvl 4, Physical Resistance Lvl 3, Disassembly Lvl 2, Steel Body Lvl 4, Danger Sense Lvl 3, Movement Awareness Lvl 2, Adrenaline Rush Lvl 4, Mana Body Lvl 4, Mighty Blow Lvl 4, Deadly Rush Lvl 3, Chant Shortening Lvl 2, Mana Regeneration Lvl 1

Lilia looked mostly like any other young girl, but when the guard saw some of the highest stats he had ever seen, it had sent him into a state of shock.

Of course, her list of powerful skills did not help the poor man either, and it was probably a good thing that he could not see that Lilia had a unique skill or he might have passed out.

Once they managed to get the guard to calm down, he finished up making Lilia’s new ID, though the entire time he looked at the two of them while sweating nervously.

With Lilia’s new ID in hand, the two of them got back onto their carriage sitting side by side in the coachman’s stand and exited the city.

’We really all made some good progress while here. Every single one of us is far stronger and my goal of getting Lilia to the point where she can take care of herself has been achieved. Now how about a look at how Roxene’s as improved.’

Name: Roxene

Age: 0

Race: Divine Wolf of the Sun and Moon

Level: 13

HP: 5750/5750

MP: 5390/5390

STR: 680

AGL: 772

VIT: 575

INT: 539

SPR: 626

Supreme Skills: Greatest Potential, Paragon of the Divine Wolf

Unique Skills: Howl of Day, Howl of Night, False Status, Soul Burst

Skills: Small Item Box, Telepathy Lvl 5, Mana Circulation Lvl 5, Feral Combat, Superior Lvl 5, Danger Sense Lvl 3, Speed Burst Lvl 4, Mana Regeneration Lvl 3, Powerful Bite Lvl 4, Mana Body Lvl 4, High Speed Regeneration Lvl 3, Mana Barrier Lvl 4, Light Magic Lvl 5, Dark Magic Lvl 5, Physical Resistance Lvl 3, Beastly Power Lvl 4, Evasion Lvl 2, Unnatural Fortitude Lvl 3

Divine Blessing of the Moon, Divine Blessing of the Sun

Race Abilities: Darkness Form, Shine Form, Bite, Claw Strike, Scent, Intimidating Presence, Immortal

’Her leveling has been slow due to her extraordinary quality, but she has made good progress going up eleven levels.’

After examine Roxene’s status Marcus finally got to his own looking at his current status while remembering how it was before he had arrived.

Name: Marcus Ferrous/Irene Geist

Age: 31/20

Race: Unbound Ghost (Great Spirit of Light and Darkness)

Title: Baronetess

Level: 42

HP: 19470/19470

MP: 9890/9890

STR: 923 (+9)

AGL: 884 (+53)

VIT: 790 (+8)

INT: 979 (+10)

SPR: 1138 (+11)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 7

Supreme Skills: Embodiment of Eclipse, Greatest Potential

Unique Skills: Personal Status, Soul Devour, Master of Soul and Body, Soul Burst, Embodiment of Light, Embodiment of Darkness, False Status

Skills: Large Item Box, High Speed Regeneration Lvl 3, Digging Lvl 3, Fighting Lvl 5, Magic Circulation Lvl 6, Iron Magic Lvl 6, Disassembly Lvl 5, Stealth Lvl 4, Lightning Magic Lvl 5, Creature Appraisal Lvl 5, Fire Magic Lvl 5, Danger Sense Lvl 5, Darkvision Lvl 3, Scythemanship, Superior Lvl 6, Healing Magic Lvl 4, Mana Regeneration Lvl 5, Speed Burst Lvl 5, Mana Body Lvl 5, Powerful Slash Lvl 5, Physical Resistance Lvl 4, Heighten Spells Lvl 5, Forge Lvl 5, Trap Sensing Lvl 3, Dark Magic Lvl 5, Light Magic Lvl 5, Driving Lvl 3, Cooking Lvl 4, Cleaning Lvl 1, Soul Regeneration Lvl 3, Life Sense Lvl 3, Dancing Lvl 3, Mana Barrier Lvl 4

Blessing of Iron, Exalted Blessing of Light, Exalted Blessing of Darkness

Race Abilities: Invisible, Ethereal, Chill Zone, Float, Possession, Undying

Specter Powers: Ghost Sounds, Spectral Arm, Phantom Pressure, Life Drain, Tendrils of Shadows, Spirit Healing

’I managed to gain six levels, but the increased power of my skills has certainly been the real achievement.. Now all I need to do is win the kingdom’s tournament and reap the rewards.’

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