Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 257 - 257 Abducting Lilia!?

(This chapter is not from Marcus’ POV)

Just before Marcus started his meeting and subsequent slaughter of the of the Permafrost members, a handsome man in his late thirties was walking towards the dormitories of the first-year students of the royal academy.

This man was going by the name was Avery Tucker, a son low on the totem pole for a small noble family in the country, but with a great drive and talent.

And through his hard work he had become one of the academies most popular and accomplished professors.

At level thirty-six he was one of the strongest professors in the academy and his charisma made him popular with the students and other staff.

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However, under his perfect teacher faced was a cold ruthless man who completed some of the vilest jobs that Permafrost needed done.

He had been placed in the royal academy three years ago, and during his time he had blackmailed other staff, kidnapped the children off problematic nobles, and when necessary, killed people under the orders of Permafrost.

He was a man that worked only for the goals of his organization and could be said to be one of their perfect tools.

Then a couple of days ago he had received a priority order from one of permafrost’s leaders to kidnap the sister of a noble they were currently "negotiating" with.

It was all pretty standard for Avery, just another mission. He first collected the student’s information, learning her name, room location, schedule, and the status on file with the school.

’It says she is level fifteen at only elven. Though apparently her sister recently took her out of school for the last two months for a training expedition. She is a bit stronger than the other brats her age so I should be a bit more cautious.’

Always a careful man, Avery did not plan to leave anything to chance. He of course knew he was stronger than a little girl of age eleven, but he was one of the best because he always planned carefully and was always successful.

Unfortunately, he did not have much time since he had been ordered to finish the mission just after sunset the very next day, but he made sure to observe Lilia as much as he could, and he was actually quite astounded.

The way she fought in combat practice was leagues above any other student in the academy, even those just a step away from graduating and Avery could tell she was holding back.

He was not sure if even he could beat her in a one-on-one fight, and he wondered how she had gotten so strong in only two months.

However, even as strong as she was, Avery had a number of tricks up his sleave to deal with people like her, and he rarely got into direct fights anyways.

Thus, he had accessed his hidden stores on the campus and pulled out a number of vials of different paralytic poisons, and one very powerful sleeping agent.

With his plan set and his supplies gathered, Avery got to work. First slipping into the kitchen and bribing the usual server he worked with to put the sleeping agent into Lilia’s food.

Of course, he had actually been in disguise as another one of the school’s professors when doing this so nothing could be traced back to him.

After that he waited for Lilia to finish her meal and head back to the dorm, but unfortunately, she did not go alone but a group of friends went with her.

Sighing Avery discreetly followed them and watched as the girl who was his target started yelling at a young half elf boy who had a guilty look on his face.

Avery then had to watch forty minutes of preteen drama he did not care to see until the group of friends his target was with, seemed to make up and go to get ice creams at the shop on campus.

Watching this Avery wondered how Lilia could not be getting sleepy at this point.

Certainly, the dosage he had given was not too high so as to not have her crash face first into her plate, but it still should have made her unbearably tired by this point.

He wondered if the server he had bribed had not put the drug into her food, or maybe the incompetent fool had put it in someone else’s dinner.

However, Avery was a professional and he still had back up plans, all he needed to do was wait for the right moment.

Luckily his chance came an hour later, when his target finally returned to her dorm room alone.

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It was now a little past the deadline he had been given, so he sped up his approach a bit and hiding in a hallway next to Lilia’s dorm, rolled a small pebble on a wire into her room.

But this was no ordinary pebble, and it was in fact a magical device that allowed him to peer through it.

Looking into Lilia’s room he was surprised to see that she was still awake and had not already passed out, but time was already running out.

So, taking out a large vial and handling it carefully, Avery placed it under Lilia’s door and pulled the cork out by string it was attached to.

The liquid in the vial now being exposed to air began to turn into a colorless and odorless gas that would fill up the room and paralyze Lilia.

Of course, Avery felt a bit bad to have to use such a precious poison, because it was quite hard to come by since it had to be harvested from a powerful and deadly monster that likes to eat its prey alive after paralyzing them.

Sliding a mask over his face, Avery was going to take no chance that he might breathe in some of the paralytic gas, and closely watched the other side of the door for Lilia to stop moving.

However, as the gas filled the room Lilia’s danger sense started going off like crazy and she began looking around for the source of the sudden danger, but finding nothing began the chant for a spell.

"Kinetic Search."

Casting the tier three spell Lilia slammed her foot into the floor and a signal was sent out similar to sonar or echolocation, but instead of sending sound waves it sent out pure force.

Getting a read of her surroundings Lilia now knew that there was a man on the other side of her door and that he had slipped multiple items under her door, one of which was an open vial emitting some type of gas.

However, as Lilia was about to charge the door, she felt her body starting to seize up as the paralytic poison began to take effect.

Seeing the poison finally start to take effect Avery let out an internal sigh of relief.

He had been surprised by his target’s reaction time, noticing the poison as soon as it began to enter the room, and having enough time to get off a quick spell.

But now that the poison had entered her system, she would soon collapse unable to move, and she would be at Avery’s mercy.

Yet as she staggered a bit, her body began to sweat expelling the poison and her breathing became shallower as her body adjusted to not take in as much of the paralytic gas.

Avery’s eyes went wide seeing this but how could he know that Lilia’s unique skill peerless physique made her highly resistant to poisons.

"Control Impact."

Slamming into the door Lilia used her tier one spell to smash it off of its hinges, and Avery who had been behind it just a moment ago had just managed to dodge out of the way jumping back ten feet down the hall.

Staring at the man that had just tried to poison her, Lilia wondered who he might be and why he was targeting her.

"Force Cannon."

Firing off her tier two spell, Lilia watched as the man twisted his body around in the narrow hallway just avoiding her spell, which continued flying before blasting a hole in the wall at the end of the hall.

At the same time Avery had tossed three knifes coated in venom at Lilia, but right as the were about to hit her, a suit of mithril scale mail formed around her.

Clicking his tongue, Avery had no idea how things had gone so awry. This kid seemed to be resistant to the paralytic poison as well as strong enough to give him major trouble. And not only that, now they had made a scene and it would only be a few moments before others came to investigate.

Nevertheless, Avery had never failed a job and he was not about to start now. It did not matter if he could never come back here after being discovered. or if he had to kill dozens of people in his escape. All that mattered was completing the job, so that was what he was going to do.

Taking out his favored weapon a mithril dagger that had a slot in the handle to store venoms, Avery charged Lilia going all in to capture her.

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