Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 262 - 262 Permafrost’s Downfall (4)

Standing in the middle of a courtyard outside the building where Permafrost held its important hostages or other prisoners, Marcus and his two maids Grace and Jenna were surrounded.

However, Marcus felt completely calm since he already knew that he outmatched everyone here.

The only one that was even the slightest threat to him was the overseer of the prison and one of Permafrost’s top enforcers whose name was Firmin.

Yet even though he was level fifty-two, ten levels higher than Marcus, from the memories he had obtained from Obadiah’s soul Marcus knew roughly how strong Firmin was.

"Oh, you think that you are going to kill all of us. That has to be the worst bluff I have every heard. Did you think that none of us would be able to see that your level is thirty-five? Unfortunately for you, while that may be impressive among the rabble it will not help you here." Firmin said like a second-rate villain that was already sure of his win.

’Roxene I am going to go on the attack, would you mind protecting Grace and Jenna for me.’

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’Yeah, but after this is wrapped up, I expect you to make me a new dish with the best cuts of meat you have.’

As Firmin raised his hand and signaled his men to attack again, Roxene jumped out of Marcus’ companion storage and cast her own radiance scales spell to protect Marcus’ maids.

Spells and projectiles then came flying towards all of them but with Marcus and Roxene’s spells protecting them, not a single one came close to hitting them.

"Grace, Jenna, stay next to Roxene no matter what. I am going to go take care of these guys while she keeps you safe."

After saying that Marcus jumped forward leaving the three of them alone so that he could go and deal with the dozens of people blocking their way.

Of course, both Grace and Jenna thought that what Marcus was doing was suicide, how could he possibly win against so many people especially when their leader seemed incredibly strong.

But what they saw next changed their minds as they saw Marcus become enshrouded with an oppressive darkness that seemed to absorb all of the light in the area.

’Embodiment of Eclipse, Dark Form.’

Activating his supreme skill Marcus began teeming with a powerful darkness that covered his body while a halo of light behind him enhanced the depths of the darkness surrounding him.

Seeing this sudden display of power along with the fact that none of their attacks had worked yet, many of the members of Permafrost began to waver looking towards their leader who similarly seemed invincible to them.

"What are you doing, do not stop attacking, eventually we will wear them down, there is nothing to worry about as long as I am here."

However, contrary to his bravado Firmin was starting to get an eerie feeling from Marcus and the aura he was emitting made him wonder if he could win.

"Now all of you die. Ravenous Abyss."

Casting his tier five darkness magic spell augmented by his embodiment of eclipse and heightened spell skill, a massive sphere of darkness began to form above Marcus.

The sphere soon reached a diameter of sixty-six feet and every spell and projectile that hit it seemed to be sucked into oblivion.

With such a powerful spell having been conjured, Firmin knew he could no long stay put on the sidelines and let things unfold.

Taking out two top tier mithril spears, he leaped towards Marcus activating a number of skills to increase his speed and power aiming to finish this in one blow.

"Ah I see we have a volunteer." Marcus said with a devilish grin as Firmin approached.

Truth be told this was his first time casting this spell and while he had a general understanding of what it could do, this would be the first time he would see what it was actually capable of.

As Firmin was just a few steps away from Marcus the massive sphere of darkness above him started to move and dozens of jet-black hands shot out from it all going towards Firmin.

Wielding his two spears Firmin began swinging them around himself in order to fight off the hands coming for him as he got closer to Marcus.

However, as he got within the range of his spears and brough one back to pierce through Marcus’ chest, one of the hands got ahold of his arm and yanked him upwards towards the darkness sphere.


Letting out a scream of pain Firmin could feel that the area where the hand had grasped him was corroding away, and with a quick thrust pieced through the hand allowing him to escape.

However, as he was falling the other hands began making their way towards him with no escape.

In a desperate attempt to escape Marcus’ spell, Firmin pulled out two talismans that created a powerful barrier around him that blocked all of the hands that were trying to grab him.


With his barrier protecting him, Firmin finally had the room to unleash a full power attack and with both of his spears, thrust forward sending out two blasts of mana from them.

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Yet instead of his two thrusts piercing through Marcus like he expected, Firmin watched as Marcus took out a scythe and with one swing sent and equally powerful slash of mana and darkness towards his attack.

As the two powerful blasts impacted each other they caused a large explosion that shook the area and left a huge crater where they met.

With one of his strongest attacks blocked, Firmin could tell that he was not going to be able to win.

He now believed that the enemy in front of him was concealing their level somehow since there was no way a level thirty-five was this strong.

So, concluding that his only option was to retreat Firmin turned to run not willing to lose his life in this fight.

But as he turned to leave the massive sphere of darkness that had been floating in the air had descended and was now right in front of him.

Clicking his tongue Firmin prepared to use his strongest skill to break through the spell blocking his way when the sphere split apart revealing what looked to be a large mouth.

The sphere then swallowed Firmin whole including the barrier around him.

Being now completely surrounded in darkness Firmin could see nothing, but he could hear what sounded like and ever-present grating against the powerful barrier he had deployed.

In fact, his barrier was the only thing keeping him alive now that he had been eaten by Marcus’ ravenous abyss spell.

However, cracks soon began to form on his barrier, and he could now see needle like teeth breaking in.

"This is not going to be enough to beat me."

Screaming out into the abyss that had swallowed him, Firmin used all of the power he had and shot up cladding himself in mana and using every skill at his disposable.

Blasting through the darkness like a missile, Firmin somehow managed to escape piecing through Marcus’ spell.

Marcus was actually pretty impressed to see this since he honestly did not expect Firmin to pop back up and he had actually destroyed Marcus’ tier five spell.

Nevertheless, Firmin had paid a price to do so, and he was now exhausted and had a number of blackened patches of skin where the darkness magic was corroding away at him.

"Kill her, Kill her now."

Shouting out and order Firmin wanted his men to target down Marcus, since after facing off against him head on he now knew just how dangerous this intruder was.

Having received orders from their leader, the members of Permafrost turned all of their attacks towards Marcus and many of the warriors that had been staying back charged.

However, even though his first attack had failed, he was still in peak condition and all he needed to do was try again.

"Ravenous abyss."

Casting his tier five darkness magic spell again, everyone who was charging him stopped in their tracks as they watched this personification of horror appear again.

"Kill them all."

This spell was actually like Marcus’ iron golem and created an autonomous entity with its own stats and levels.

However, unlike the iron golem this creature known as a ravenous abyss had a bit of its own ego and loved to eat things as they felt fear in their hearts.

The ravenous abyss then opened its mouth up into a smile as numerus jet-black hands began to flow out of its body and extend towards all of the people around.

The hands began to grab the members of Permafrost and as they screamed in pain and terror while being dragged towards the ravenous abyss’ mouth.

It was a truly terrifying scene to watch as the monster Marcus had created began to eat everyone in sight.

Even Firmin soon fell victim to the second ravenous abyss, and having already exhausted himself he eventually succumbed to the numerous hands that grabbed ahold of him and dragged him towards his doom.

As their leader was eaten by the entity Marcus had conjured, every surviving member of Permafrost began to run away, feeling the dread being emanated from the monster that consumed everyone in its path.

Unfortunately, the ravenous abyss had already received its order and it was not going to let a single of the morsels in front of it go.

Darkness hands extending from its body, the ravenous abyss grabbed ever member of permafrost and plopped them into its mouth.

None of them were able to resist and in only a minute the only ones left alive were, Marcus, Roxene, and his maids.

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