Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 273 - 273 Overwhelming

As the other four competitors surrounded Marcus, he could see a look of determination on all of their faces.

Certainly, they had all fought hard to get to this point and were not going to go down without a fight.

Though Marcus was not sure how Yrsa had gotten them all to agree to a truce to fight him first, but it had definitely worked.

Of course, Yrsa had gone around to each of the other competitors and told them that she used to be in a party with Marcus and that he had a unique skill.

And with the help of the guy named Clay who was level forty-one and had an appraisal skill, told everyone that Marcus was level forty-two. Yrsa was then able to convince everyone else that if any of them wanted to win they would have to take Marcus out first.

’I guess I cannot fault her or any of the others for their strategy. Individually I am definitely stronger than them. Unfortunately, I am probably still stronger than them all combined.’

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Naturally, this was not Marcus being conceited but simply a cold hard fact.

He was a higher level than any of them, not to mention his absurdly high stats and slew of rare and high-level skills.

"Oh, this is a first today."

"Yeah, looks like everyone else has identified that young woman as the strongest and decided to gang up on her."

"I wonder if she will be able to get out of this or if it is the end for her."

"Hm this my first time seeing her in any of the matches, do you think maybe she is a seed."

"Yeah, I think you might be right, so do you think she is really strong or just has some high up connections?"

"She has got to be strong right I mean otherwise why would all those other fighters’ gang up on her."

These were some of the conversations going on through the crowd as they watched the other four competitors slowly tighten their encirclement around Marcus.

No one wanted to make the first move since they were certain that Marcus would take them out and were hoping to either all get close enough to attack all at once, or for him to choose who he wanted to attack first.

’I should just go ahead and wrap this up quickly.’

"Iron Golem."

Casting his tier four iron magic spell Marcus quickly summoned up his iron golem which now stood twenty-eight feet tall and was level forty-seven.

All of the other competitors quickly jumped back seeing this, not having expected Marcus to use such a powerful magic with only the shortest possible chant.

Unfortunately, Yrsa believed that Marcus had to chant to cast spells since he had kept up that fa?ade while he was with them, but now that he had the false status unique skill, he was able to make it seem like he was just using the chant shortening skill.

"Knock them all out of the ring."

With its orders received the iron golem went into action and began charging towards the four opponents that had tried to surround Marcus.

The first unfortunate soul that had to deal with his iron golem was the man named Landen who was level thirty-two.

He tried is best to counterattack, striking his mithril mace against Marcus’ iron golem, but it bounced of barely putting in a dent before the iron golem slapped him into the air.

Landen went flying over a hundred feet through the air before he collided into the barrier that was set up to protect the audience and slid to the ground.

It was a brutal ring out and Landen was now vomiting blood and two of his limbs were bent at unnatural angles.

However, as Marcus’ iron golem eliminated Landen the other three ran straight for him planning to take him out while his iron golem was out of the way.

Except the slowest of them soon found that the iron golem was not done and had caught up smashing its foot in their way.


Letting out a battle cry the poor soul who was next on Marcus’ iron golem’s list was Sir Layton Whitlock, who was the nephew of a viscount and had entered the tournament to garner glory for his family.

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But after narrowly dodging the iron golem’s first attack Sir Layton Whitlock tried to counter stabbing his sword with all his might.


A loud sound of metal hitting metal rang out through the stadium, and everyone could see that Layton’s sword had failed to cause any damaged to Marcus’ iron golem.

The iron golem then reached down and grabbed the stunned man and threw him out of the stage.

Having dealt with two of his opponents Marcus only had two more, but they had managed to slip by his iron golem and were now within striking range.

Yrsa brought down he great sword while Clay swept his glaive towards Marcus side.

For the first time the two were fighting together it was a well timed attack that would cause most people plenty of trouble.

But Marcus simply jumped to the left avoiding Yrsa’ strike, before casting his iron skin spell and with his iron clad hand smacking away Clay’s glaive.

Marcus then immediately jumped back as his iron golem sent a heavy kick right for Clay, who at the last moment brought forth his glaive and deployed a mana barrier.

Clay feeling the intense force of the iron golem’s kick barely managed to stay upright as he slid across the ring.

Stabbing his glaive down into the ring Clay did everything he could to stop his momentum and just a few feet before the edge came to a halt.

Nevertheless, Marcus’ iron golem was already running after him intend on finishing the job, leaving Marcus and Yrsa facing each other down.

"Sorry Yrsa, I know you wanted to win, but I have my own reason and cannot lose."

After saying that Marcus turned into a blur before appearing right in front of Yrsa and slamming his open palm into her stomach.

He had moved far faster than she could react to and as Marcus hit her, she let out a pain gasp as the air was knocked out of her and she went flying across the ring.

She continued to fly through the air until just a dozen or so feet from the edge of the ring where she landed on the ground and skidded the rest of the way out of the ring.

With another opponent down, Marcus turned his gaze towards the fierce battle of Clay and his iron golem.

Clay for his part was putting up a good fight having landed some blows on Marcus’ iron golem which now had deep scars on both of its legs and torso.

However, Clay himself was pretty beaten up with blood flowing down from multiple wounds he had incurred after being hit a couple times by the iron golem’s devasting blows.

Yet by some miracle Clay managed to outmaneuver Marcus’ iron golem and spinning his glaive dealt a devastating attack, drilling a hole through its torso and causing the conjured creature to lose stability and fall apart.

Marcus was quite impressed by this since his iron golem was six levels higher than Clay and he figured it was certain to win.

Still even though Clay had pulled it off and taken out Marcus’ iron golem he was nearly spent.

He had used most of his mana, and had some pretty bad injuries, which he had no way to fix.

If it had been anywhere else, he would have taken out a potion, but limited use items were not allowed in the tournament, so his injuries were not going anywhere until the battle was over.

"I commend you for defeating my iron golem, but you are at the end of your rope. In your current condition you have no chance of beating me so would you please surrender." Marcus asked not wanting to cause Clay any more harm.

He had already shown how strong he was, and Clay was no longer in any shape to fight, so he was hoping to end this fight amicably.

Though even though he suggested it Marcus was surprised when Clay nodded his head and said, "I give up, you have me beat."

Marcus was actually a bit surprised to see this since he figured Clay was the type of person to fight to the bitter end, but it seemed he had a reasonable head on his shoulders.

"It appears we have a winner. Lady Irene Geist will be advancing to the main tournament." The referee announced to the audience after Clay had surrendered.

The crowd then applauded though somewhat halfheartedly. The battle had been short and completely one sided.

Still some people were impressed by Marcus dominating display of power and he had certainly attracted a few people that could now be considered his fans.

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