Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 28 - 27 Upgrades

While walking away from Wade after receiving his reward, Marcus heard a familiar ding in his head.

’You have leveled up to level 10.’

’Wait what, I just leveled up, I guess that was quite the ordeal and worthy of getting me a level up. So, I have finally made it to level ten, though after watching that fight, level ten does not really feel like that much of a milestone.’

Marcus checked his log and found the notification of the achievement he had just completed.

Successfully plant evidence against a much more powerful entity to get them arrested without letting them taste any honey and receive substantial rewards.

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’After completing my first achievement I thought it was a bit of a weird message, but this one clenches it, there is no way these are automated, and that administrator is still messing with me. I really must be some form of entertainment for them. Whatever now that I have some more stat and skill points, I should go and pick out a weapon to use since in close combat I am at a disadvantage without one.’

Marcus then proceeded towards the weapon shop he had made note of during his first day. Once he arrived, he headed in and started looking around at there weapons. They had plenty of swords, spears, axes, and bows, but Marcus had already tried all of these weapons before and none of them felt quite right.

’I really cannot pin it down, but I absolutely need a weapon, I guess I should just go with the spear it felt pretty good even if it was not perfect.’

While getting ready to give in to the spear Marcus noticed a lone weapon that was suspended on the back wall. He could immediately tell that this was the weapon he had been looking for.

’A scythe how could I have not thought of that earlier, I am a ghost so of course my weapon would have to be a scythe. Augh a part of my wants to pick another weapon just to spite the system administrator but I know I will regret not having my best weapon.’

Marcus then walked over towards the scythe and took it off the wall, once in his hands he could feel how comfortable it was. He gave it a few swings and instantly knew he was not being delusional this was the weapon he was meant to have.

’It feels pretty good, even with my amateur eyes I can tell how well made it is with its darkwood handle and I think the blade is made of steel. It is not ornate in any way, but it feels solid, I hope I have enough money to buy it. I did liberate a dozen gold from Poulsen’s safe, so I probably have enough.’

Marcus then headed towards the front counter to purchase the scythe eliciting a surprised expression from the owner when he saw the weapon Marcus was carrying.

"Ah you found one of the best pieces of work in here, while not many people use such a weapon this one is exceptionally well made so it will cost you sixteen gold coins."

"Sixteen gold, it is just a steel scythe, you have steel swords going for as low as two gold why is this scythe so expensive."

"This is not just any old scythe; its handle is made from the wood of a Nightmare Treant, and the blade is not just a simple steel but is a bronze steel alloy that conducts mana better. Other than the few enchanted weapons I have this is the best piece in my shop."

’Great just when I find a good weapon, I do not have enough money to buy it. It also does not appear that many people use scythes so even if I check other shops, I may not find another one. I guess it is time for a bit of good old-fashioned negotiating.’

"I admit it is a good scythe, but this thing was sitting on the back wall and had dust on it, you have probably had it for years, and I am the first person to be seriously interested in it. However, I only have twelve gold, you can either take it or this scythe can sit around for another few years before another person like me eventually comes in."

After heavily considering it for a while the weapon store owner decided to sell the scythe to Marcus for twelve gold.

"Fine you can have it, I bought it for eleven gold eight years ago and no one else has wanted it. Just do not think I am a pushover because the next time you buy a weapon from me, I will not be giving any discounts."

Marcus handed the man twelve gold and stored the scythe in his item box making the owner jump with a start and stare at Marcus like he was some type of exotic animal.

’Woops I forgot that item boxes are pretty rare and that I should not casually show it off. Oh well I got my new weapon even if it cost me most of my money. I should be able to afford some cheap supplies with what I have left and with my iron skin spell I did not really need armor anyway.’

Leaving the shop Marcus headed back to the Invulnerable Tortoise to look over his rewards. Once he entered the premises he stopped and thought ’Wait how long am I even allowed to stay here, I only have a room here because of my business with Wade. Eh guess I will stay until I need to leave, or they kick me out.’

Marcus headed up to his room sat down on the bed and took out the rewards he got from completing his assignment. He mulled over whether he should look at the magic book or intelligence report first.

’I think I should go with the magic first making myself stronger is always a good option and the info on the slavers will not help me until I make it to Loursend anyways.’

Grabbing the book like an excited kid opening a present Marcus opened the book and started reading through it, but after reading the first ten pages Marcus’ enthusiasm began to waiver.

’This thing has been worthless so far; it has mostly described how to start to learn the basics of magic and ways to obtain the fire magic skill. I already have the skills necessary for magic, so I do not need to stare at a fire for hours to understand its essence. The only thing I am looking for are new spells not this crap.’

Once he had gotten to the last few pages Marcus had a slight amount of relief. At the end of the book there were the chants and formations for three spells Marcus did not have.

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’Flame blade, exploding fire shot, and floating lantern. Three new spells, though I have already seen exploding fire shot and it is not that impressive, and floating lantern is just a floating fire shot I can use as a light. At least flame blade is kind of cool and has some uses and with my current spirit stat it is around three feet long. Before I forget I should use my skill and stat points.’

After spending his stat points as usual, Marcus scrolled down his skill list searching for something specific. When he came across it, he was pleasantly surprised by what he found.

Scythemanship, Superior, A skill for those with the highest talent in using the scythe. Cost: 1 skill point

’Nice this skill looks perfect, and it is only one skill point for me. Now I have my main weapon and multiple magic spells to use as well as a slew of utility skills. I think it is time I spend my skill points to upgrade my current skills rather than buying new ones.’

Marcus then purchased the scythe skill and spent his remaining two points to raise it to level two.

’Only three skill points for a level two skill, what a steal, it has been a while since I looked at my status so let’s see how I am doing.’


Name: Marcus Ferrous

Age: 28

Race: Unbound Ghost (Human Irene Soul Tethered)

Level: 10

HP: 460/460-310/310

MP: 410/410

STR: 10(+22)

AGL: 34

VIT: 10(+21)

INT: 41

SPR: 43(+3)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 0

Unique Skills: Personal Status

Skills: Small Item Box, Lesser Regeneration Lvl 1, Digging Lvl 1, Fighting Lvl 2, Magic Circulation Lvl 2, Iron Magic Lvl 2, Disassembly Lvl 2, Stealth Lvl 2, Lightning Magic Lvl 1, Creature Appraisal Lvl 1, Fire Magic Lvl 1, Danger Sense Lvl 2, Darkvision Lvl 1, Scythemanship, Superior Lvl 2

Blessing of Iron

Race Abilities: Invisible, Ethereal, Chill Zone, Float, Possession, Undying

Possessed Race abilities:

Specter Powers: Ghost Sounds

’Nice I am looking pretty strong; I doubt there is anyone at my level I cannot beat. Now though it is time to look at the information I got on those slavers, and then I will head to register with the adventures guild.. Hopefully, there will be a caravan heading towards Loursend that leaves soon, everyday makes it less likely I find Lilia.’

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