Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 311 - 311 Discussion With A Great Spirit (2)

With Aria now gone Recha walked over towards Marcus and Mrazivy who were hard at work fixing her shrine.

Truth be told, she could easily have it repaired in an instance, but she figured that this would be a good way to keep them busy while she recruited Aria.

"Okay you two, I would like to speak with you, and the effort you have put in is already enough for me to understand your sincerity."

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Then with a wave of her hand, the shrine began to repair itself, and any materials needed flew out of the magic bags that Recha had previously given to Marcus and Mrazivy.

The two of them already having bottomed out their astonishment well, could only shrug their shoulders at this sight, realizing that Recha had abilities beyond their understanding.

With the shrine they had damaged now completely repaired, Marcus and Mrazivy walked inside to talk to Recha who had already sat down in one of the chairs and was strumming the lyre that had previously been on the alter.

Moving towards her they both sat down facing her though a bit of tension still existed seeing as how the being in front of them was one of the most powerful in the world.

"Now I have some questions for the two of you, but mainly you Marcus. Would you mind answering them for me if possible, and in return I do not mind answering some that you might have as well." Recha said with an expression on her face saying, "not a bad deal, right?"

Nodding his head Marcus said, "Yes that should be fine. Feel free to ask anything I have nothing to hide."

Then with a smile Recha said, "Good, then first would you explain to me how you became a great spirit. Judging by you level, and a few other factors it was not the normal method."

"Okay but I am not sure on the exact details of how it happened myself, but I can at least tell you about the events that led up to my transformation."

He then told her about getting Roxene’s egg in the chest from beating the boss of the third layer in the Ocean Bluff Temple, and that when he contracted with her through a mutual seal, a powerful beam came down and changed his existence into what it is now.

After that he told her about the administrator and how they contacted him afterwards, giving him some more details on the transformation.

Of course, Marcus was a bit hesitant to say anything about the administrator at first, but he figured that if the mysterious being that ran this world wanted him to keep quiet, they would have told him.

And not surprisingly Recha already knew about the administrator and said, "I see so you must be one of their pet projects. To think that you would be given such power simply for taking care of an egg. Though now it makes since why you are so half baked and know nothing about being a great spirit."

Leaning back in her chair Recha seemed satisfied with the explanation Marcus had given her, but for a number of moments it seemed like she was just staring off into space in front of her, like in a daze.

Nevertheless, it took Marcus only around half a minute to realize what was going on. Recha was using some type of status panel.

"Um Recha what are you doing do you not have anymore questions for me?" Marcus asked intuitively.

"Oh, sorry I was just contacting the administrator to make sure they did not have anything they did not want me to tell you." Recha said nonchalantly before going back to looking at whatever panel was in front of her.

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Hearing this a number of thoughts began racing through his head. What really are the great spirits? Why was Recha able to get into direct contact with the administrator? Was this something special about her or just great spirits in general?

Then after a few more moments had passed while Marcus’ mind was racing, Recha’s face scrunched up and she looked at him with a slightly pitting expression.

"Well, they told me that I was free to tell you pretty much anything you like but there are a few things I am barred from saying. So, if you asked something I cannot say I simply shall not respond."

With permission from Recha, Marcus decided to ask the first question he had on his mind and said, "Does the administrator have some sort of plan for me?"

Frankly Marcus had very little understanding of the administrator and what drives them, and while they have been helpful in the past, did not mean he was not being led to some sort of bad end.

However, a bit to his surprise Recha just shook her head and said, "Nope they have no real plan for you. They simply are keeping a special eye on you because you are a transmigration, nothing more. Whatever you do is up to you."

Needless to say, while Marcus believed that Recha was telling the truth, that did not mean the administrator did not have some evil scheme lined up for him.

Unfortunately, there was little he could do about it, so worrying would get him nowhere.

"Okay, then what about you and the other great spirits, what is it that you do and why can you get in contact with the administrator."

"Oh, we are just here as moderators. We make sure that this world runs smoothly and does not fall apart. We normally stay out of most other beings’ business, except granting boons to certain individuals that catch our interests. But there are times when we have to step in and keep someone mad with power from causing destruction on a global scale."

With wide eyes a puzzle Marcus had thought off finally made complete sense. He had wondered why this world seemed as peaceful as it was, when individuals could blow up buildings in an instance.

’Heck if I was left unchecked, I could tear down a city in an hour or so without much trouble.’

So, what about those that were in the higher levels at like ninety or so. Would they not be able to crush entire nations on their own?

But if whenever someone like that tried to cause mass destruction a great spirit showed up and put them down, it was no wonder that incredibly high-level people were not going around blowing up everything in their way.

Still, this raised another question for Marcus.

"So, if all great spirits are the moderators of this world, what about me? I have been given no such task and I do not have any way to contact the administrator."

Shrugging her shoulder Recha said, "It is because you are special. Normally it is the administrator that bestows upon a high-level spirit the title of great spirit, thus elevating us. However, in your case you received it from the blessing of some other entities, and do not have the title of great spirit even though you are one. Also being a ghost is unprecedented as one has never become a great spirit before. Normally to become a great spirit you would already need to be the master of your element, but you have gained your powers while still only being half-backed. Frankly I can only speculate on what exactly you are, but as far as I know you are a completely unique existence."

With some of his most pressing questions about what a great spirit actually is, answered, there was one more that nagging at the back of his mind.

"Could you tell me what the administrator’s ultimate goal is?"

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