Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 321 - 321 For Her Highness’ Sake

After walking into the infirmary, Mrazivy began looking around for Marcus and when she found him rushed over and said, "Are you okay, you were not moving after you lost, do you need an elixir?"

Coming up to Marcus who was laying on a bed in the infirmary, Mrazivy let off a series of rapid-fire questions, wanting to make sure he was okay.

Seeing how worried she was for him, a smile creeped up on Marcus’ face and he said, "Yeah I will be fine. I went all out in that fight, so I am just worn out. Give me a week and I will be back up to full strength."

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Letting out a sigh of relief, Mrazivy looked at Marcus with a happy expression, before turning serious.

"What are we going to do now. Without you winning the tournament, the main selling point of you being the new champion is not going to work."

Naturally Mrazivy was worried since, their plan to have her forced engagement broken off, revolved around the political clout that Marcus would bring to the table as the tournament’s victor.

However, Marcus was not ready to give up and said, "I think we can still convince your father, that having me in the kingdom’s pocket, is worth more than shipping you off to be miserable just to appease that asshole viceroy."

Of course, if it came down to it Marcus did not mind killing Mrazivy’s current arrange fiancé and his father, though this was a drastic measure he wished not to take unless all else fails.

"Also, your great grandmother still seems to like me and even told me to take care of you in her stead, do you think that maybe she could help convince your father."

Shrugging her shoulders Mrazivy said, "Maybe, but she does not really get involved with politics anymore. I heard stories of her being quite shrewd at the political game when she was still queen, but now she tries to stay out of it. Though she does still advise my father on important matters, so maybe she will help us a bit, but ultimately it will still come down to my father’s decision."

Clicking his tongue Marcus was hoping that Aria might possibly strong arm the king for them, since in theory she could have almost as much political power, but it sounded like a good word was all they might get.

"I suppose all we can do is our best to try and convince your father. Let us just hope it does not come down to something drastic."

After saying that Marcus, shuffled his way off of the bed he was on, much to the medical staff’s disapproval, but with Mrazivy with him there was little they could do as she lent him a shoulder and the two began walking out.

And as they began making their way towards the room’s exit that was when Marcus caught sight of Sir Heward, Mrazivy’s guardian knight.

He was giving Marcus a menacing glare, not trying to hide his displeasure at all.

From his point of view Marcus had exposed his charge to unnecessary danger, and staged an escape with her, preventing him from doing his duty.

In fact, if it were up to him, he would have Marcus executed, but when he brough this up to the king after Mrazivy was discovered missing, he had brushed it off like it was no big deal.

This further infuriated Sir Heward, since it seemed the king did not care about his daughter at all, but how could he have known that Aria who was following them at the time had already contacted him.

’Well looks like he hates me even more now than before. And after I just got his approval.’

Marcus actually had no idea how much Sir Heward now despised him, and as he and Mrazivy walked by, Sir Heward had half a mind to take out his sword and strike down Marcus right here and now.

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He had seen the way Mrazivy looked at him, and how frantic she had become when he collapsed after his last match.

They were not the actions of just a good friend, and he could tell there was something more.

’I will most likely be executed myself for this, but if her highness continues to associate with her, she will be led to ruin.’

Sir Heward knew that this would probably be his only opportunity to dispatch Marcus.

He had seen just how powerful he is during his match with Quillon, and while he hated to admit it, he could not hold a candle to Marcus’ strength.

But right now, he was exhausted, and could not even walk without assistance.

’I can do this; I have to do it for her highness’ sake.’

As Sir Heward summoned up the resolve to kill Marcus, he put his hand on his sword, ready to deliver a fatal blow as he walked by.

Yet, as he was about to make a move a hand gripped his own, preventing him from drawing his sword, and Diana, was looking at him while shaking her head.

She had noticed the way Sir Heward was glaring and when his hand had gone to his sword, she realized what he was planning on doing.

"You will not be doing the princess any favors if you kill her best friend. You are not a noble Lady, so I am sure you do not understand, but sometimes, we want to escape the cages around us even if only for a little while. Anyway, if you truly do this, who will be there to protect the princess. You will at least be turned into a slave and lose your position, and at worst executed. It will also reflect poorly on the princess if her guardian knight murders a noble in cold blood, while in his master’s arms. However, if you are dead set on it, far be it from me to stop you." Diana said, quietly, whispering into Sir Heward’s ear.

Diana, then fell back into line following behind Mrazivy and Marcus who were moving slowly as Marcus could still barely walk.

’What do I do, this is likely the only chance I will get.’

Looking at Marcus’ back, as he slowly walked away, Sir Heward imagined running him through with his blade, and killing the person that had gotten his master into to trouble.

However, after that he saw the image of Mrazivy, the one he was supposed to protect breaking down and crying over the corpse of her friend as blood soaked her hands.

Of course, what Sir Heward did not know was that running Marcus through with a sword would not kill him, but the scene that just played out in his mind convinced him.

’If I kill Irene Geist, her highness will be overcome with grief, and her life will certainly be ruined by my actions.’

Coming to this conclusion, Sir Heward quickly caught up to Mrazivy taking up his position behind her as her guardian knight.

He knew that he may not be able to prevent her from making decisions that put her own life at risk, but he could still do everything in his power to keep her safe.

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